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There are many people that have done it with great success. Checkout this guy's channel he has a lot of good videos on the subject. Also Dr Nakao, He was the first to stand up and voice his clinical studies of the mechanics of urine therapy.
How to not get sick - ever Go plant based and Eat what nature designed for you in the first place. Besides myself everyone i know who went plant-based or mostly plant-based stopped becoming sick and haven't been for years. - Says enough for me.
Well if you want to feed your ego its most effective boosting drug go for it
pluto replied to haai14's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
^^ -
I have always been curious about why some people all over the forums or other places mention very long periods of meditation practice as in every day for 20-60mins for years and years to get to where they need to be. I never understood this and i think it has more to do with confidence and belief systems/structures and consciousnesses conditioning. I see many people say how if they stop meditation "all the magic" goes away but i don't believe this to be true at all, i believe its more to do with how you understand universal laws and functions and your true nature. I believe once you "realize" something it simply becomes part of you, it stays with you. Don't get me wrong.. stopping all self work, mindfullnes, meditation, spirituality, love, kindness, compassion and general healthy diet/lifestyle habits will eventually get you stuck in loops again as you attract what you emit but i believe these have a lot more to do with a persons belief systems and his how he/she conditions his subconscious and understands reality to be. I think people forget that they can reprogram the subconscious mind and even access superconsciousness and achieve anything they possibly desire or believe enough until it becomes known. I have seen this manifest throughout my whole life since i was a child and i stand by it 100%. I think everyone gets too caught up in "one thing to rule them all" and completely forgets the true divinity and simplicity within them. For Instance, i read many things about how people started noticing "this" or achieving "that" after many months or even years of strict daily meditation which is understandable but i for instance can simply meditate for a week or two daily and quite easily access much higher levels of consciousness and i feel people can also bypass these systems to actually know your creator consciousness within as we are one and the same but i feel they do not have enough desire or spark within to actually really connect with source consciousness and reach these states much quicker. Another theory i had was that... I understand most of it came from monks/yogis through thousands of years of practice mentioning to mediate for very long periods of time to achieve many different states that is understood but no disrespect to them they may be right for the most part but i believe the newer generations have far more developed physical-energetic alignments and more activated DNA than older generations they can tap into these higher states much quicker and maybe that is why newer kids are born with phenomenal abilities naturally more than ever before in the previous years of history but even this i believe can be challenged with the power of belief system and power of the mind-heart connection and consciousness conditioning. When you can tune and synchronize heart-mind to earth-mind to galactic-mind ect... you access these so called "enlightened states" and from there on absolutely everything changes on all levels. Don't get me wrong I'm no enlightened master, but i have accessed those states and its not really about how much meditation as much as it is balance and belief/knowing/understanding and the desire. I went very far once, almost gone but i decided to stay and share wisdom for the greater purpose of humanity than absolute self liberation as i felt there was more to be done and experience here in this plane. Now personally i believe the final stage of Enlightenment is Ascension as in complete physical-energetic transcendence into higher levels of existence/being. Where i was i knew how this works and how it was possible but nowadays it is unclear as my vibration eventually had to solidify more in physicality to be able to interact and be a part of society and the world once again. Similarly how when you enter higher levels of consciousness via DMT or high doses of some other psychedelics and when you sober up you simply cannot comprehend the information anymore, because of physical vibratory limitations but when you were there it was crystal clear as you accessed a more quantum-mind so to speak beyond physical brain capacities/limitations. You can still know it but you can no longer understand it. Personally i believe People need to believe in themselves more, they need to really know that they are capable of absolutely anything when they set their minds and hearts to it, the channel is clear and there for you, don't allow outside influences to condition your reality, know your divinity, know you and the creator are one and the same so why limit yourself? Why doubt yourself? Why believe you need to spend countless hours in meditation to achieve these higher levels of consciousness or when you stop or take breaks it all goes away? Why allow that to be when you can choose to shape and adjust reality as you wish, when you can choose to believe one hour will replace thousands, when you can meditate while living, while walking, dancing, singing, or just being is a form of meditation. Ultimately Mindfulness I realize or i believe shall i say, that when one is seeking their true nature or to be their optimal or best versions of themselves, they simply do not put enough into it, not in terms of length but effort, belief, your whole life focus must be of desire to be one with source, to already know you are one with source, to know you are source and even if you don't, believe it until you do. Everything you do must be inspired and driven by that inner-desire, your inner-fire, your inner-Light that is ultimately divine truth and dissolves all illusion/conditioning in existence. You have to put everything you do in it and live as you are not as you think. The Absolute Desire to find all dissolves all and ultimately becomes the let go of all as there is nothing at all to begin with Love & Light Bless!
pluto replied to pluto's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Thanks for the responses, highly appreciate it I may not have the best ways and words to explain what and how i really feel and understand things within but i guess i just wanted to let people know they don't have to be so hardcore(in a sense) on one thing as i see many confusing themselves, instead be simple/gentle and balanced about everything and everything will to flow into place. Trust and Know your Divinity! -
Well since you hit rock bottom the only place left to go is rise above. Light shall meet you soon. Change the way you think, feel, act, believe and trick yourself into believing you are much higher than you are now and are actually liiving in the opposite side of the spectrum to all those things you mentioned, eventually with enough belief and desire you will trick yourself and find yourself in a completely different world. Where you are is an illusion, so change it and eventually reality changes with you.
Suicide is pointless, sadly most people never get the experience to realize why until its too late
pluto replied to AleksM's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Gratitude -
This is what i see when i am walking around in the city. I would sometimes purposely slow down and dance or sway, skip, smile to the music on my headphones trying to be the light in the situation of rushing madness. I would make them notice me and infect them with wonder, when the train, bus or lights are green, i would randomly turn around and go the opposite direction just for the fun of it while they all rush to their daily routines. The looks i would get
pluto replied to sarapr's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You can create anything with your mind, just look at how many pictures you can manifest in the clouds. Keep up the Creativity! -
pluto replied to AleksM's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I remember the guy that actually spoke these words, he was on youtube many years ago and was talking about these spiritual things long before most did back then. Years later i see his voice in psy-music. Awesome! -
The best possible way to connect and communicate with your body is doing a good fresh juice or water fast. This will reset everything so when you do eventually introduce solid foods again(one at a time) you will know how the food you consume effects you and you will find out what works and what doesn't cause you have basically rebooted the body. Most people aren't aware of how shit they feel because they grew up eating fast and processed foods but stop for few months then try and see what happens.
If fruits doesn't do it try dried fruit or Introduce Raw Honey into your life, you'll forget candy and refined sugars.
I alternate between many but i usually try get these main ones in at least 3-4 times a week. Supergreens complex: Spirulina/Chlorella/Wheatgrass/Barleygrass about a Teaspoon Medicinal Mushrooms: Chaga, Reishi, Cordyceps or Lions Mane Mushroom (Tea or extracts) Adaptogenic herbs: He Shou Wu, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Ginseng, Shizandra ect... Mostly made into Teas or Extract drops in daily waters. Iodine (Lugols or Nascent) - Anti Radiation and removes heavy metals from the body and many other benefits Vitamin D3/K2 Complex - With foods Vitamin C + MSM - Very good for Detoxing - Keep 2 hours away from Iodine and others Shilajit - Sprinkle with waters or food (Destroyer of Weakness) Fermented Cod Liver OIl - When i don't have hemp, chia or flaxseeds on the day. Superberries: Maqui, Acai, Goji ect.. - With smoothies or sprinkled on deserts Bee or Pine pollen CBD-Rich Hemp oil - Paired with Turmeric/Pepper or Shilajit = Neurogenesis+Anti-Cancer Pycnogenol Royal Jelly Cacao I also have a B12 spray i use occasionally in the fridge but I think the supergreen complex does the job. Also when i have organic produce i don't mind a little dirt loaded with B-12 and good for the immune system. Ever heard of babies that played in the mud and exposed themselves to nature daily? Healthiest Adults Today I rarely take them all in a day but i try to keep everything in moderation. Introducing these substances in my life has significantly changed and helped my life for the better. The key is to not feel high but to feel ALIVE! Although i must mention with these not to get carried away as some can be too stimulative and overdo the system so simplicity is key and try one thing at a time and take notes. At one point i was taking Cacao and too many superfoods/herbs every day for years and i realize without them i sometimes would crash and burn. Supplements/Superfoods/Herbs are great but they are more medicinal and much more powerful than regular foods so less is better in the long run. Getting most nutrients from whole foods is Key.
pluto replied to How to be wise's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hmm.. from understanding by Universal Laws you simply would not experience something you are not ready for. It simply would not present itself unless you are already aligned with the vibrational frequency required to do so? I guess it was a lesson within a lesson for a greater purpose. I know belief systems play a big role but who knows -
I came across this video today, it is very well spoken and explained on meditation.
Just from what i have observed overtime. There were times when i haven't in a while and was more in a balanced-mind state, i did more meditation and spiritual work and i was living more in the moment i could last as long as i wished compared to other times when i allowed more thought into my field and my life was more mainstream-oriented so naturally sex is seen everywhere and i realized it was more the thought that lead to quick rise to ejaculation/orgasm compared to when i was more in-tune with myself. Yes it can feel much better when you don't have sex for a while but i believe it has much more to do with the mind than the body. I also believe if you distance from all sexual things long enough we can reach this balance again because eventually you see it as a sacred art form and more as love instead of sex.
pluto replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That's how you choose to see it -
pluto replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Of course you don't, but i know you will eventually, That's why i forgive you now because i know better. Remember, There's 2 eyes that look but 1 that sees. Feed the one that sees. Take care of yourself, Peace -
I'm on a similar page, i never really followed any yoga teacher or anything.. i just do natural movements and stretches that feel right, i learned these when i was high and going through a challenging experience and suddenly i naturally started to do yoga/tai-chi like movements and felt amazing and energetically refreshed afterwards
pluto replied to egoless's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Thought this was a good video to share on this subject http://www.thelivingcentre.com/cms/body/peace-through-a-sattvic-diet -
pluto replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@blazedIt has worked for me as did many different food/water experiments i have done in the past as well other friends who have done so. You need to seek within and raise your vibratory frequency so you can tap into higher consciousness to understand and be sensitive and have adequate clarity to see results for yourself. I believe you are still in a state of "thinking" needing to ask for proof/evidence on this subject because when you completely connect to inner-knowledge you are in a state of "knowing" thus you either know these things or you don't as these questions and subjects become common knowledge in higher consciousness understanding. When you are no longer in alignment with your higher consciousness/higher self whatever you wanna call it is when you resort back to thinking and state of beliefs and unsure about things. You may not see it now but i am genuinely trying to help you and yes i should take my own advice, you are right about that but at the same time i rather myself than others because i don't mind some self destruction in order to preserve more light in others. I have been through it countless times, i can handle it and at the end of the day i understand the "slingshot effect" and prefer the most intense, its just who i am i guess.. a warrior of light, rebellious Indigo nature. If i had the choice to sacrifice myself for the instant global awakening of humanity I'll do it in a heartbeat. Trust me, I admit when i am wrong, All i know is how to be genuine and authentic. Absolute Truth/Honesty is my very nature. I cannot go back no matter how hard i try. Now whether you believe it or not is entirely upto you and your own lesson, we can simply agree to disagree for now And i forgive you. All the best -
pluto replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Raise your vibration and do the experiments on yourself to see the results. (if you are so curious..) If we waited for science to confirm or figure out everything for us we wouldn't be nowhere. Be your own scientist, be your own master, know your own truths from within. All answers beyond what man knows and understands are within. Relying on what sciences says is proven fact or not is only falling deeper in illusion. Next day i can come up with a better idea to create better technology that leaves that so called once scientifically proven fact a dust in the wind. Be your own guide. Seek and you shall find.