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Everything posted by pluto

  1. Complete presence = Zero suffering Giving the realization that there is no enlightenment or path but a simple shift in awareness.
  2. Been going through the same thing for 5 years with not just my ex-partner but my friends/family as well. They will feed of you "unconsciously" because you are a representation of truth/light they haven't found within themselves yet but if they do not wish to do the work themselves your attachment to them will only distort your own spiritual progress and freedom. I only recently started to cut everyone out again this year, life is so much better and quickly getting back to my pure self again and i realize they do not effect me anymore the longer i stay and be with myself They must learn for themselves in order to grow for themselves.
  3. No one comes before your own peace as when you are at peace you cannot be effected by anyone or anything else.
  4. The purer you are the faster you learn because your energetic frequency is vibrating as a much higher rate so time slows down and you download far more effectively and efficiently. The Enlightened Master simply figured out how to Access the Newborn state once again.
  5. My animal eating friends fart 100x a day and always complain about eating too much, feeling heavy and bloated, getting sick often, pains, digestive issues you name it they experience it. I wonder why
  6. Attachment to the past as Anxiety is Attachment to the future. Only in the Present you are Truly Free
  7. All depends on the person and their spiritual development, this time period thing is just creating more illusion within itself. You meditate until you feel really good and at peace then you either get up and carry that energy throughout the day or meditate longer for other purposes/needs. This can take 5 minutes 15, 45, 60 or more. You will know how much you need.
  8. This plant grew like DNA Helix <3
  9. By using the Minds Eye
  10. In a Nutshell: Belief Systems.
  11. For starters, building muscle will not get your body as healthy as possible, on the contrary spending excess time building muscle will only lead to a premature death. Building inner-strength/core is far more important for optimal physical health/power/longevity ect.. As long as your in complete balanced focus via MInd/Body/Spirit everything will be okay, if you focus too much on one, others will become imbalanced.
  12. You could always start at 1.75g or 2g then jump to 3 - 3.5g then Hero Dose 4-5g or more. You could also do the same dose with music, playing and getting to know the experience then do the second time few weeks apart same dose in complete darkness/meditation/silence ect.. I'm sure both can be be equally enjoyable and insightful as long as you surrender to the experience.
  13. Covers a lot of important questions we talk about here on Actualized Hope this helps
  14. I was meditating this morning and i noticed i started to get the "spiritual pulse" sensation in my spine after every breath or so similarly to when i am channeling my body tends to rock back and forth or side to side but this was slightly more of a jump or jolt sensation. I'm guessing this has something to do with the Kundalini Energy re-aligning itself?
  15. I disagree, one of my most powerful vibratory shifts that lead to my Enlightened state came from Genuine Unconditional Love/Kindness for myself, others and everything around me as i came to a realization that we are literally all one and it all started with falling in Love with someone which propelled my Awakening(that was already happening) to far greater levels. Everyone has a different approach Leo, every method can work it all varies from person to person and how much they really want and believe in themselves to be worthy of who and what they actually are and if they are ready to embrace it. Some people can become Enlightened from never doing meditation or self-work at all if they hold a high enough vibratory frequency from expressing authenticity, love, joy, kindness, compassion, ect... This IMO will propel you faster than Meditation or similar work alone. Meditation is more of a self-discipline/control technique to smooth your journey while its all happening as it can be extremely powerful and meditation helps balance things out cause when it happens it happens regardless of what you do or think as ultimately there is no better method but you are wrong to say one thing will not enlighten you. At the end of the day there is ultimately Divine Order in play. I'm sure you have experienced this no?
  16. Darryl Anka (born October 12, 1951 in Ottawa, Ontario) is a spiritual medium who claims to channel an enlightened extraterrestrial entity named Bashar. Anka describes Bashar as being from an alternate dimensional planet located 500 light-years away in the direction of the Orion constellation, called Essassani. Anka presents "Bashar" in open and private sessions around the world, where Anka appears to be in an altered state of consciousness and open dialogue occurs with an attending audience. In 1987 Bashar did contact Ayako Sekino. As a result, she did channel Bashar in Japan for 5 years. After 5 years she decided to no longer express herself through channeling. She now remains close with Bashar. She is also Essassani, as I understand it. Although she presents in Japanese, she has some English captioned videos and there is intention to release English versions of more of her classes. She has fully incorporated Bashar’s teachings in her own life, and now teaches others how to do the same. The method she developed to teach this is called Infini. Infini is a method you can use to raise your vibration, thus creating the reality of your highest excitement. (One of Bashar's most repeated teachings) Here is a wonderful 6-part series of (Vision for a new Earth) I hope i have posted them in the correct order, i myself have watched this full lecture multiple times throughout the last decade and it resonates with my inner-most being and i believe is extremely important to understand who and what we are and why we came here and what life is really about and what we can do to make the most of it and live as naturally and as freely as we possibly could.
  17. When the Enlightened Master responds with the Question in itself.
  18. You have answered your own question. You can only show her the door, she must enter it herself. All you gotta do is Be the example and express your Unconditional love as long as it equally involves yourself as well.
  19. Ultimately, Genuine Communication is Key but you must also take note you feeling that way shows some undisciplined traits of self which is not a bad thing as progress can be made because If you were truly comfortable in your own skin you wouldn't feel any of those traits to begin with. Expectations, Attachments and Ego-driven attitudes need to leave in order for Relationships to thrive. Now remove the word fix because nothings actually broken to begin with and replace with the word heal All the best
  20. Excellent post, harmonizes well with my experience although some of the comments of others seem to hold a vibration of spiritual envy. The challenge is they do not believe/know themselves enough to reach the state you have as quickly and as effectively as they'd like to so setting expectations creates further illusions ect.. If you are spiritually in-tune you would be grateful, proud and in a state of joy when reading another being's activation/reconnection to source-self. I also believe there is divine order behind all, i don't believe in time-periods or periods required to reach a certain states. When people started waking up to the teachings i was giving them years ago and coming back to me with their own realizations and creations of my initial spark it would bring tears of joy and gratitude to my heart that the light i shared was actually manifesting in others and ultimately coming back to me which by nature taught me i was doing the right thing. When you become Enlightened or enter the Enlightened state, you see everyone (including yourself) as your children, as your creation yet your equals in oneness. It all comes down to will power, desire and the knowing of who and what you truly are. Acceleration can be manipulated once you understand Energy/Frequency/Vibration to its core function and send out the vibration you truly desire to where you truly want or need to be. Always "know" you are greater than you think or believe and you can only attract more greatness
  21. Teal Swan is definitely Awake and has had multiple experiences with the Enlightenment state from my understanding due to the wisdom she provides in her videos although actually maintaining the Enlightened state i would say someone like Ayako Sekino is a great example of an Enlightened Female. The second half of this video is basically source intelligence/understanding speaking through a physical vessel.
  22. Most welcome, She's definitely one of the most Enlightened younger people and all she had to do was follow and fully embrace Bashar's teachings. They have helped me significantly as well as others i knew that were into his teachings.