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Everything posted by pluto

  1. Change thyself, everything else takes care of itself. Don't get me wrong, never underestimate the power of planting a seed but don't blind yourself in the process. You can show them the door but if they are not willing to enter it themselves you are wasting your energy that could be used and amplified elsewhere.
  2. Its the message that is important not the method of delivery.
  3. Its all about the trust bro ^^ if you want the ultimate experience you need to be completely trusting and surrendering to the universe. Yeah it may sound illogical and stupid to some but having a deep spiritual understanding of how things work you eventually come to a realization that you either dive full on head first or not at all. Ego will get you stuck in Limbo, trust me you don't want this.
  4. You don't have to worry much about protein, the more years go by the more i understand we get more than enough from plants alone even without nuts & seeds on a daily as for omegas maybe can sprinkle around hempseeds, chia seeds or walnuts ect.. with some meals or salads but then again your body has all the intelligence it needs to indicate what you need we just have to learn to silence the mind out and listen carefully to its calling. A mainly fruit based diet is an excellent way to really align a body/mind/spirit harmony so you will be able to understand and communicate much better with your cells and what your body needs. Follow the body, take it one step at a time and everything else will come naturally I am being directed to this myself as we speak, i am so excited to journey in once again!
  5. Drink distilled/purified water or locally sourced fresh mountain springs which should have naturally occurring levels of fluoride at roughly 0.05ppm and is not the same as the shit they put in our tap water. If you want whole house system for your shower too then you will need to install a Reverse osmosis house water filtration system will remove fluoride and other nasty stuff. The cooler the shower the less you absorb via skin is also common sense. Avoid processed food and drinks too as much as possible.
  6. This should help
  7. Isn't it funny that we choose to forget only to remember again
  8. There is no trap, there are no rules. You are here to play and by playing you expand and become more whole closer to who and what you really are more than anything else. This will all make sense upon death, or shall we say Awakening
  9. The trip will not raise your consciousness but give you the realization that a higher consciousness is already present and always has been. It will simply open the door for you but you must walk through it yourself All comes from within
  10. Ego secretly misses Enlightenment but is scared shitless at the same time. Source knows Enlightenment is ever-present
  11. You must experience darkness to experience light.
  12. Awe <3 I am starting to notice the calling as well, i am being drawn back to fruits again and the less i consume and subscribe too not just food-wise but everything in general the more i seem to see clearly and feel more whole again. Thank you for sharing
  13. Age does not define maturity as grades don't measure intelligence. If the Love is authentic, all the answers will be clear and effortless
  14. I love this, following your higher calling, brings tear to my heart I was doing all that at one point especially the automatic writing would flow upon awakening every morning but i ended up flowing into the darker path again because i was drawn to experience both sides of the coin but i do believe it is for a greater purpose as my truest desire was to help others grow and expand into the light as i had newly experienced. You could say i chose to forget in order to remember again because i knew at the time the realization is always there but requires the right shift in awareness to see it clearly again and i believe i will be prepared as this time around as i will have myself as a guide so when divine alignment occurs, i won't be overwhelmed by its power like i was the first time and become completely carried away. I was blinded by my own Light forgetting i was the Light to begin with. Namaste, Bless!
  15. It may be wise to supplement with herbal supplements or adaptogens that work in a similar manner than the chemicals you were taking because the withdrawals are going to be harsh because such a long history of use. (Pycnogenol) Pine Bark Extract is said to be a good replacement for ADHD meds, Rhodiola is another although herbs are not everything but they do help reduce the crash and withdrawals. I would also supplement with Omega 3, Magnesium and Vitamin D if you are not getting enough sunshine and maybe small amounts of melatoin to help optimal sleep/repair. Meditation and Exercise daily will speed up healing and recovery as well. Few lifestyle changes, healthy whole food diet and following these guidelines should speed up recovery significantly.
  16. Keep breathing and zoning out your focus, the white/clear light is the first energy you will see then colors start to come out more. You can tell by the detail. Even if you have a white/silvery aura it will be much more HD than the initial layer and you will feel like said above Try the technique
  17. I know a technique that helps us see it easily. What you do is get yourself in a dim room and be next to a wall or something plain color background preferably white/grey. Now you sit or stand facing the wall and put 2 index fingers pointing at each other about 1cm away against the wall and start to breath deeply and focus in the middle of the fingers looking at the wall, after a while when things start to blur out and you start noticing slight hallucination or rays of light you slowly move your fingers closer and away from each other still focusing on the middle point on the wall and you use peripheral vision to notice aura around the fingers, at first you will see white/silvery glow but keep breathing and zone out more and then you will start to notice colors come out. Another way is to look at yourself in the mirror at one point preferably the center of your brows then breathe and zone everything out, eventually you will see the aura outline of your head and body and the more you zone out the might the colors will show up. You can also make yourself completely disappear and can tap into some deep layers of self using this method. Hope it helps
  18. Yeah i believe that's what they mean, either the muscles you use to stop/start urination similar to clench the cheeks ect.. >.< With practice you can single them apart i am sure.
  19. Hey, whats up. I believe it has a lot to do with energy when you are already spiritual and understanding of energy works. I am aware of the physical aspects but i am trying to get myself back to my source-understanding where things are understood on an energetic level which is where all healing takes place. Everything physical is nothing but a vibratory frequency, with the correct tuning you can shift things in and out of alignment and i was having a conversation with @LaucherJunge not either of you to jump in and try lecture me about physical understanding of things if i needed that i would of asked for it. I agree with both when it comes to a physical result but i am thinking passed that because i know when you can tune-energy well, physical problems cease to exist so i was trying to see if others had any understanding on how this can be worked on an energetic level since i have lost track these days because i focus too much on helping numbnuts like yous and forget about source intelligence.
  20. I understand where you are coming from, i used to think that way many years ago but i connected to something greater which gave me a whole new understanding and perspective of how the universe works. Trust me i have done all the physical experiments, there's much more too it. I understand how things work on an energetic level which automatically allows me to see the physical at a greater degree that our modern science have yet to realize, accept or understand for themselves. The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than all the previous centuries of its existence. - Nikola tesla - This has been happening literally in-front of our very eyes if we look how much we have progressed in the last 5-10 years. I guess my focus is there so i am seeing it but you do not Everything is Energy, Frequency and Vibration, Ultimately.
  21. Nice one Bro, keep it up 10 things i have learned/remembered in 2017. 1. Do not give advice unless asked for. 2. If you want to see change or progress in others and the world around you, Focus on Self. 3. Thoughts > Emotions > State of Being. 4. Have the mindset and belief system that you have already achieved or already are successful. 5. Let go of all attachments and expectations, nothing can affect you in the NOW. 6. If you are stuck in-between "Being Kind" and "Being Right", choose to be Kind and you will always be right 7. Whatever you focus on grows - Everyone knows this one but reminding ourselves of this is very important. 8. See the good in every situation and everyone - No one is absolute all the time, we are constantly growing and learning, even when someone appears they have lost their way, we cannot and should not judge them as everyone has their own paths, ups/downs to becoming source-self-aware. 9. You are already Enlightened, Shift your awareness so you see it. 10. Enjoy yourselves and play as if this is your last day on earth - Living your highest excitement and doing things which you are passionate about automatically put you in a state of Love/Joy ect.. This by default will put you on your highest consciousness state possible to get to where to want or need to be next.
  22. Carlin was one of my first mind-openers
  23. Yeah i agree, the reputation notifications seem to feed the ego far too much.