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Everything posted by pluto

  1. You cant really fear what you will not consciously experience. Death is the biggest illusion of them all
  2. Go to the beach or somewhere deep in the forest and bury yourself in natures essence Swim in earth waters/streams, completely immerse yourself in nature and be one with the natural flow.
  3. We most also remember the difference between densities and dimensions. Most people confused the two.
  4. Yeah i feel you, most welcome. Its quite easy to get distracted from truth in the world we live in so i believe reminders are very important every now and then so we don't forget again. One Love
  5. Make peace with yourself, love yourself genuinely.
  6. Parallel Realities shifting, don't get yourself caught up in it. It is no different than getting yourself caught up in flat-earth theories. I have many close friends that have take that path that were one of the most actualized people i know and now i cannot communicate with them because they have bought into it those distractions so much. Focus on the good stuff and what makes you happy and feel at peace
  7. Not sure, everything came naturally to me after my spiritual awakening. I haven't really put much time and effort into it i just see and know things and how purified i keep my body/mind complex the more i see/know things more clearly naturally. The more you focus on it the stronger and more noticeable it becomes like everything else in life. @DoubleYou gave a good example.
  8. Seeing Auras helps us read people, their vibe, their energy ect.. Without having to talk to or know them thus many things like people not being able to lie to you, their health, their nature, mental state, relationship matching ect..
  9. Oh sorry it was a joke from the classic sci-fi show stargate. Its a parasite
  10. Simply Be happy, the more you practice being happy the more you will attract it naturally. Be kind, Be compassionate, be loving, grateful and caring towards all others and all living things, genuinely. You just gotta do, you just gotta be When i was younger out of curiosity I once forced myself as an experiment and i realized it stuck for a while, at first it was obviously not genuine but as i kept doing it i realized i had become genuinely happy. I had tricked my brain to believing that its true.
  11. If i "assumed" i wouldn't of commented in the first place
  12. Did the cell figure that out or did the whole? Now you know why we don't have "evidence". Somethings in life only come from direct experience.
  13. Whats wrong with organic maple syrup? Its known to be very healthy among health-conscious practitioners. I have done master-cleanse with it never felt anything negative? Made a lot of recipes its a great alternative. This is the type for example i use Its extremely tasty!
  14. In my initial encounter with the divine, this is how i saw everything, everything had a sepia-like glow no matter where i was or where i looked as if i have entered a child's imagination once again, everything was brighter and more alive.
  15. Welcome to the other side, its only the beginning I also know that truth/light will sprout and expand within everyone eventually regardless. Some many be able to escape but life will continuously push and push circumstances until one finally faces it whether its this life or 1000 lifetimes from now. Light only expands and all it takes is 1 spark to cast out all darkness/illusion indefinitely. Your gonna have to face it one day.
  16. @Thanatos13 You cannot stop what already flows How you choose to see and live it is entirely up to you but whether you like it or not we are part of a greater intelligence not even the most enlightened being on this planet understands fully but merely knows its presence. Is a cell aware that its a part of a whole? Does a cell understand the whole? We are here to experience subjectively, only to grow and expand collectively.
  17. Most of our negative thinking comes from our (subconscious mind). Around 95% of most thoughts are from the subconscious so most people are actually on auto-pilot mode without even being aware of it. The subconscious mind picks up everything! Literally whether you listen to whats going on around you, tv, people, noises, ect.. or not the subconscious picks up everything. Now sadly, we live in a highly focused negatively driven society, mainly due to media manipulation but there are quite a few other factors too. Now what meditation and spending time in nature and similar practices do is they re-program the subconscious mind. The more you spend time doing these things that teach your mind to focus and be more in the present moment, the less room there is for thoughts to occur. Eventually the more you do these mindfulness practices and surround yourself in a more natural environment or in the silence the more these patterns of no-thought will replace old patterns of too much thought. Eventually you will be free in a way that cannot be descried through words but only experience to be had. From that moment on we are no longer 95% on autopilot instead it becomes the complete other side of the spectrum. We are in full if not almost in full control of our lives and what we think on a day to day basis as meditation will help you become hyper-aware so you are aware before the thoughts even occur. This is the old saying of "Being the Watcher or Being the Observer". Hope this helps
  18. One must understand aura's and energy bodies are seen with the minds eye not the eyes we use to look at things. To see aura's better it is wise to stop using artificial lighting (especially after the sun goes down and cut out processed/junk foods/chemical use on the body that only damage the system more. Meditation and following nature's way will help significantly as well as detoxing the body/pineal gland so the vessel is clean and the channel and connection is much stronger thus clearer. It can take a while but practice makes perfect. We hardly ever exercise our minds because we use devices far too much which are like using a calculator for maths. Our brains do very little work and most of our natural abilities become dormant due to all these handicaps.
  19. You are here for a reason, for a greater purpose. You may not know what it is yet but that's the whole mystery of life. Suicide will most probably leave you in the same loop lifetimes over lifetimes until you learn your lesson and free yourself from the loop.
  20. Even Actualized can be too much, i am starting to notice myself. The only thing i have noticed you cannot get too much of or that we actually need much more of in today's world is nature and the natural flow of life(so to speak). The more time you spend in nature, the more yourself and the more whole and connected to source you become. Even Helping others is very addictive, you tend to forget about yourself. When you forget about yourself your advice will not be as pure anymore. I use the internet a lot lately because i am at home although when i start traveling again i feel it will have a greater effect on spreading Light and more harmony can be achieved and shared in more profound ways. I notice this with cannabis and psychedelics too, the more often i use them the less powerful the insights, where if i take a while off then they hit you like an awakening all over again. As all things in life, Balance is key. Plant seeds, Move on. <3