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Everything posted by pluto

  1. Less subscriptions and attachments, more simplicity. A simple life is a good life
  2. @Outer That's fine, i simply express what i know and understand. What you do with the information is entirely up to you All the best
  3. You mean being human vs not being human >.<
  4. Silverbeet and chard are quite similar as well and very healthy and yeah should be fine if its a phase it will pass. listen to your body
  5. Foods that are alive will give you the cleanest energy. If you want the energy to last longer add healthy fats.
  6. My question as a child was why did or would i just show up now? Where was i these millions or billions of years up until this point? Made no sense and i never accepted that i just randomly came to be now when i could remember something before it but it wasn't clear and the more i grew into this world the more distorted that memory and feeling of something before the something become.
  7. My apologizes you did state above "I'm not really on a budget I just don't like being ripped off" so i assumed you don't mind spending a little extra when it comes to health. @Outer From my understanding (certified organic) does matter because routinely used chemicals and pesticides during the growth period of plants not only damage DNA structure thus causing unbalances and mutations of plants but deplete in many nutrients. Why do you think produce today has far less nutrients than they did decades ago? Because the use of Chemicals and GMOs. In a nutrient comparison done a while back by some Russians came to a conclusion that roughly 1 apple 50-100 years ago is equivalent to eating 10 apples today this is why people need to supplement today. My grandfathers house in north Europe still contain some fruit trees from over 70+ years ago and i have never tasted fruit anywhere else like when i ate those.
  8. There is no ego, you merely choose to be ego when in reality awareness is everpresent and all you have to do is be present and you are once again who you are, Universally. Its that simple.
  9. Awareness is ever-present, there cannot be ego nor thoughts in absolute presence. Only Pure Awareness.
  10. Organic is always best Your body is your temple.
  11. I recently gained some information i had forgotten about. Drugs including Psychedelics/Hallucinogens especially when abused after "You get the message" affect the psyche of the individual and can reverse individuals process of spiritual evolution. It has to do with the Astral Body. Let me explain The Astral body (spirit - electrons) can only be harmed by two things: Drugs and Vibrations by certain kinds of noise. (Heavy Traffic/Industrials) being one of the worst. (I will make a whole topic on Astral body, Higher-Self and Noise.) It must be understood that they have an influence that is totally against Nature. They remove the Astral body to another sphere where it should not be. The Astral body should be either in a physical body or with its Higher-self, of which it is a part. When drugged, an individual’s Astral body is as though asleep experiencing artificial sensations that completely distort his or her judgement. It is in the same situation as a physical body is during an important surgical operation. If you like, it’s like a tool that we bend or break by using it incorrectly or for a task for which it was not intended. According to the length of time that a person is under the influence of drugs, his or her Astral body is going to decline or, more exactly, it is going to become saturated with false data. Recovery for the Astral body can take several lifetimes with heavy abuse. Another way of example is that drugs prematurely vibrate the astral body out of its physical body without naturally developing an alignment of the individual which can cause all sorts of disruptions and distortions. If the ability is not mastered endogenously it can create great confusion in the psyche. Now it is unknown the effects of each and how much damage although i can state myself i clearly see now how much drugs even when used far less then the typical "abuse" rate have effected my spiritual awareness only now that i have taken a break from indulging in the socially expected life even among actualized people/groups as i am mostly fasting on water, raw fruit juice and spending time in nature, meditating ect.. i am starting to clear up again and remember what i had forgotten and seeing how almost everything we do today has potential to blind and trap you in loops if you are not careful although even when you think you are careful you can easily slip and trick yourself if you are taking drugs or partaking in mindless loops regardless of meditation or self work. If you meditate effectively without any of these distractions you wont ever need to as your vibration will be naturally just as high. Experiencing them once or twice is no harm but anymore you are only fooling yourself into further blindness from absolute truth and universal clarity especially when you already "know" better. 2c
  12. This may help I also suggest researching for a week or two beforehand. People like John Rose, Robert Morse, Loren Lockman are masters of fasting and cleaning the body back to its optimal functions. Hope this helps
  13. @Charlotte TIP: Look for tablets when it comes to those things. Capsules are no good I agree tablets are much easier although sometimes they don't crush up in smoothies and you want a larger dose its good to have both. If you make a good smoothie you never really taste it cause you only need a small amount about a 1/4 - 1 tsp is enough.
  14. If you can't be bothered soaking, straining and want a simple process try hemp milk. More expensive but all you do is blend up hemp seeds with distilled or purified water and done. Add raw honey or other natural sweeteners of choice. The healthiest milk on the planet. No other nut/seed comes close in nutrient profile. Bonsoy is another option if you have that there. You can buy from the store its organic and best tasting soy milk money can buy.
  15. Seems like a good stack Do you consume any sea vegetables or algae? Iodine is quite important and possibly vitamin K2-mk7 is what you want. Brazil nuts for Selenium is quite important too but you can flow efficiently even if its once a week. I found supplementing everyday messed me up in the long run because of concentrations. These days i stick more to whole foods and only supplement when i travel or feel the need. So if you never supplemented before then its fine daily for the first 3-6 months to kick start the system and eventually slowly calm down on them and eat more whole foods to get your supplements.
  17. Try to stick to only ghee or coconut oil when cooking as other oils don't do well with heat and can become carcinogenic. Buckwheat, Quinoa, Millet ect.. are excellent alternatives to wheat. Always look for color, nature has color and usually the darker the color the more nutrient density. White flour is poison for the body. Cow's milk actually removes calcium from our bodies and ends up storing elsewhere calcifying glands it does not belong because our bodies are designed more for plants and don't do well with such large concentrations of calcium. The only milk we should consume is our mothers when we are young like all other animals on the Earth. As adults we can always make plant/nut milk. Plant Calcium is Bio-available and efficiently absorbed unlike Calcium from Cow's milk. Its all business scams. Hope this helps
  18. Please be careful and remember you are not a cat.
  19. Listening to the body is the wisest of all foods/diets. Eat one food at a time and observe the next few hours until hungry again. This will teach you which food serves you best although i would advise a fast or a cleanse for 1-2 weeks so chemicals/toxins from processed foods do not mislead your judgement and observation.
  20. Accessing and Mastering the Anti-Gravitational Fields is required to levitate effectively which has been done in the past but this knowledge has been lost for eons and only a few out there can actually do it effectively today. We are more likely to create the technology ourselves in the future to assist in levitation/flying once we master gravitational/vibrational harmonics of the earth and ourselves. Doing it purely without technology would require a high level mastery of manipulation of energy, frequency and vibration but then again if you acquired that level teleportation would be far more efficient than flying.