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Everything posted by pluto

  1. As the collective frequency raises higher and higher, you will be cornered by the universe until you no longer have any other options but to bloom. In 100 years, almost everyone will be Enlightened and flow as one
  2. The Enlightened One realizes he is not the body, nor the mind, but the eternal awareness in between. The enlightened one never had the addiction, he is detached from the illusion.
  3. The waves, the wind, the trees, the ground, the fire, the silence, the stillness. These are your greatest teachers.
  5. I personally only use it nowadays when i smoke cannabis for deeper spiritual sessions or special occasions but there was a point where i was coming off a long overdue toxic relationship that mysteriously drifted myself from spiritual alignment and i fell into depression, anxiety from all the trauma and stress all over again and CBD was one of the most helpful things (supplement-wise). It seems to promote balance in mind/body and makes you feel more centered and at-ease. It was like i did a nice little session of meditation when i was in no condition to meditate. Its very subtle but with consistency and finding the right dose for you, it can help you pick yourself back up again. I found dosage around 15 - 25mg of CBD/CBDA(Entourage) Full spectrum worked best for me.
  6. Eat a diet abundant in fresh fruit and some natural yogurt. You will be amazed Diet is also one side of the 3 sided coin. Get out in nature daily, connect with animals, wild-life, trees, plants, minerals, ground yourself, exposure to sunlight. All these are very important and work hand in hand. CBD oil is probably superior than both of those IMO Travel is one of the best cures for depression. Hope these help
  7. Life has never been so alive, so fun, so pure, so magnificent, so beautiful, so divine, so radiant! I can go all day Bless!
  8. When you don't understand, you depend on reality. When you do understand, reality depends on you.
  9. That's because most people haven't truly tapped in to the truth Even among conscious communities, most have just had a glimpse, a taste, a flash, enough to know but not enough to understand. I reside in Truth, I experience, love, bliss, beauty, wisdom, perfection in all things. I can shift the whole universe in a blink of an eye or play pretend while those dwelling in illusion can only play pretend. I can do both So boring Indeed.
  10. You can't attract a Queen if you are still a Pawn. Universe doesn't work that way.
  11. Because that means Love would be limited. Gods Love is Unlimited/Infinite/Unconditional. So Unconditional that you are even allowed the freedom/freewill to believe that you are not loved, that you are not worthy. That's True Love, That's Pure Love, That's Gods Love.
  12. I actually just sat down in front of a TV for a first time in many months and skipped through a few channels to see what happens. It lasted a good 2 minutes of flicking threw channels before this happened to me at 0:35 mark. Now i need therapy. Maybe some 5-MEO or 33grams Mushrooms... Never again.
  13. Because they are not women yet, they are still girls, still immature and have emotional needs/traumas. Real women, especially spiritually/emotionally mature women love nice guys.
  14. I personally never consume cannabis these days without CBD. I find it balances the high, makes it more pleasant, psychedelic and better for consciousness work and for your health. Trippier doesn't always mean its more Psychedelic. CBD helps works on naturally restoring balance to the body and counterbalances the negative effects of THC and other things you do on a day to day basis that target your nervous system. CBD helps relax your nervous system from what i have observed. Here is some interesting reads
  15. Haven't watched TV in 10 years lol I glimpse a few minutes every now and then until i realize why i quit in the first place. It literally feels like i am watching Idiocracy the movie, every tv show, every channel is worthless garbage for the mind. The only things worthwhile are Animal/Wild-life and similar frequency programs.
  16. That's because your devilry is spreading and there is a battle of darkness vs light going on within you. Focus on the Love & Light. Immerse yourself in compassion, kindness, forgiveness ect... you know what to do. The reality we see outside of us is a mere reflection of where you are within.
  17. Here is a really interesting post i just read on cannabis and mushrooms
  18. It all comes down to how much you resist the truth. I personally dwelled in the dark my whole life so when i had a spiritual awakening it was the most amazing thing to ever happen to me and i recognized fully that this is my true form, my true state, my natural state so i transitioned smoothly because it was completely home to me, familiar on all levels, nothing alien about it, so there was minimal resistance in the process. Of course challenges can occur afterwards if you lose your way and drift off the path but it can easily be restored once again.
  19. Love is the driving force of creation itself. Love gives meaning to life, love gives life to life. Love is you at your fundamental, core state of being. When you experience complete oneness with all life, you understand love. The moment you no longer see the difference between this and that, you become pure love. Yet these words still say very little to the true depth of love and only can truly, be experienced directly.
  20. And thats the beauty of it! I applaud how effectively well you were able to put this into words. ? ❤️
  21. I am nor happy or sad, i am blissful, happiness/sadness, ups/downs, bliss transcends all, bliss is your natural, true state. It is eternal, it is pure, it is serene, it is beyond happiness and joys. You are Bliss, You are Love! ? ❤️
  22. I would advise to replace coffee with cacao. Its 100x better for you, for your health, for your organs, glands, adrenals and overall nervous system. Keep coffee only for Emergency situations. Stimulants will destroy your life. Seek Adaptogens, Medicinal Mushrooms and substances like Cacao which are more invigorating rather than stimulating and work with your body to create homeostasis and peak performance, rather than putting your body on overdrive like processed sugar and coffee does. Drugs are called drugs for a reason and yes Sugar is a drug. Stay away and stay aware. If you care about health and being conscious. Raw honey, organic maple syrup are much better options.