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Everything posted by pluto

  1. Sorry but that's a myth and misleading been debunked years ago. I'm O and Ive never felt better than when eating more plant-based than when i used to eat meat. There was never any solid scientific evidence behind it to begin with. Do animals eat by blood type?
  2. no no no you learn from the child not the other way around
  3. Nutrient Density + Calories Clean Bulk takes longer but is more permanent.
  4. In most cases its your excitement that pushes you back down, you must meditate often and learn how to remain calm as you shift states.
  5. Take it one step at a time, or one video at a time, do it for a week, observe how you feel and benefits if any. Then do silence and see the difference, then another, observe ect... Find what works for you.
  6. Depends on the individual and how spiritually developed the soul you can reach the same states if you know who and what you are to a greater degree. When i take those substances for instance i see things for a short period then soon realize its just projection of my own and the collective consciousnesses and everything just completely vanishes into oneness and infinite. @How to be wise It would not be sustainable in a physical vessel. Your physical body wouldn't be able to handle it and would fry out. You cannot be absolute and remain physical at the same time, that's just how things work and laws of creation.
  7. That's it i was just talking about this today, if you really seek truth and enlightenment/freedom you must fully embody and immerse yourself in what you really want 100% to really transform. Half-half will not work and you will only end up distracting yourself.
  8. This is my favorite video on the typical N'N-DMT experience but whats funny is that it goes even deeper than that and endless and i agree with Leo, Russel should try it at least once so he can actually talk about it with direct experience.
  9. They blast open the EYE so you can see then you must integrate the teachings so the EYE remains open and active or it closes again Use wisely, apply the teachings or they can backfire like everything else
  10. Fast not just diet but from physical reality as a whole. Find yourself, come back
  11. Consume less, subscribe less, attach less yet be more involved in life
  12. The highest cause of premature death and disease in the world is always linked to the patients eating little to no fruit in their diet. Dr. Greger has many scientific studies to back this up and he agrees himself. Even more deaths than those who eat toxic processed meat/foods as a base of their diet but still manage to throw in fruits in their day. Fruit is extremely important for the human body as we are frugivores by design than anything else even more than vegetables. Fruits move the system and lymphatic system like no other food does. If circulation flows efficiently, health is vibrant. If no circulation, acid forms and disease grows in acidic environment. Cancer cannot survive in an oxygen rich, active/alkaline environment. 2c
  13. Sunlight is far better option because D3 does not have the same results as the source itself. There's much more to sunlight that aids in our health and life than just D3, supplements are good to get the system starting and on the way to vibrant health but prolonged use is not wise because the body becomes used to them and eventually starts to rely on them. K2 richest source is natto but can also be found in fermented foods/vegetables and sea vegetables/algae and a few other foods i cannot think of atm but i know there's a few more. You can supplement d3/k2 every 2nd or 3rd day if your getting some sun at least 3-4 days a week. 50-75% body exposure 10-20 minutes a day should be very good also do not wash with soap/shampoo for at least 48 hours to allow vitamin D to absorb properly. The more we use soaps, creams, shampoos, chemicals)in general on our skin/body the more natural oils we wash off and disturb important skin mechanisms that work hand in hand with sunlight/nature. Its been proven than sunscreens actually block absorption of vitamin d and many cases is the cause/reaction to the skin cancer itself not the sun but the chemical combination. Balance is Key
  14. Seems like way too much 1-2 tablespoons a day is enough to get your omega 3 and 6s and yeah listening to your body is the best thing to do, nature knows best your bodies intelligence is far beyond the average mind of a doctor or nutritionist. As for getting general fats, you can have some avocado, coconut flesh/meat, olives if you don't like nuts/seeds that much. Just experiment see how you feel do 1 week more or less and the 2nd week vice/versa and 3rd week something new and see where you feel best
  15. Following the signs and synchronicities and trusting the universe to lead you where you need to be
  16. No don't buy ground, hulled/shelled are the best, you throw them in salads or smoothies and they chew very nicely. Pre-ground nuts/seeds lose their quality and nutrient density much quicker than in their whole form. Even if you miss a few the body and stomach does the rest not to worry
  17. He is going through his own process as we all are, yes it may become disturbing, i even disturb myself sometimes but remember if something can penetrate your field it means you are too attached to something and allowing it to disturb your peace and enter your field. Rise Above
  18. I got Aloe's, Peace Lily's and Snake plants all around my house Aloes come in handy with all sorts of stuff especially medicine and skin problems as well as a bio-stimulater/activators due to saponins and enzymes for gut and plant health.
  19. Teeth are not meant to be white anyway. Slightly yellow is normal human healthy teeth.
  20. Overtime the chemicals build up and mess your system up. Always look for organic they always have less ingredients and richer made. yes they won't last longer but still should be good for a week or two. Remember what you put in your body = your life, not just your health but your state of existence. The less ingredients something has, the quicker it will spoil but that shows its living food and better for you. If bacteria wont eat it why should you? Here is an example with ants
  21. @Igor82(Essential mineral toxicity, e.g Iron.) is misleading. The human body will excrete or urinate what it doesn't need and you would need to eat multiple kilograms to even come close especially from whole foods.
  22. Leo we are all humans inside.. we're built the same, we thrive on plants better, no human is different that is hard-wired thinking. I can prove this to any human simply by doing a solid food vacation or water fast for 1-2 weeks then start slowly with one food at a time and you will see for yourself what we are designed for and feel and function the best on. To, many it may be speculation but to some of us its common universal sense that we are designed to be plant-based, we are only here to provide the truth and that is our inner most passion and higher calling. We state the facts and direct experience will give you the most authentic results to see for yourself. I respect everyone's decision to eat what they want but i also feel like if I'm letting illusion slide what is the point of my being here if i have the truth raging like a exploding sun within me just waiting to burst out ? All in all we are genuinely trying to help limit suffering as we have already suffered so we want to help others and yes we cannot save them all but the door we shall show, at least that part we will participate in because a little goes a long way and the more we help others find the truth the more we grow ourselves collectively and help ourselves ultimately. When we know all is one, its pointless to not be unconditionally loving and caring and trying to help others see the truth even though we struggle to be all the time we try our best because we are trying to restore a system that is basically the opposite of unconditional love and connectivity. Its very challenging for those who know truth because the whole system is backwards from the truth and everyone is hard-wired that way. Why would you want to argue with yourself and cause stress? Being true is helping whichever way it may appear the truth is the truth and the seed will sprout and for the greater good sometimes its worth a bit of self sacrifice to share that truth because within we know its of most importance for today's day/age. If i was in a state of "thinking" i wouldn't even bother it defeats the purpose of my presence on this planet in this 3D reality, i only post when i "know", or what's the point? I may not have my Enlightened understanding as i once did all the time but you still know things from within, maybe not as clearly but its always there and the wisest thing you can do is trust it as it is source, it is you, its our universal self.
  23. What are teeth for or your blender but no you don't need to as long as you chew properly.
  24. They don't have spiritual awareness thus why they age, you need to be spiritually evolved to live off prana and mostly liquids but if you study Andrew Norton Webber you will see every one that done a distilled water fast 30 - 90 days healed their whole bodies, reversed aging and many more benefits. John rose and all those other guys know about health but don't know enough about light and spiritual knowledge and how the universe works and our bodies work to its core like some others do that thrive off liquids and look extremely young for their age. Anette Larkins eats very high liquid-based raw food diet she is around 75 and looks 40. she sprouts and juices almost everything grown in her backyard. Ray Maor eats one light meal a week and is highly spiritually evolved, as are many other people that live more of liquid based have even regrown a third set of teeth like Victor Truviano and all these people are always the happiest most joyful and self-actualized people i know. The purer you are the more you embody source consciousness. Food consciousness has a huge influence on our psyche especially the food today. We know and understand very little of the human body and natures intelligence. Everything we were taught is completely wrong and misleading from the actual truth of our true potential and capabilities. The 7 minute mark of this video explains it very well as does the book he mentions Leo is quite behind when it comes to this kind of stuff thus why he stays out of it stop acting like his this know it all god as many people seem to be deluded by it in this forum. Yes he is very intelligent and quite awake and one of the most self-actualized people i know but He is far from Enlightened. He knows his stuff be he also doesn't know quiet a lot. There are others on this forum that are far more evolved spiritually and have a greater universal understanding. Stop putting Leo's name where it doesn't belong. He will speak for himself if necessary. and for the last time if this doesn't click your clicker something is really wrong with the wiring in your brain.