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Everything posted by pluto

  1. Mhm the more you trust and surrender the more you become the whole.
  2. You wont see it coming and you will not feel anything because you literally will not remember a second later. What is there to fear?
  3. I think by energetic damage OP means our actual life force/spirit/soul ect... in more scientific term (electrons). People above already have given excellent answers. If i could add anything more i'd say make sure to meditate often and have daily spiritual practice when doing psychedelics so you can be more in-tune with your true self/higher self and energy fields ad bodies and know how to listen to your inner-truth so you have source-guidance and a higher clarity with you at all times. Physical damage is rare but then again everything physical stems from energy vibrating at a particular frequency thus creation/manipulation of matter.
  4. Ever tried the seaweed diet? I see weed, i smoke it.
  5. Being born in an inferior, lower dimensional planet blinded by ego-separation and limited by physical density and ignorant culture and laws of man is by far the most brave and heroic thing one can do. You think 5-meo is powerful lol think again.
  6. Open your 3rd eye, correct nutrition/lifestyle habits and introduce adaptogenic herbs and medicinal mushrooms, take ormus ect... You can do anything your mind desires if the projector is clean and active.
  7. That's cool i wouldn't be too worried about a small amount used in a recipe as long as you are not consuming these things in large amounts daily but yes the less often the more you notice I get similar calmness/mindful effect when i limit sugar intake.
  8. The best place to do psychedelics is in the middle of nowhere naked from society where only you and nature remain. Get a place somewhere secluded for a few days relatively safe where nothing works and leave your phone home. No access to people or phones or anything. Only you and yourself/nature and the wild and this is how you truly face your fears and get the most out of the experience with little to no distractions. The worst than can happen is you pass out or a bear eats you >.< and the best, you become enlightened. This way you deal with everything "internally" as you know there is no access to the outside world your ego holds onto. Simply drop down and lay on the grass and completely surrender when shit goes dark or heavy and face and surrender to it fully, only sooner or later you will see the light and become one with source <3 Everything else outside of you the trip and nature will only distract and redirect the full potential and purity of the experience. These experiences are best done in solitude where you disconnect from everyone and everything else. If you cannot do that stay away until you are naturally self sufficient and 100% responsible. These experiences are between you and yourself, no one else should be involved because they wont understand your journey and experience. Hope this helps clear somethings up Peace
  9. It doesn't matter that much for gojis/dates as it does for say apples, spinach, strawberries, corn, soy and other foods that you should get organic because they are heavily and routinely sprayed and or contaminated or genetically modified which has genotoxic and mutagenic effects on our DNA but if you value your temple you should always buy organic where you can. (Certified Organic) will always be grown without the use of chemicals or synthetic pesticides/herbicides thus ends up being nutritionally more rich and more bio-available because chemicals use in conventional growing has quite the impact on how nutrient rich and how well we absorb them. The chemicals and genetic modifications deplete the soils thus deplete the nutrition and change the original chemical make-up within the food structure so the body does not communicate efficiently and absorb optimally. (Biodynamic) and or (Wildcrafted/harvested) are even more rich and better for you. Here is an example from a study a while back.
  10. I heard about this from Russian E.T communication sources although it is not known if he is aware of this plan, couldn't see the possibility myself but then again i try keep doubts minimal
  11. Stay away from artificial blue-light at least 2 hours before sleep especially screens or install blue-light removing programs or buy blu-blocker glasses and wear them when the sun goes down to balance our your circadian rhythms so your body produces enough melatonin to help you fall asleep. For optimal melatonin production we need sunlight/natural light during the day and darkness during the night. The darker the room the better. Also keep your phones and electronic devices turned completely off or on airplane mode so you are not being hit by EMF and other frequencies that can disturb your sleep patterns. Keep food away from sleep 2 - 4 hours because you will not enter deep sleep unless the body has digested the food first. A spoon of raw honey sometimes actually aids in sleep, sometimes other light foods like bananas but its better just to tea it off. Supplement with magnesium or better consume more magnesium foods which help our bodies relax. Blue-light from most tv's computers and smartphones or tablets overstimulate our brains and nerves thus trick our brains into thinking its daytime due to the high-bright color spectrum. We need amber light or candle-like color to avoid disturbing this natural process which helps our bodies shut down and fall asleep much easier. Herbal teas like Chamomile and Valerian can help too. You can always supplement with melatonin too but i wouldn't advise it long term just a 1 - 2 week thing to get your body back to balance.
  12. Hilary would of destroyed the US by now. Trump is who he is a silly puppet but a master-plan in disguise. There's also universal laws of non-interference unless absolutely necessary and agreed among the galactic collective higher councils. These prime-directives out of star trek didn't come out of thin air they actually are genuine universal laws mentioned in a few ancient texts as well as many psychic channels have confirmed this via telepathy of higher dimensional beings/communication similar to the method used in the law of one.
  13. He passed 1 year before i was born and i only found about him 20 years later sadly
  14. I first heard of skate when i was very young around 16-17 looking into how to de-calcify the pineal gland and what not cause i was into psychic abilities and stuff like that. I first heard from it from David Wilcock and his Pineal Gland video. I think it was one of the main supplements that helped me clean, open and activate my 3rd eye to see through the worlds bullshit or through the matrix/illusion(if you will) and later on i understood these weren't really physic abilities but natural abilities that have just been dormant and disabled due to calcification, chemicals, conditioning and fluoride ect.. and also due to never being taught about them so overtime they never got the required exercise so they self-disabled i guess. I stopped using it because as i was becoming more and more conscious i understood the importance of staying away from most if not all animal products and supporting a non-cruelty way of life and i was consuming a lot of hemp, chia, flaxseeds and other plant-based sources of omegas and already had a nutrition rich whole food diet and an abundance of herbs and superfoods so i was getting most of the nutrients that most people were deficient in anyway so i no longer saw the need for it. I do sometimes take it though, just not as often.
  15. I would suggest getting in contact with @Siim Land He has books and many videos on this stuff
  16. I used to think i have OCD/ADHD/Bi-polar and all the other made-up symptoms the doctors told me, when i became enlightened i realized they were all bullshit and the only reason they became real because i had believed in them to be true. Re-wiring our subconscious will return things back to balance. Daily meditation, mindfulness and spiritual practice will help you find yourself again.
  17. I refuse to partake in limitations. My subconscious will remain pure and infinite
  18. There are many other ways of meditation and you must find what works for you. Personally my unorthodox favorites are to swim or walk in a forest or gardening. I become completely present with what i am doing thus gain the same benefits as sitting silently.
  19. You must find what works for you. Some people even use Mantras like "Ohmmmm" after every inhalation to help keep the mind chatter at bay. There are no right or wrongs, only experience.