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Everything posted by pluto

  1. If you manage to access the absolute present moment you are automatically enlightened. Stay in presence long enough and you will meet the absolute timelesness
  2. Don't mean to be rude brother but do you really think its wise following a guy with mental/emotional imbalances? Here is someone who is a great guide with almost a decade of experience in fasting he also goes around the world doing 10 day cleansing processes following the protocol below the video. He also done 1 year without food and 8 days without food & water to prove science and the doctors wrong which was recorded under 24/7 surveillance. I would be careful with the guy above, Ray on the other hand is a true master on this topic. Just looking out for people here, i know everyone has their own teachers and paths leaving this here anyway because its more sensible. Especially when it comes to something that can be dangerous if not respected and done properly with a balanced mindset and heart.
  3. VOSS here is $5-7 also for 1 liter because of the glass jar. I like VOSS but i only buy it when i want a glass jar to refill my water because i dislike plastic BPA free or not. If i have a choice i always choose glass.
  4. Still contains gluten but a simple google search linked me to He's not the smartest tool in the shed but he does a lot of research. Sometimes all you gotta do for these simple questions is go to ( and search your question. Open several pages, articles and studies or videos ect.. and read read read then evaluate and compare what makes most sense too you. If that is not enough you can self experiment like i have been doing for the last several years. Its fun It isn't rocket science
  5. Distilled or purified water is always best when doing a fast because it removes all inorganic minerals from the body. Iceland water is my favorite spring or mineral water i wished i lived there. As long as its roughly 050ppm that should be soft enough for a good water fast i wouldn't sweat it but distilled/purified being 000 - 003ppm roughly is said to be even better for fasting but general drinking water you're fresh springs are one of the best places in the world If you have no access to distilled/reverse/purified ect... then by all means go for it i am sure it will be great as long as your water is sourced from pristine fresh springs and soft as you say or mentioned above This is my favorite water right now Sadly its $3 a bottle here in Australia at most stores so i only by it as a treat and alternate between my distiller. VOSS water is pretty good too, very soft. I know its nowhere the freshness you get but we gotta live with what we got.
  6. My mother kills about 750 flies a day what can i do? Do the flies need more help or my mother? My interference is pointless either way. Neither of them will understand. The only way i am freed from this is by shifting my own vibration to a reality where this has evolved
  7. Yeah mono is the best way to break a fast then observe how you feel, then later try another fruit and slowly working your way up to veggies and heavier foods as days go by. This doesn't just prevent the body from shock but also teaches us what foods make us feel best and what our bodies do not agree with. Yogurt is said to be okay too but just be sensible. I broke it with mango with some coconut yogurt. Maybe these two alone wouldn't of been as bad but then i got carried away conversing with my family while they were having a feast and just went to heavier foods like grains, dips, and even processed food even though they were organic and healthy still F'd me up big time the next day i had all sorts of cramps and pain and felt like shit for a few days. This was on a juice fast though, lots of sugar so my mind wasn't as pure as it would of been on a water fast thus why i got carried away so easily.
  8. 3-4 days is usually said to be optimal but some go longer for spiritual reasons. Just follow your body and your nature. If i were to do a dry fast i would do a water fast first then continue dry fast for a few days then slowly back to water and juices then fruits ect... and slowly work your way up to heavier foods as the days go by to where one feels best. It is very important to keep it simple when starting again or your body can go into shock. I've had this happen to me because i ate too much food when i broke my fast instead of listening to the guidelines and felt so much pain and sickness for almost a week as my body was basically like a new born baby and i just stuffed it with many different foods instead of doing one food at a time.
  9. You can also try OMAD which is where we only eat once a day and fast for 20-23 hours a day. I do this naturally sometimes or usually have 2 meals but i never eat before 16 hours after my last meal the night before. This is just how it feels most natural too me. There are days where i have some fruit juice or liquid/teas of course but most of the time keep my solid foods at least no sooner than noon the next day. This can help you ease into fasting but IMO its best to do a raw fruit/veg week or two or raw juice to detox the body before going into a water or dry fast especially if you have been eating unhealthy for years and have a lot of toxic buildup. Others can jump straight into it but sometimes its wiser to detox first cause you can feel quite sick if you are toxic and jump straight into a fast. Enemas can also help significantly speed up the cleaning/cleansing process when doing the fast and making sure everything's properly flushed out so toxins do not get re-absorbed. Others do salt water flushes. @Huginn I have tried every herbal formula known I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to superhuman health and superherbs/foods but nothing cleans you and regenerates you like a true fast. I only done distilled/purified water for 1-2 weeks on a few occasions and never really had a chance to dry fast longer than a day due to the circumstances i was in and too many distractions. I'll need to do it when i am completely alone for the amount of time i wish to so i have no distractions cause i know it will be powerful just by observing those few times i did several hours to a whole day. Hope this helps
  10. This is quite interesting to me. I always felt a more pleasant or "at peace" high when i consumed cannabis with HIGH CBD content. Maybe this could be why? High THC strains can lead to psychedelic states but its usually a paranoid chaotic thought-storm every time you ingest mega-doses, while LSD and other true psychedelics are far more enjoyable and seem to be less mentally unstable although the High CBD strains seem to feel like a low dose of truer psychedelics especially when used once in a while. You won't notice much with daily use IMO. Vaporizing or edibles provide a much more pleasant or psychedelic experience. Remember psychedelic isn't always about tripping or seeing shit.
  11. @MiracleMan Well said, Most people only resorted to drugs because the states they produce remind them of the state they were once in as children but most are not even aware of this because they have forgotten how they were this way. This is why these substances feel so "Home" and "Good" because we used to be in these states naturally as children until we were force fed THE SYSTEM. Most people don't find meditation and spirituality especially in the west so they end up the other route which helps them find home in a sense, but they only truly find it once they let go of the substances that helped them see and reconnect with it which is the challenging part. At least that's how i see it because the substances only replicates what's possible within. Without the chemical receptors in our bodies they wouldn't work at all. @MM1988 You can most definitely see visuals too, since i had my first full blown awakening almost a decade ago i always have quite powerful visuals from cannabis and sometimes even open eyed ones but i notice today not as powerful compared to when i first had an awakening or shall we say was more in the (Enlightened State)thus my 3rd eye was very active and open i saw everything with perfect clarity and even weed was like a full psychedelic for me but over time it does wear down if you always go back to substances to replicate that state and start to get comfortable in the matrix again which is only trivial to truth and authenticity and don't apply daily spiritual practice and meditation to keep your clarity and connecting pure. Psychedelics show you the door of whats already within, to make the states permanent you must live by the realizations and apply them to day to day life. Even simple herbs like Cinnamon, Chamomile, Nutmeg, Cacao ect.. all can be used to enhanced states but the amplification of how far they can go all depends on you. Ultimately. That's just how i see all of this from my perspective, experience and understanding
  12. Agreed. Personally, these days.. since switching to heirloom/original non-hybridized varieties. I notice more psychedelic/spiritual effect and naturally higher CBD or more balanced CBD/THC ratio. This for one has helped me quit abuse instead i use them as i would truer psychedelics, slightly more often but in a similar fashion. I now am starting to realize why many OG cannabis connoisseurs always look for those original, heirloom landrace strains that have yet to be hybridized or modified by man because they are much more psychedelic by nature yet less strong and chaotic how they are bred today.
  13. I know i have mentioned this before as is also mentioned in many quotes but you really must know how accurate this is to shape your reality in any way in which you desire because you are literally one and the same with creator/creation itself thus not being in control of your reality is self-limiting to your true nature and full potential especially when you "know" better. I was slapped in the face this morning by The Buddha, gazing at the art work of buddha on the statues and walls of the room being in a higher vibration lately everything is coming back to me more clearly than it has in a while. I noticed in the neutral state the Buddha's Face is seen as neutral, present and calm in deep meditation although since i have been vibing higher i now see things differently, like the enlightened state is arsing once again because i finally had enough of the B.S. With this enhanced state i now realized the buddha is actually no longer neutral but smiling in a sneaky way that i never noticed before, then i get the message out of nowhere. "Never noticed before" you've said that a billion enough times... You've always noticed but chosen not too. Now when i look at it, his always smiling, the world is slightly different again. Celestine Prophecy comes to time, Bashar comes to mind reminding us that we are constantly shifting from reality to reality billions of times per second that everything in our field of existence is a direct mirror of ourselves. We simply see the world as we are and see ourselves. Synchronicity is flowing everywhere, the higher you vibe the more you see the more you exist in timelessness NOW So don't waste another second when you can change your whole reality just like that. Its that simple as is Enlightenment. You decide, question is... are you willing to dive naked head first? All or nothing <3
  14. The same way you make the reflection you see in the mirror change
  15. We have the power to chose what we focus on, yet at the same time the infinite is infinite.
  16. What if i told you that Physical Death and Enlightenment are one and the absolute same. Ultimately. I know it may be hard for most to grasp but when you have the direct plug into source even for a nanosecond you will understand ALL IS WELL. Everything that happens is chosen to happen whether the being is aware or not it unfolds in its own divine order and own divine play regardless of the infinite possibilities. Spreading the love is great but focusing on illusion only brings more of. I understand this stuff because i was in the suicidal phase many times during my life and there's really nothing anyone else can do to help but yourself. When you think back it was ultimately all you who set yourself free. You cannot force an awakening or psychedelic experience in others, you can only help plant a seed but how it sprouts is how they choose to allow and surrender to the seed itself. You all should be more than proud of yourselves because the many you've helped far outweigh the few you couldn't. Remember there could of been many others without even mentioning it. Be grateful for the ones you did notice and tried to help as whether it happened or not teaches us more about ourselves but getting ourselves entangled in these things is not the answer especially if we do not know for sure. One way or another feeling anything other than gratitude and happiness for the way in which life becomes will only create your own suffering. Lets not create more of what we aren't completely sure of. Lets just be grateful and appreciate what good we have done and created thus far. What you focus on grows and overflows everything else. Do you want freedom or do you want sadness? No one is saying you shouldn't care but there's a reason they call it the cosmic giggle. You care by trusting not caring. If you want to show true authenticity for others and the world around you, look in the mirror and love yourself, loving yourself genuinely and purely is of the greatest things you can do for the rest as all is one and one is all. Raise your vibe, exist in your paradise. Focus on self and everything will fall into place and make perfect sense. Freedom is in your hands
  17. Try supplement with Silica and or MSM they seem to help legs/joints adjust paired with yoga and stretching. I could never do full lotus before, only half but now i can easily since keeping those in my day to day diet/lifestyle. Ever notice babies sitting in the most unusual positions or superhuman flexibility without any pain? I believe this has a lot to do with Silica. 2c
  18. Stay active during the day, get natural sunlight, add more magnesium too your diet, when the sun goes down wear blue-blocker glasses or turn all your artificial lights on a very low/warm color like amber or candle-like. Avoid heavy foods few hours before sleep. IMO Melatonin is good when nothing else works but only short term to get you back on track and harmonize with circadian rhythms don't rely on it. Just make sure the melatonin is pure. (Life Extension) is a very clean brand. Cut out processed foods, especially processed sugars and caffeine or other stimulants. Try eat more whole foods and keep snacks well away from bedtime. Anti-Depressants could be interacting with parts of your brain/body maybe look for herbal alternatives like St Johns Wort for example or Rhodiola I.E natural anti-depressants or adaptogens. Pharma-drugs will F you up in the long run. As expert advice is to ease of them slowly if you have been taking them for a while and replace with natural alternatives. Nature works everything else made in a lab is 99.9% of the time for business and profit purposes stemming from ignorant training/conditioning.
  19. 1 day dry fast is said to be equivalent to 3-4 days water fast. I remember when i was water fasting one day i had no access to water for several hours and what i noticed was a deeper spiritual presence and cleansing taking place. As my family argued in the car the whole way back home i easily had somewhat disconnected from that reality and automatically created some sort of mute-field around me. I simply had no energy to pay attention to them and their nonsense i was just staying at peace with my body. There was no way to make them trigger me at this point. Soon as i got access to some water i noticed i felt slightly more alive but yet less spiritual and pure than before. I now had the energy to pay attention and to interact with others although due to the water fast i was still pretty much (triggerless) yet it was quite a difference in comparison when i was lacking both food/water compared to just water.
  20. No one is meant to stay in one spot. We're all meant to travel by nature, staying in one spot = cancer and not just physical cancer. Travel as much as you can! Its your birthright!