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Everything posted by pluto

  1. That's like asking which is better? Pepsi or Coke?
  2. Travel, keep the self/mind occupied with new life hobbies and interests. There's no point sitting in the dark, the more you do the worse it becomes. Its time to replace old patterns with new and sooner or later you will be just as in love and happier just being with yourself thus giving you the realization that it all started with you being loving toward another. Now imagine if you can be that loving towards everything and everyone, the universe can only reflect what you emit.(energetically) When you vibrate higher, when you look back at those pictures ect.. you will see the GOOD in those and see them in a NEW LIGHT ect.. You only see based on your level of perception. This is why on (down days) we dont enjoy things, we have darker memories, music is not as enjoyable compared to when we are happy(higher vibe) then we notice all the good in things and the bad don't seem to arise to the surface as to the state you are in those lower level emotions(shall we say) are pointless to the quality and state of your being. Hope this helps
  3. Knowledge is knowing what to say, Wisdom is knowing when to say it.
  4. If your body was (unacceptable) by god you wouldn't have one to begin with.
  5. Sadhguru is using common universal sense. Personally when i eat more fruits i feel more alive. Yeah they say its cause all the sugar but those who say that simply don't understand how nature works.
  6. When used correctly and respectfully it can be quite Enlightening. Although based on my experiences for a more "psychedelic high" is from herbs that are land-raised, wild and or organically grown and haven't been hybridized or modified by man. There seems to be some ancient roots and information with these original and natural strains compared to modern day junk. This is also noticed with mushrooms.
  7. You know what's funny, even if you become a buddha and share it, they will still only "see" it from their level of perception.
  8. Wisdom is the application of intelligence.
  9. These may help OMAD also is very good for this lifestyle. Less sugar/chemicals/stimulants circulating the body = more buddha mind.
  10. For what they call "Psyche-delics" is the biggest irony in itself because when we are children we are naturally in these states just in a more clear and vibrant way. This state feels evolved for a reason. Its who we are.
  11. You are infinite intelligence, the more you know it the more you embody it.
  12. The Buddha was in complete control of his reality. Once you understand how it all works. It becomes the most simple and natural thing. The key is Vibration.
  13. The rewards outweigh the price more than you can possibly imagine. Beyond comprehension. The key is to trust
  14. Don't mind me i am just a mirror
  15. Try this You may have chemical deficiencies that may need correcting.
  16. I noticed after a few minutes, i felt similar sensations to the (wim hof) method, so i blew most of the air out of my lungs and easily held my breath for almost 4-5 minutes which was excellent. Presentness Bliss! After that i was automatically in a deeper meditative state as my breath-flow had become adapted to retaining/sustaining a hold after inhale/exhale for long period of time naturally without discomfort. I believe this could be a quick and effective way to get yourself in a more relaxed stage of meditation fast so you can gain the most benefits. (Relax/Surrender) are ultimately the same. Especially f you struggle with getting yourself relaxed enough for effective meditation.
  17. I quit ciggs very easily. I realized all addictions are MIND so what i did was i no longer went to the sunnyroom of my house where everyone smoked and the smokes sat on the table. I noticed i never really want to smoke unless i see or think about it. Overtime it becomes easier and easier. Smoking is just one example i even managed to see this with food after 3-4 days fasting i really had no need for food anymore but energy was still there. The only time i felt hunger was when i smelt or saw the food but take that away and it was like i no longer needed to eat ever again. I don't even think you need the patch, just more chemicals entering the body pointless, Just keep yourself occupied with other things, find new hobbies, do something that brings you excitement and you will sooner or later get lost in it and completely forget you had an addiction at all and sooner or later realize addiction is really almost purely mental.
  18. Watch this from 50:10 mark onwards.. that is what happened to me. I went mute for few months if not several i cannot recall exactly but i understood the pointlessness to interact with anyone or anything else as i was whole and absolute. In order to re-interact with others and re-materialize some energy back into physicality and this current reality i had to re-integrate some ego back or energy exchange/communication would not be possible.
  19. I respectfully disagree for the following reasons i am aware of with the exception of some hardier vegetables. Enzymes are completely destroyed via cooking. Enzymes are important for bio-availability/absorption of vitamins/minerals and cell communication within the body. Many vitamins are also degraded via cooking. Minerals are more hardy though. I agree some hardy vegetables may be best with a little steaming to soften but most of them raw is always best. This is why raw sprouts of any food that can sprout actually have more nutrition and vitamins/minerals available for us because the tap root has opened thus is read to be grown into a plant or tree. There is a woman called Anette Larkins. She knew about this many years ago and started eating only raw living food in thier natural state how nature intended for us to consume foods. Only when we were introduced to food like meat and some hardy vegetables we needed to cook them to digest them better and in order for the foods to become more palatable but we are more designed for raw fruit-like food by nature. If you look at how young she not just looks but her mental sharpness and her energy and vitality you will not believe she is 75. She has more LIFE in her than most of today's 40 year olds and she is one of the best examples that grows their own food rich in LIFE-force (as i would say) and high in vitamins and minerals that keeps her young and sharp. 2c