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Everything posted by pluto

  1. @Solace There is no difference Ultimately
  2. Ahh my Shaolin Master in my teenage days Shifu Yan Lei <3 Simplicity at its finest
  3. Eat what makes you feel on top of the world!
  4. One of the main uses of the pyramids in ancient Egypt was inter-galactic communication. Think of it like WIFI towers but for not just this planet but whole galaxy. Other uses are Amplification devices. Scientists in Russia replicated the pyramids in much smaller versions and noticed an Antibiotic was 2 million times more potent after a month in the center of the pyramid.
  5. Problem with caffeine is that it with continual use exhausts and can damage adrenal glands/function. It needs a harmonizing chemical to balance out over stimulation. Thus why people recommend cacao or matcha instead or medicinal mushrooms with coffee to counteract the crash and burnout effect. Others say guarana or green coffee extract in raw form is safer because roasting may effect or destroy the (harmonizing chemicals). Thus why Raw Cacao is highly recommended over Cocoa(which is heated and processed cacao). Most welcome @Charlotte =3
  6. You're not crazy there is a lot of emotional energies/traumas that get interwined in sexual encounters especially for women which has to be dealt with or they never go away. I suggest getting into hypnosis or self/guided-hypnosis/past regression work either with a guide or and daily guided meditation on healing emotional energies and traumas. You can find many guided meditations on specific healing needs on youtube. Psychedelics can help too but In your case I would only do them with a professional or someone very experienced with similar situations so they can help you deal with what to bring up during the experience to ask the right questions and heal and make peace with this past event hopefully healing and disconnecting the premature connection that took place when you were 12. Hope this helps
  7. Cacao and Matcha is also a very good combination
  8. Yeah spirulina is indeed a superior food/substance. I remember.. guarana powder is said to be more potent than coffee and long lasting with minimal crash. I only used it a few times before training but I did notice a more natural stimulative feel than coffee. Just make sure it's 100% raw powder I wouldn't ever drink an energy drink for guarana.
  9. I have heard a lot of great things about BSO and I love adding the seeds to my meals especially on beans or salads UUnique flavor similar to black sesame seeds
  10. I believe a perfect balance is 80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acidic forming.
  11. How people eat popcorn I eat whole sunflower seeds CRacking the shell with your front teeth while using the tongue to remove the seed from inside is a charm of an experience because you cannot eat a whole bunch at once and get sick of them fairly quick it must be done one seed by one. The outer shell is usually salted and you get just enough saltiness while the tongue removes the seed. Growing up this was our popcorn when watching movies or late night snack and definitely high conscious one of the most nutrient rich seeds on Earth. Pistachio's we're also an excellent snack also highest nut in melatonin so perfect for late night snack to help you unwide and fall asleep.
  12. The reflection in the mirror will not smile unless you smile first. - The Universe.
  13. I was always curious about he kidney filtration stuff but I believe if there is slight (color) that means your kidneys are filtering. I am in excellent health for years now and my urine is always clear and light yellow to clear in (color) but rarely any sediment unless aged urine. Apologize for the delay I have been caught up in the obstacles of life lately. As for parasites I believe urine or dry and possibly water fasting/looping will most probably starve them. Some say coconut water/flesh works too but as for what solace mentions and astral parasites has more to do with vibrational frequencies the higher/faster you vibrate the harder it will be for anything to hold onto you or keep up(so to speak). Like antibiotic resistance superbugs in some cases where the body is too weak to fight the bugs and antibiotics don't work the spirit/soul kicks in to raise the overall vibrational frequency of the body thus the bugs can no longer sustain themselves because they are trying to lach onto something that is too turbulent and fast for them to perform their task effectively. You can only survive and exist in a reality to which is in matching vibrational frequency to your own. Illness can only occur ultimately from when you have fallen down in a denser vibration where that is possible. (In a nutshell) Hope your all well ?
  14. Shilajit Not really a stimulant but far more powerful in a good way also agree with @Moreira Chaga Mushroom, Spirulina/Chlorella, Royal Jelly, Astragalus, He Shou Wu are some other amazing substances for natural overall energy levels.
  15. You must become yourself first