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Everything posted by pluto

  1. Hemp seeds convert much better than flax/chia. 30grams a day of hemp seeds = optimal daily requirements. (Ahiflower) is the best vegan supplement currently for omegas for supplementation if you're on the Go due to SDA which is 10x higher than Hemp and no SDA/GLA in flax or chia. Ahiflower oil is estimated to be 400% more conversion than flax seed oil. Another reason why hemp is superior is highest source of magnesium which greatly helps absorption and multiple times vitamin/mineral nutrient density than flax/chia. I use hemp seed daily and ahiflower when traveling. (B-12) circulates indefinitely IMO with healthy gut flora/bacteria and especially if you consume organic produce often and aren't afraid of a little dirt you shouldn't have issues or if you consume sea vegetables/algae often. Some fermented vegetables, mushrooms, potatoes also have abundant B-12. Shilajit and Moringa and Aloe Vera also known to contain B-12. Multiple studies show meat eaters and those who eat more processed foods are actually more deficient in B-12. It all depends on your gut/bacteria and how efficiently the body circulates. Some need to supplement, some don't. Probiotics are life savers these days, yogurt, fermented veggies/soy ect.. Listen to your body, research the signs.
  2. Yeah that's the thing with Awakenings you see all the abilities/powers are equally becoming more and more effortless but soon as Enlightenment hits it all becomes natural yet pointless to your being/understanding.
  3. Everything is spiritual. Herbs can assist in healing the channel/body to greater connection to source.
  4. No. Everyone is capable of everything. Some people are stronger in some abilities than others because they had the life path that lead them to exercise that certain ability more. Just like muscles. People that play soccer will have much stronger kicking abilities than those who play hand ball. As an ex soccer player i was automatically one of the strongest kickers in my kickboxing class. Why would we be any different? we all come from the same source. Its our training and life paths that make things appear unique to us but when you seek down deep enough you find all is there.
  5. <3 All is absolutely Well Trust and Surrender Let the Universe live through you There are no right or wrongs only experience Be One!
  6. Probably said this before on other similar topics but i can't say it enough.. Celestine Prophecy A+ Also Highly recommend Tao Te Ching
  7. Hemp seed oil is a common food in my daily life, I like to add it over olive oil on salads for (essential fatty acids) but i prefer the hemp seeds as a (whole source) of goodness. CBD oil on the other hand i have used as medicine and its very pleasant. Very healing/balancing substance both physically and energetically. THC on the other hand not so much(The one that gets you high). At one point i was having some mood swings, light sensitivity and some adrenal problems. Few doses of high quality CBD oil and i been great ever since. I have read many reports on people completely curing their illness even with one dose. Its a heaven sent herb but remains illegal in most places. No profit in cures i guess.
  8. Sex is a powerful force it can both be creative and destructive
  9. Don't count and there wont be any issues if you fail or not. You'll forget about it sooner or later. When other focuses of greater power arise lower frequency acts will fade away into meainglessness.
  10. We all can do anything, we are creation of divine intelligence. The more we surrender to this divinity the more we become whole and absolute but the more we become absolute the less need/use for any powers or abilities.
  11. Leo's birthday is absolutely everyday anyway
  12. Most welcome and here is benefits of sprouted When something sprouts it has all the nutrients available to be grown into a plant or tree so it is now in its most bio-available form for us or anything for that matter to consume/absorb
  13. Haha true but yeah.. in most cases from all that suffering/darkness sometimes the only thing left is Light. That is how it happened to me at least. From 14 - 21 years of age i was in a horrible hell which eventually led to self destruction/Enlightenment. I don't see it being possible for one to find light without knowing darkness first.
  14. The many different positions and ways humans have sex is says enough about our movement and creativity
  15. You have to start off slow if they been on cooked/pet stuff do like half half then more and more until eventually its 100%. Local butcher should have quality grass fed meat and raw bone and stuff like that saves money than buying the pre-made organic raw stuff for pets. You can also make your own kibble with a food processor and healthy ingredients of choice
  16. @Michael569 This is also why pets get diseases and sick and die prematurely because for example (cats & dogs) are 100% carnivores by nature and evolved that way and require raw meat for optimal health but we feed them pet food which is (cooked) poor quality meat and canned junk(thus lacking enzymes for assimilation) and dry food (grainy/sugary) shit not meant for them in the first place.
  17. @Faceless lmaoooo its so funny cause that's so me.. I like to play... DING!!!
  18. I was one of those people and many people i know were too hehehe... but even then they will eventually in another lifetime
  19. Exactly, Well said. If we had guides or teachers it would of been a different story but many of the first wavers(as i would call them) never did. I will get back to this later but yes i also experience the same thing as did many others i knew.