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Everything posted by PetarKa
I live in a city where it gets extremely polluted during the winter and colder periods. I've been living here since I was born, though I've only lately taken this seriously. Do any of you know some kind of method - eating a particular food, consyming some herbs, taking a supplement/medicine, having a particular treatment, operation, whatever - which can help me heal my lungs from the pollution (PM 2.5 and PM 10 particles)? Thanks upfront! ☺
Also: How can we get through the bullshit answers and dreams - things our minds tell us we want, but don't actually want and wishes we've absorbed by society and social influence? These keep getting me stuck... I've noticed that I keep coming to the same answers. For example, I say to myself "I want to write fantastical stories!" or "I want to be a philosopher and think about the true nature of the world!", but when I sit down to do something like this, I get frustrated and don't find those activities engaging at all. That's what I mean by "bullshit answers".
Could some people be not prepared yet for the course and should work on other things first, or is this course literally great for everyone to work through, regardless of their level of conciousness and development?
Leo, this is an question for personal advice: Do you think as a teenager I should be focusing on Life Purpose, mastering dating, money, health - you know, all the "basic" stuff or go directly for enlightenment? Currently, I'm extremely hesitant about staring that path. I keep saying to myself that there's more important shit right now. Also a part of me (maybe my ego) keeps telling me that enlightenment is bullshit, yet another fears that I might be shooting myself in the foot by refusing to be open-minded about it. Your advice would be very helpful.
@Vercingetorix Changing my social circle (drastically) - I used to go out every single day during the summer break with friends from my class. It wasn't because we had similar interests or something. It wasn't even because it was fun. They were in my social circle (my friends) because I was incredibly anxious and shy then and I was too afraid to go and find other friends outside of school. Two years ago I saw where this "team" was leading me - partying, drinking, gambling, fights, blindly chasing after bitches, and so forth. It took a lot of time for me to decide to ditch them completely; excuses and fears kept popping up: "What if you can't find any other friends?", "You don't have to ditch them, you can just talk to them.", "Ahh, it's not such a big deal after all, so what if we have a little fun here and there...", etc. Finally, after a lot of delaying I stopped calling them or answering to their calls and they got the message. Now, my present friends are much more uplifting - both for my life and theirs, though I won't go into the details of it. Hope it helped.
I want to start doing the following affirmations: I am a creator and take full responsibility for my life. When it comes to life, I am a strategic motherfucker. What do you think, are they OK or are they a bit neurotic? Please share any ideas you have about these sentences; I'm not sure whether to use the above mentioned or ones similar to these: I am the master of my life. / I take 100% responsibility for my life. / I am a creator. / I am incredibly resourceful in life. / (other ideas) I am a long-term thinker. / I am highly strategic when it comes to my life. / (other ideas)
I've been meditating now for more than a year (around 30 min a day) and don't know if I'm meditating properly or just sitting and thinking... So I'm asking all of you to share what type of practices you do. How do you meditate? Do you 'do nothing'? Do you practice mindfulness? Do you 'let go'? I've tried many different types of meditation practices (some for a couple of days, others for months), but don't know if I'm meditating or just wasting my time? Please help on how to meditate...
If you choose to end your life now, you will (for sure) evaporate the rest of the time you have, which might be painful, disappointing, neutral, better, average, amazing, blissful, calm, meaningful, disgusting, horrifying, or something else completely unexpected and different from the above mentioned. You can never know what it will be like. Consider this: What if you somehow, after all of those failed attempts, find a way out of that hole? Is there anything which guarantees that you won't? If you are willing to die peacefully with the idea that your future could have been better than you thought, then the choice is yours...
I used to sit on Facebook a lot in the past... Now I find it really stupid and silly - There isn't anything important (nor interesting) on Facebook. I'm happy I made this change in attitude!
I've also gone through wierd shit, though not as extreme as in your case. - I started crying for no apparent reason whatsoever. This happened multiple times and one time I was just lying on the floor screaming and wheaping at the same time. It was quite scary to be frank. But I'm not sure if it was the meditation or just something I've overlooked.
I am currently making the list of 'My Top 10 Values In Life' and have come across a dilemma. I have all of my 10 values, but one value is 'Intellect' and another 'Wise Decisions' (I know I could write 'Wisdom' but this resonates more with me). My dilemma is that these two values are very similar, yet I can't decide if they're worth combining into a single value (e.g. just 'Intellect'/'Wisdom'/'Intellect, Wise Decisions' etc.) or if I should leave them as they are. The meaning of Intellect: How fast are you on your smarts in the moment of the situation? Examples: Playing chess/b-ball/any other game intelligently; I respect people who can think very fast and cleverly; Knowing how to act & behave and finding a quick & dynamic solution to the situation; Synonyms: Resourcefulness, Cleverness, Ingenuity, Ingeniousness; Wise Decisions: Are you wise or unwise in your life? Do you engage in dead-end activities (smoking, defending your ego, hanging out with bad people)? Do you get easily offended and argue with others about certain topics or are you calm and wise with the choices you make? What are your thoughts on this?
In my opinion, you need to get down your basic shit first in life (health, victim mentality, some basic habits down-meditation, book reading or whatever form of quality education, action taking, I do 1h of strategizing and making plans for my life every week, also working on the most crippling behaviors in your life-like drug addiction). I also recommend you watch Leo's playlist 'The Foundations Of Self-Actualization', take a lot of action from those videos. Especially, pay attention to the videos: 'Strategic Motherfucker', 'Getting shit done', 'Responsibility vs blame', 'Victim mentality'. Keep this up for the next couple of months (around 6 months I'd say). Then sit down again and ask yourself whether your ready for the course. The course is definitely valuable in many ways for your life if and only if you do the course right (do all of the assignments & exercises and also action or practice outside of the course itself).
I do the following: If I'm doing any kind of cardio-training or similar I do it by engaging in some kind of activity I like (e.g. Mountain biking, swimming, basketball, running sprints etc.) For me personally, I love using my whole body to move and traverse land and water (It's hard to describe really.) When I do strength-training (push ups, pull ups, squats etc.) I don't need to do anything. I love going hard like hardcore soldiers do or prison inmates. (Also another feeling that's hard to describe.)
1. Meditate daily for 30 min; 2. Train and exercise my body daily; 3. Reading books, watching videos, learning things about life daily 4. Once a week I sit down for an hour or so and create plans for my life and get my shit together; 5. Sleeping well (8-9 hours); 6. Recently, I'm practicing to think in terms of 'Taking responsibility' with your life. Lessening my complaining and in general tweaking my mindset to think more practically and resourcefully;
I can relate to you about saying you got depressed when hearing about enlightenment. I was depressed for 2-3 weeks (very depressed). But after I started thinking more and more (mental masturbation), I don't remember exactly what happened, but fundamentally I just had to trust that I could find meaning in life and escape my depression. (There is a big emphasis on the word TRUST.) Aside from that, maybe it'd be better if you didn't concern yourself so much with enlightenment and focused on how you could in a step-by-step process grow, create and organize your life. After all, enlightenment is a REALLY advanced topic-it's the pinnacle of personal development. Think about getting your basic shit in life together-your health, finances, creating more room in your life by slaying away your problems one by one, etc. Lastly, it's critical to keep in mind the whole picture of your life in terms of time (today, this year, 2020, 2050 etc.) and know that it will be very slow in the following years because just like a car (or any object really) you need to start getting momentum before you can begin to rich high speeds with your life.
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- enlightenment
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Here are my experiences with judgement in general: To me it seems really pointless (1. It does not make me feel good in any way whatsoever, rather it makes me feel neurotic and compulsive; 2. It is not useful or practical in any way whatsoever, rather it makes me focus on the negative). However, I find myself still engaging with this activity (not as often as I used to though ). I particularly do this with other people (my family, friends and people near me are the common victims). Finally, I haven't figured out yet why am I persuaded to do this activity in the first place. Does someone have a well thought-out idea/reason why we do these kinds of so-to-say "addictive" activities (yet I logically know it's not making me feel good)?
Question: Is it a better alternative to fap without porn. For example: just sitting and fantasizing or looking at pictures/playboy or any other alternative methods? Or should my goal be to ultimately eliminate porn and fapping completely?
This question is directed to all of the people who have bought and went through 'The Ultimate Life Purpose Course': Is it worth it for me to get it? I feel like it is, but I want some feedback and testimonials from others. I'm currently uncertain about what I want my career to be. I'm still in high-school and I have a good life going right now, but I feel a bit stuck and lost. Is it worth the money and time?
Hello Mr. Canadian, I might sound like a jerk, but here it goes- Sitting on this forum and watching those videos are a waste of time (for your circumstances, they are wasting time), complaining about it is a waste of time. Here are my invitations: 1. Start gaining momentum in your life. Start with a very small (E.g. wake up early for 7 straight days, or make it even smaller if you need to). It's the only way, otherwise you will overwhelm yourself and get frustrated. 2. Keep trying. Try something, if it doesn't work after some time, try another thing, if that doesn't- repeat the process. You WILL come to the right answer. 3. Keep in mind that you can break out of your rut. It's been done countless times by other people in your same exact situation. It WILL come through! If you don't believe me logically still, what can I say... Some things are not logical in life, you need to just TRUST me on this. In life, there will come times when you need to just make literal 'leaps of faith'.
1.What are the best and most effective habits we should integrate with self-actualization? 2.What are the most toxic habits we should eliminate? 3.Tell us what habits you've set in your life and which toxic habits/addictions you've eliminated. 4.What changes of your habits are you working on or plan to work on in the future? My Answers: 1.Meditation; Training; Book reading; Mindfulness; Taking 100% responsibility (anti-victim); 2.Smoking; Drinking; Complaining; Bad posture; 3.I started meditating, exercising, reading; stopped playing computer games and TV; Changed my friends/social circle strategically 4.positive thinking; visualization; journaling; What are your answers?
There is a sentence in the book "Living The 80/20 Way" and it goes like this: 'Worrying is useless. You can decide to take action and not worry or you can decide to not take action and not worry.'
I've used the following affirmations for 100 days (not day-after-day though): 1.I am naturally confident. 2.I am completely detached from the positive or the negative opinions of others. I got these from Leo's videos, but with a bit of a twist from me. And I really do feel like they've worked a lot. I used to be very shy and would run away from any kind of pressure in social situations and I used to get bossed around or swayed by other people. Now, I see how others treat me- with more respect, I can feel that they see me as a confident guy! I also feel and look at myself as a truly confident person. I'm not a chick magnet (yet), but in general-I'm much much better with other people, friends, girls etc. It's amazing!
Hey, I'm 16 y.o. and I can totally relate to you! I started doing this personal development stuff around 14 years and I can tell you what's worked for me. Here are 2 pieces of advice: 1. Do not stop with personal development, I know the first 1-2 years are ruff and you don't know how self help will fit in with the rest of your life. I know it sounds cheesy, but do not fall of the track. It WILL come through! 2. Study Leo's 'Advice for High-school and college students' video. Watch it over and over because there are A LOT of amazing pieces of wisdom. If you take that video seriously, man, your life will literally jumpstart!
I might have watched about a 100 videos give or take. I don't watch his enlightenment videos generally- I'm working on my lifestyle, habits, life purpose etc. I don't have favorite videos, but with each month they get better and better. I also take notes on some of the better ones. Hope it helped!
My question: 'How can we use the videos Leo puts on YouTube and exploit them to the MAX for our own personal lives?' I'm curious and would like to know how to you go about watching his videos and how you learn from them- Do you just listen? Do you do the exercises? Do you write notes? Do you do anything in particular to get as much as possible from the videos? I personally do the following: watch his playlist 'The Foundations of Self-Actualization' (step by step; first master the basics; the foundation is the most important part) if I find a video I think is VERY important, I take detailed notes in a notebook just for these kinds of videos later, I study the notes (extensively)-just like studying for school, except the subject is 'Life & Self-Actualization'