Gabriel Antonio

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Posts posted by Gabriel Antonio

  1. Name: Gabriel Antonio
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Occupation: Student
    Marital Status: Single
    Kids: No
    Hobbies: meditation, yoga, jogging, watching self-development videos, and helping people learn Portuguese

    I have been interested in improving myself since I was 12 after going to a talk about Cabalistic Numerology. I had found something quite remarkable in the speaker's way of saying things, as if his third eye was opened. I started to go more and more to his lectures, and it was crazy how I was another person when I was there. Let me explain: I was a supposedly a shy person, but when I was talking with people about topics such as "What was your favorite lecture of him?" I was able to have a very natural conversation. I kind of concluded that I was an old soul because of the ease with which I talked with those older folks as opposed to people my age.

    After that, I experimented with NLP, hypnosis, and tapping. And finally in August of 2014 I discovered lucid dreaming and finally meditation. After a few weeks I saw how much I could get if I invested time and energy meditating. I had always wanted "the magic pill" for overcoming my fears, and meditation looked as the perfect tool, the tool that I had been searching for years.

    Personal challenges I've overcome:

    • Insane guilt (I wouldn't allow myself to "fall off track;" everything had to be perfect, otherwise my "evil" side was taking control of myself)
    • Insane perfectionism (I like the quote: "Everything that's beautiful is imperfect") 
    • Social Anxiety (I don't really have the need to interact a lot with people, but I used to think: "Gotta talk, gotta talk")

    What I'm working on now:

    • My future
    • Meditation
    • Being OK with the imperfection of my actions