Gabriel Antonio

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Posts posted by Gabriel Antonio

  1. On 03/04/2019 at 9:45 PM, Leo Gura said:

    you need something more practical first.

    Go and actually study and gain experience with attracting girls and being social. Do that first. Fill that need. Then you can return to enlightenment work. You are getting ahead of yourself, jumping into too advanced territory without having done the basics. That's why you're frustrated.


    Stop trying to avoid it. You are using the idea of enlightenment to avoid doing basic self-help stuff. That is not right.


    Talk about a bitter pill lol

  2. Rapé is a great tool. I personally don’t like to take huge dosages, because it can get extremely unpleasant.

    There’s a huge variety of rapés. Yopo is just one type of rapé. Similarly to how there are many different types of cannabis strains, and each has it’s properties.

    In my case, I use it to calm down my anxiety, and to help evacuate. 

    It’s also a very powerful anti-psychotic. On my most scarry ayahuasca trip ever, where I was going nuts, the only thing that made me go back to Earth was rapé.

    It’s also anti-addiction. With it, I was able to stop smoking pot relatively easily.

    I am really grateful for this medicine. I use small dosages daily. And a friend of mine will teach me how to make my own rapé. :)

    @Leo Gura

  3. I feel you, man. Welcome to the Social Anxious group lol 

    It's a very complicated thing... there's nothing I can say that will make you feel comfortable expressing yourself, but know it that it is possible. What's helped the most is having 2-3 friends who I can feel really at ease with, someone who I can really trust that like me no matter what I do or don't do. By cultivating these friendships, I gain self-confidence to talk with other people. 

  4. Solipsism (/ˈsɒlɪpsɪzəm/ (listen); from Latin solus, meaning 'alone', and ipse, meaning 'self') is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist. This extreme position is claimed to be irrefutable, as the solipsist believes themself to be the only true authority, all others being creations of their own mind.


    Let me guess: you took some psychedelics, and now you think you're enlightened. 

  5. That's a very good question. 


    1 hour ago, Elisabeth said:

    not being accepted => not being supported => being alone & not being able to take care of myself => suffering/dying

    Bingo! You just summed up the fear of rejection. 


    1 hour ago, Elisabeth said:

    me choosing a partner who's really good at accepting my emotional self (and valuing this trait so greatly that I just accept other stuff)

    That can be very helpful. Sometimes we can't overcome fears by ourselves; we need loving support & acceptance. 

    A good therapist can also help with that. 


    From my experience, the more you dig some fears; the stronger they become. It's like a never-ending thing. 

    I just found an article that I found pretty interesting. See if it resonates with you:


    1 hour ago, Elisabeth said:

    What puzzles me is, I am currently in a state of not being accepted by my parents, yet the fear doesn't diminish. We had a fight over Christmas, they rejected my partner choice and basically my entire lifestyle, and now I'm very hesitant to speak to them at all. Basically, the worst case scenario I imagined came true, yet there is no relief from the fear, just emotional pain from the separation - and weirdly enough, I'm still afraid to do stuff they would disapprove of.  

    Can you be more specific? That is, why they rejected your partner? How is your lifestyle?

    In anyway, that's very tough. Even though they say in some spiritual circles that "you don't need to be accepted by anyone but you", I don't find that to be true. We all want to be accepted, especially by the ones close to us. 

    From my experience, even though separation is hard, sometimes it is necessary. If you keep seeing your parents -- and they keep disapproving you -- that will only drain your energy. That being said, after some time, you'll be more matured, and you hopefully can start relate with them again in a healthier way.

    Ghosts do not live under our beds, but inside our heads... Our inner voice can be extremely critic and disapproval, or it can be loving and encouraging. To have more awareness on that, I suggest a book called "Taming Your Gremlin" by Richard David Carson. 

  6. On 3/28/2019 at 6:52 PM, Ampresus said:

    Yes I do weightlift, one of my favourite practices.

    Cool! Have you ever done any martial art?


    On 3/28/2019 at 6:52 PM, Ampresus said:

    Ever since I have heard about ''enlightenment'', ''awakening'' and ''Truth'' I have always wanted it. Of course at some point I know I have to drop the desire, but for now I can't. Imagine being enlightened in your 20s...

    That's a dead-end... It's like a dog chasing its tail... 


    On 3/28/2019 at 6:52 PM, Ampresus said:

    If only you knew how much time I have wasted with my ''natural curiousity''. Wasted as in not getting out a single thing of it. Even when I looked up good practices, I never engaged in them.

    I understand... Here's a quote I really like: "You can think your way into right thinking, but you can't think your way into right action."


  7. That was a great read! 

    I'm 22, and I have been on the self-actualization path since I was 12 lol, so I feel I can share valuable stuff to you. 


    On 23/03/2019 at 7:54 PM, Ampresus said:

    Because I desire for freedom. Well, I think so. I am about to rant about how I hate my life in case you didn't foresee that. School seems like prison, I lost most of my motivation. I used to be this perfect student, but now I can clearly see that teachers who think they are above humans they call ''teens'' don't deserve any kind of superior treatment. All these teachers thinking they are somehow better than all the kids in my school, truly frustrating.

    I agree. I used to hate school. It's all very mechanical, and sitting down for many hours a day is not healthy.


    On 23/03/2019 at 7:54 PM, Ampresus said:

    Oh about frustration. I have recently gotten this weird feeling where I really want to punch something. Hurt something. Put some force on something. When I lean with my head to a wall, I tend to force my head almost through it. With all the power I have. I am full of tension.

    Damn. That's tough, man. You mentioned you go to the gym. Do you weightlift? That could be a good outlet for your rage. 


    On 23/03/2019 at 7:54 PM, Ampresus said:

    When I think I am about to get in some high mystical state, I am probably falling asleep.

    Haha. You see, if you have a very full schedule, meditation won't be effective. And in my opinion, meditation is overrated. There are other things you can master before trying to become a young western Zen master... Trust me, you can leave meditation (and especially self-enquiry) for later in your life. No need to rush with that. 


    On 23/03/2019 at 7:54 PM, Ampresus said:

    I don't want to listen to music during my work-out because it might just make my monkey-mind go more wild, but all I get is frustration. Irritation.

    Maybe you should do another type of work-out. Something that brings more pleasure, instead of being a chore. And, dude, don't be so rigid with yourself. Listen to whatever you want... The more you fight the monkey-mind, the louder it gets. 


    On 23/03/2019 at 7:54 PM, Ampresus said:

    Doing systems-thinking? His video was basically a summary of ''buy my booklist so you can actually learn this stuff'

    Hahaha... dude, I didn't understand that video... Leo lost me when he started doing psychedelics... 


    On 23/03/2019 at 7:54 PM, Ampresus said:

    Don't have the motivation to think about one question for 2 hours or to do this thing called ''Kriya yoga''

    Haha... Dude, if you can find a good yoga class, it can be quite amazing... It's not the typical western work-out. It makes you go into a meditative and calm state. But, again, if you're super-tired, it won't do you much. 


    On 23/03/2019 at 7:54 PM, Ampresus said:

    I don't have all the time in the world and the free time I get after all of my current habits I tend to spend on ''stimulants'' as I call watching this Netflix serie, watching YT comedy video's, reading answers on Quora or still watching porn after having decided that I want to quit.

    Again, don't be hard on yourself. Young people these days have very stressful routines, so if you spend your free time doing "low-consciouness" stuff, it's okay... You're a human being, after all... 


    On 23/03/2019 at 7:54 PM, Ampresus said:

    Or I just go to my computer and do all that stuff + unnecessary research on stupid subjects there.

    Don't label your natural curiosity as "unnecessary" and "stupid". 


    On 23/03/2019 at 7:54 PM, Ampresus said:

    At school I always eat alone during the breaks. All the lads I used to hang out with are making my frustration only grow. They talk about stupid internet jokes, recently bought a cake for our English teacher without sharing a piece with people who didn't fund it, always playing this nice person but actually gossiping a lot of times and just being more autistic than my brother.

    I understand how some subjects might be very uninteresting and childish... I suggest you get the book "Quiet - How Introverts Can Transform a World That Can Stop Talking" 


    On 23/03/2019 at 7:54 PM, Ampresus said:

    I felt those kid feelings coming back. Damn I missed them.

    Good old nostalgia... 


    On 23/03/2019 at 7:54 PM, Ampresus said:

    my current goal is to become an astronaut. No one believes in me, so that gives me more reason to chase that dream. I will send a postcard to some of you in case I get to go into low Earth orbit. Many of my goals used to be like ''learning to program'',''researching things like history, science, charisma, love, philosophy and religion'' and ''get some balls''.

    It's fine to have goals, but don't cling too much to them. I also think goals are overrated. 


    Best of luck! You are a very good writer. You should write a public journal on this forum... 



  8. First off, people who pick on others are deep down insecure individuals... They want to humiliate others in order to feel better about themselves. 

    Second, you probably have had many many experiences in the past where you felt disrespected, and this adds up into a snowball effect. 

    Well, there are other things I could say to you, but you probably already know, such as taking yourself less seriously, finding people who remind you who you truly are, etc. 

  9. On 3/26/2019 at 7:36 AM, pluto said:

    This term: "too good to be true". Never use it again.

    You will understand one day :)



    On 3/26/2019 at 7:16 AM, How to be wise said:

    In the ‘How to shop for healthy food’ episode, Leo said: “When you stop eating wheat, it will be very very difficult for you to put on weight, no matter how much of it you eat, as long as you also avoid lots of sugar.” 29:53 

    So, as long as I avoid wheat and sugar, it will be difficult for me to gain weight. Does this mean that, if I stay within the recommended daily calorie level of 2000 kcal, that I can have chicken wings with French fries, every single day and not become fat? I’m dying to try this out. As far as I know, neither contain significant amounts of wheat or sugar (if at all). 

    Lol, unfortunately, no.