Gabriel Antonio

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Posts posted by Gabriel Antonio

  1. 1 hour ago, Shin said:


    How is that nice? O.o 


    34 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    What do you mean what is this? It is growth. What did you expect?




    2 hours ago, Socrates said:

    I saw a battle like the ego was battling to survive 

    Are you trying to kill the ego? That's dual, man...

    Ego = God

    Lower self = Higher self

    Low consciousness = High consciousness

    Ego Backlash = Consciousness shift


    2 hours ago, Socrates said:

    The next 4 months consisted of cigarettes (hadn't smoked in 2 and a half years), weed, drinking, video games, junk food and of course no meditation nor yoga or even gym.

    Well, I was going to advise you to not take psychedelics (at least for a while), but I just smoked some 5-MeO-DMT, and I became You, and here's my advice from Infinite Intelligence: 




    2 hours ago, Socrates said:

    Consciousness Shift: I don't really know how to explain this. My experience has been really self-luminous and especially today it is like I am tripping. It actually feels like I am high on LSD but I am totally sober. I get the HD vision and the presence of the LSD and oh boy this is too intense to happen out of the blue. It feels like the body is inside of a ball of experience, I am not the body but I still don't know what I am. If I focus there is something new in my experience but I can't put my hand into it. It feels now the real work starts, this is too radical...

    Don't spiritualize this by calling it a "consciousness shift". When I used to drink ayahuasca frequently, I would get those A LOT. I thought I was getting enlightened xD

    This is just a flashback from your LSD trips. This is a widely known phenomenon with psychedelics. If you want to become a psychonaut, at least do some basic research, man! @_@'


    Btw - How are you so sure you're not the body? Just because Leo told you so? 

  2. 14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    In real life your friends remember every stupid thing you said. You cannot undo conversations in real time. So you watch what you say.

    Well, in reality friends don't remember 99% of the stupid things we say to them. Thank God! Everybody is preoccupied with their own shit. 


    @flume It's challenging for me to be in this forum also, but because there are a lot of cringey stuff. And a lot of wannabe enlightened people, who are nothing more than armchair philosophers. 

    But anyway, if you're really worried about what you said, take away your picture and avoid oversharing stuff. Simple as that. 

  3. It's an extremely complicated thing to go through. I bet someone will say here that "Death is an illusion" (or something like that), but this will not make it easier to get through it. 

    I recommend a support group. This can be really helpful so that you don't suffer by yourself. 

    And understand that grieving is necessary. It's painful and you can't rush the process. 




    All the best, man! 

  4. 23 hours ago, SQAAD said:

    This is a terrible advice.

    So you are telling him to stop meditating & choose to take drugs. Well if he needs to take medications for the rest of his life from the pharmaceutical cartel  then Yes but that should be his last option. 

    I agree that he should see a psychologist though. That MIGHT help him!

    First of all, he's trying too many things at once.

    Second, he's very likely doing the techniques incorrectly, which make them do more harm than good. 

  5. 1 hour ago, pluto said:

    Fasting is a panacea, when done correctly it will cure all disease and sickness and these are not new age methods


    1- How to fast correctly? I’m curious...

    2- Do you have any evidence that fasting cures “all disease”? 

    “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"

    — Carl Sagan

  6. 3 hours ago, pluto said:

    The only true way to heal is fasting because in fasting you are allowing the body and the universe at large to calm down to its natural state and when you are no longer feeding the 5 senses, everything eventually turns inwards.

    A simple experiment you can do is for the next 3-4 or more days(if you feel comfortable) days don't do anything, don't use technology, don't interact with people, don't listen to music, don't eat food or take any form of liquids/medication/substance (besides water) literally starve out any impulses you have that your ego will try to use as a tool of escape and eventually all you have left is self.

    While doing this you can do simple things like walks in nature, practicing mindfulness, meditation, yoga and light stretching of form of exercise that doesn't exhaust you but rather liven you up, sun gazing/bathing, grounding/earthing and maybe read a book on fasting or spiritual detox or something good for your heart and soul like Tao Te Ching or Whatever Arises, Love that by Matt Kahn or The Power of Now.

    After a week, you will be a completely new person. You will still be you, just more you, the you that you were before the world got its hands on you and shaped you with programs and ideologies you bought into. These types of activities and experiments allow the mind/body/spirit to once again fall into harmony and return inward to the natural state, the natural self.

    I have healed and helped heal so many using similar methods and advice. Originally the ideas came from texts written over 15+ thousand years ago that i had tapped into. They are ever changing but the basics remain the same. Fasting is Healing.

    Practice makes perfect :)

    This is a very dangerous and irresponsible advice!!! You say as if fasting is a panacea. I assume it may be helpful for a small number of people, but in anyway, you're setting a highly unrealistic expectation for this technique. ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ


    9 hours ago, Flatworld Crusades said:

    it is a nightmare. I have been through this healing quite a number of times, unfortunately.   The first thing I'd do if I were you would be to see a doctor and find out exactly what your dealing with. That gives you a compass to give you direction.  A referral to a psychologist or therapist, someone qualified to bounce your observations and healing attempts off.  At the moment you appear to be throwing everything you can find at it which increases your expectations than then bottom out when nothing happens.

    thats my advice, initially find out what it is and put a solid plan together.


  7. First of all, the emotional pain you experience is not unique. When we're suffering, we think that our suffering is incurable, incomprehensible, and in some way different from the suffering of others.

    This is not to invalidade your suffering, but keep in mind that others are also going through something. In this very moment, there are millions of people who are going through much worse mental states than you can even possibly imagine. 

    Second of all, why do you try to heal yourself with such unorthodox methods (such as Reiki, "feeling emotions for 4 hours a day" [O.o], psychedelics, etc.)? Why not try first the traditional ways? And why are you resistant to taking medication? It tooks us millions of years to reach this point in history where Medicine is becoming advanced. Why not take advantage of it? 

    Third of all, seeking healing too obsessively is itself a form of pain. I've been there. I'd end up focusing most of my thoughts and energy into my traumas. I would put myself under a microscope and try to reach my perfect and 100% healed self. Not only is this impossible, but trying to do so is highly counter-productive. Sometimes we have to let ourselves go and do things that take our mind off of the emotional suffering. For example, going out with friends and having fun, watching a good movie, swimming, etc. 

    I recommend stopping all of your healing practices (which not only seems to be not working, but seem to be doing you harm). And also, please, seek a good professional -- either a psychiatrist or psychologist, and avoid alternative methods. You will not get out of this quagmire of pain by yourself. 

    Best of luck! 

  8. 40 minutes ago, Merkabah said:

    Amazing how much energy you put in micro-analyzing other ppl's skills!!  All that effort to make a case that someone does or does not have interpersonal skills.

    It really didn't take that much effort... But thanks for your concern!


    43 minutes ago, Merkabah said:

    Ughhhh, how about just taking a walk outside or having some chocolate ice cream? You will feel better.

    Nah, I'm good. Thanks for the unsolicited advice though...

  9. I usually don't do it. I think the greatest prayer I can do with my food is to eat it mindfully, that is, not think about other things as I am eating and being in the present moment.

    Here's what the Zen tradition does:


    "We pray with meals. We reflect with gratitude on all the beings whose life energy has flowed into the food in our bowls, sacrificed so that we might have more abundant life, and we pray that all beings will be as well nourished as we are."


  10. 2 hours ago, Dayo said:

    Okay maybe it wasn't stellar but that doesn't matter. Elon Musk isn't some social wizard and he did good on Joe Rogan's podcast. Just because you don't like the nonduality tip Leo is on doesn't mean Leo doesn't have friends. Personally I am not into nonduality because I feel I am not ready for it and regular self-actualization is very challenging for me. He doesn't have to live to your expectations. You don't know his plans and shit he discussed about his tour.

    Well, there's just a tiny little difference between what Elon Musk has achieved vs what Leo has achieved.

    Indeed, Elon Musk isn't a social wizard. In fact, not only is he socially awkward, but maybe he's also autistic. That being said, he has a very rich life-story, is impacting the world on a global level, and he seems to be authentic. 

  11. 24 minutes ago, Dayo said:

    How can you have an accurate perception of Leo when you haven't talked to him face to face. I haven't met him personally. I have only seen him on youtube videos. I saw an old video of him Toastmasters and he really did well there socially and he has grown highly from that. I wouldn't be surprised if Leo appears on Joe Rogan's podcast and makes your analysis bunk.

    I was just speculating. That being said, I am very familiar with social awkwardness, so it's pretty easy for me to spot it in other people. I can make inaccurate assessments, of course. 

    Regarding his video on Toastmasters, I am sorry, but he did not do well. His body language is very stiff and rigid, and his voice is constricted. Not to mention that he's trying really hard to "look cool". I think I have tried to watch that video 2-3 times, and not only did I never finish it, but I also don't remember anything that he said there. 

    I think his chances of going to Joe Rogan's podcast is close to 0%. What I would actually like to see him doing is making that USA tour happen. It's very easy for him to think he is developed while he's on his living room floor high on LSD, but actually stepping out of his comfort zone and meeting with his followers face-to-face would be a real sign of growth.