Gabriel Antonio

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Everything posted by Gabriel Antonio

  1. 1. Have you been taking any new medication? 2. Have you recently stopped smoking weed?
  2. Maybe you should make new friends...
  3. I bought his booklist a few months ago and have read some of the books. It has helped me tremendously! There is a lot of junk in the self-help field, so following this booklist will help you cut through the bullshit. Reading the books will help you build your foundation. As Leo usually says, it is not enough to watch the videos. Seriously, you'll get a much deeper understanding of reality if you read the books. They are all very interesting and well-written. I also like that there is a mini audio review for each book. Thank you for the list. It's totally worth buying!
  4. I’m not a fan of SDS, but anyway ideally it should be done with a posture you can maintain “comfortably” for the whole session.
  5. Even if there are alternative realities, why not focus on the physical one? There’s so much to do on this one! Mastering your career, relationships, finances... If you’re on psychedelics, for example, you can experience things like that, and gain many insights. But you must integrate them into your life. Otherwise, what’s the point?
  6. That's harsh... Verbal abuse can be even worse than physical one. One thing that comes to mind is experimenting with psychedelics, especially ayahuasca. I have seen many people heal traumas in ceremonies. It's not easy, but it pays off. There are more traditional alternatives to that, such as psychotherapy. You can also use art to express yourself. You can also work on getting in touch with your inner child. There's a beautiful Hawaiian prayer called Ho'oponopono, which can really help release emotional pain. See if this resonates with you:
  7. Well, this might just be depression, you know? A chemical imbalance... I am always reluctant to spiritualize things. So if I were you, I’d seek professional help and take a break from spiritual practices. Also, a stressful lifestyle can trigger depression. I hope you feel better!
  8. Interesting read:
  9. It’s more of a gossip machine...
  10. Google it lol You can’t be 100% authentic all the time, if you want to live in society. Art helps btw...
  11. I think you're trying too hard...
  12. You probably got used to the uncomfortable feeling. Careful not to get neurotic about meditation. It’s a practice of self-love.
  13. Let the art flow. Remember that as soon as you get into the flow state, there will be no “you” doing the art. Art will be doing itself. Relax, and try to silence your inner critic.
  14. Careful... I’m not sure this is a good ability. Pain is telling that something is not right. Numbing it is not way...
  15. Respect your limits. Stopping being obsessive about swallowing whatever bitter pill you think you need to swallow is in itself a bitter pill.
  16. Respect her alone time... Possessiveness destroy relationships.
  17. First of all, stop beating yourself up for screwing things up. That only adds to the problem. Have you ever thought of doing acting classes?
  18. I don’t know. In Yoga, we learn that whenever we’re too tired, we shouldn’t force ourselves but instead take child’s pose (which is sort of a resting pose). This idea of never stopping can be quite neurotic.
  19. Dealing with trauma is tricky. A compassionate presence is really important so that you can allow yourself to feel the pain. Psychotherapy can definitely help.
  20. Maybe Al-lad. Whichever you choose, take a low dosage, and be in a good mood.
  21. I don’t think that’s a good sign. Maybe you’re now going through a maniac episode (or depersonalization). Be careful...
  22. It’s tricky. Some emotions are too hard to bear. Medication might be needed. A professional psychologist will give much better advice than I can. If a person chooses to deal with them through meditation, an experienced teacher is pivotal to succeed.