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About Sepehr_88

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    Canada, Montreal
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  1. I tried and I find it very powerful. Human design is like a synthesis of ancient wisdom traditions like: l’Ching, Hindu chakra, Kabbalah, astrology.. Unless you a read a book on it or have a human design specialist explaining your chart, it may seem overwhelming. I was lucky that someone explained it to me, but I’m still uncovering new stuff. It may take years to uncover everything that the chart has to give. It’s scary accurate and it gives you a roadmap to your life. If you want to download your own free chart, you can click on the link below.
  2. I was wondering if any of you tried Human Design and what is your reaction?
  3. @Prabhaker thank you for your input. It is true that at that time I was experiencing emotional trauma and extreme stress.
  4. I thing the best thing for you will be to start meditate for 20 min per day, I feel that 1 hour of meditation is too much to start and it will discourage you. Its better slowly and after a month or two when you feel that youre comfortable to do it for longer then go ahead, Meditation is not as easy that it seems in fact Ive been meditating for a year now and its just recently that I decided to up the time to 30 min.
  5. check out the last video that Leo put online. its about the negative side of meditation. I think you will find your answers in that video
  6. English isn't my native language so I apologise in advance if I write poorly. So 5 years ago an event happened that I suspect was a kundalini awakening. At that time I wasn't doing any meditation and I wasn't even interested in spirituality. I was a student in an university doing my bachelor's degree in actuary . I was 23 years old unmotivated and mostly spendind my time playing video games or hanging with friends. I wasn't doing well in school, had a hard time concentrating and I had a pretty low self-esteem. To make the story short, from September 2011 till December 2011 I had a manic episode. During this time I had tremendous energy, I could only sleep 3 hours per day but I still was extremely energetic. My condfidence was through the roof, I felt like God. Lots of mood swings, one second Im laughing the next I m crying. I had vivid hallusinations, lots of paranoia, hearing things. Also I felt extremely alive, I could see the energy around me, I felt that everything connected. During this time I couldn't control my thoughts, I had racing thoughts. In a way I lost my mind lol, I suspect that's reason that I felt so alive. Losing my mind was the worst thing that happened to me, but at the same time the best, that was the trigger that showed me the way to spirituality and the self-developpement. Did anyone else lived trough something like this.