Juan Cruz Giusto

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Everything posted by Juan Cruz Giusto

  1. @Leo Gura I agree that all of the things mentioned above (family, friend, sex and son on) won't make you happy but that doesn't mean you have to renounce them, just be detached from them.. If you feel that renounciation is a critical aspect of your journey and it feels authentic to you that's great, but that's a personal decision and many enlightened masters prefer to enjoy all aspects of life even though it doesn't bring "happiness". I personally get it but careful because many here may take this path of yours in a neurotic way and may become depressed (been there). Anyways, if it feels good just keep doing it. ?
  2. @Leo Gura why are you renouncing all of the aspects you mentioned above? Because it makes you more fulfilled? Is it a middle way in some sense? Are those decisions coming from love as you said in your previous videos? I'm really curious about which are your motivations behind these types of actions... What are you seeing that I'm not is basically the question.. Or is it just a personsl thing that you feel inclined doing?
  3. How do you tell you have an addiction? If you stop doing the behavior that you think you are addicted to for one week and cravings arise, that means you are addicted. Addiction List: - Drugs - Food - Porn - Tabaco - Alcohol - TV and internet - Videogames - Socialization (chitchatting and parting with your friends) - Shopping - Work - Gossip - Thinking (is the #1 thing people are addicted to) The root cause of any addiction is fear of emptiness. It is the real fear of emptiness that you experience when you are alone with nothing to do (if you sit in a room and do nothing for a while you will notice a fear of emptiness come up). What addictions are is they are distractions and escapes from this existential emptiness fear that all of us have. So the problem that you have is basically that you cannot sit alone in an empty room, so what you do is you turn to …… into distraction. The degree to which you are self-developed, emotionally mature and capable as a human being is measured by the fact that you can sit alone in an empty room without any external stimulation and the degree to which you need external stimulation to feel happy is the degree to which you have no mastery over your life, it the degree to which you are a slave to external reality; It is the difference between being internally grounded and externally grounded and the whole aim of self-actualization is to anchor yourself into being internally grounded (BEING VS DOING). You cannot be really satisfied in life if you cannot sit in a room for a couple of hours! And most people cannot do that; this is because their lives are hollow. Your life is actually empty but you have been running away from that truth and reality. You are doing stupid stuff to distract yourself since you cannot be happy by only being and in the present moment. No matter how much you consume you will never fill your emptiness of being with materialism; you cannot replace the being with the doing. This existential emptiness is not a problem that you should avoid, it is something you should open yourself to and dive into. The nature of Being is Emptiness and spirituality is indeed this. So this fear is the fear of the Void inside of you; it is the same fear that arises when you start contemplating your own death. This emptiness is the same experience as when you are in deep sleep, is the same emptiness of death and the same as the emptiness you were before you born. YOU ARE RUNNING AWAY FROM THIS EMPTINESS. If you sit long enough you will realize that none of this means anything and this might make you depressed and lead you to an existential crisis (the dark night of the soul) WHAT YOU NEED TO FACE THIS VOID AT ONE POINT IN YOUR LIFE IF YOU WANT TO CONQUER ADDICTION SUSTAINABLY. How to overcome addictions and face emptiness? Sit with emptiness and do nothing, without any stimulus. As you do this, don’t go into fantasies, just do nothing. What you need to do is sit and feel the Purifying Fire of Emptiness; all your cravings and addictions will come but you need to endure and sit there. As you sit your mind and body will start going crazy but the longer you sit there the purifying fire will burn all the inner demons (it’s like your inner demons are escaping you). If you don’t do this, it is just a short term solution. Sitting and doing nothing is the ultimate solution. SITTING AND DOING NOTHING IS THE MOST DIFFICULT THING TO DO. All addiction is basically emotional immaturity. Top techniques to overcome addictions and be fully self-actualized: - Do Nothing - Mindfulness Meditation - Strong Determination Sitting - Existential investigation: You sit down and investigate who and what you are existentially and face your inner demons head on. o What is going to happen when you are dead? There are two types of addictions: 1- Hard addictions (everything mentioned above) 2- Soft addictions a. Criticism and Judgement b. Love and Validation c. Compliments d. Success People think that soft addictions are good but they are in nature neurotic. The most self-actualized person is the one who is internally grounded and doesn’t need external reality at all. This doesn’t mean he is a banal person or he is not fun, he can do everything but he doesn’t need it and for his the most enjoyable things for him is just to sit and to be. The question is how far are you from that ideal? How can you structure your life so your main goal is to be happy just by being and doing nothing? IF YOU CAN BE HAPPY DOING NOTHING AT ALL IMAGINE HOW COULD IT BE WHEN YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING WONDERFUL AND EXCITING. Internal wealth is how happy can you be doing nothing; and this is something you can develop.
  4. @Natura Sonoris I looked for it for 2 hours and found nothing. If you have the link it would be great, if not, dont worry my man. Thank you!
  5. Intuition is key to self-actualizing and it’s a great tool to direct your life. Your life lacks big picture thinking and it lacks motivation, purpose and strategy. Lots of people get lost in life frying the little fish and ignoring the big fish; and this is especially bad in Western culture since it is biased towards the left and logical brain. We don’t teach children to use intuition and even adults don’t harness it. Most of the most important decisions you make in life are based on intuition. INTUITION IS MORE POWERFUL THAN LOGIC WILL EVER BE BECAUSE PURPOSE AND VISION ALWAYS COME FIRST. To make high level decisions, you need to analyze tons of data that your logical mind will never be able to grapple with and the only way to do that is to trust your subconscious mind (this mechanism is not linear). YOU NEED TO BE THE VISIONARY IN YOUR LIFE, IN YOUR INDUSTRY, IN YOUR COMMUNITY AND IN YOUR WORLD. Intuition is a high form of intelligence. What is intuition? When you calm your mind down, when you are free of distraction and you are sitting alone in solitude, there is a voice that comes up with all sorts of different things and it’s really different from monkey mind and is different from logic. It is like your higher self speaking to you. But intuition is difficult to follow and it has 3 challenges: 1. Most people can’t even hear intuition: The voice is drawn out by our culture, media and distractions. Moreover, there is a bias towards logical thinking. That is why people don’t listen to their intuition. Which is the solution? a. Firstly, acknowledge that true intelligence comes from something much deeper than you; you are not the source of intelligence. Intelligence doesn’t come from you but is present in existence itself. b. You also need to remove distractions: People are too distracted with logical stuff and don’t have free time for solitude and silence. c. You need to contemplate your death and realize that your materialistic life will end. d. Get clear about what you want out of life (hint! You don’t want success, money or sex). Life purpose is key. e. Meditation as a habit is very important f. You need to get more in touch with your emotions 2. Even if you can hear it, most people are full of personal impurities: The problem is that you have an ego, beliefs, fears and dogmas that distorts your intuition. Solution? a. Have benevolent motives in your life and whatever you are trying to accomplish in your life, make sure that they are coming from love/contribution and not from self-identity or survival b. Spiritual purification: It is the entire process of purifying your identity from your cravings, your fears and deepest held beliefs. When you strip away all the bullshit, you become a vehicle and servant of your intuition. c. You need to release beliefs (Leo’s past video) and dissolve your limiting beliefs d. Change your environment: Change where you live, clean up the information you ingest, clean up your diet, clean up your relationships. e. Make sure you free your body off tension (bioenergetics). Tension is a form of unconsciousness. 3. Even if you don’t have impurities, people don’t follow it: You need to work your intuition. The problem is double: First, you have no commitment to your intuition and secondly, there is a lack of requisite variety (you have a lack of flexibility and adaptability). Solution? a. Realize that your number one job in life is to serve your intuition. If you are not serving your intuition, you are serving your ego and desire for survival. b. Commit to following your intuition: It takes courage and work to follow your intuition. You will need to learn new abilities and make changes in your life. If you follow your intuition, your life will change dramatically every couple of years. People who don’t follow their intuition don’t change very much. If you follow your intuition, your life will constantly change c. You must create an intuition incubator in your life: Intuition doesn’t come to you as a formula, it comes randomly and in a very rough form. You need to polish it up and work on it. JORNAL A LOT, WRITE THEM DOWN AND KEEP TRACK OF THEM. Articulate them in specific language. Contemplate them a lot, think about them and create action plans. Convert your abstract ideas into action plans. d. You need to be very strategic in the way you follow your intuition. Some of your intuitions will require 5 to 10 years’ work. How do you recognize if your intuition is coming from a good or bad place? False intuitions defend themselves with justifications when they are questioned, whereas true intuitions are silent when they are questioned, yet, the more you question them, the more you pulled to them. Be mindful when you question your intuitions and realize if the intuition is trying to defend itself with justifications, but if you are magnetically attracted to it they are real intuitions. Also, false intuition tends to be protective (not to lose), whereas the true intuitions tend to be inspirational and coming from a place of love and beauty and it’s a play to win. Your intuition will skyrocket if you are in the spiritual path and you develop yourself. The intelligence that permeates all existence will be the guide and you will be in flow with reality, you will become a vehicle for nature and that is when life becomes magical and amazing. You will not live for yourself, you will be living for something way beyond yourself; you will feel like you are the universe working for itself. BECOME AN EMPLOYEE OF THE UNIVERSE.
  6. @Natura Sonoris Where did you get it? I cannot find it!
  7. @Leo Gura How much are you meditating nowadays? I've just reached the 1 hour mark and I plan to maintain it for a couple of years and some retreats once in a while...
  8. @Wormon Blatburm I didn't say you should meditate for 10 hours and I don't agree with that advice. I'm just saying that True Happiness is not acquired with money, success or sex. You are here to live, and to live fully. If it seems congruent to you to meditate 10 hours per day good for you, And admiting that the only way to be truly happy is to be enlightened isn't neurotic nor anxious, and if it is, it is probably not that different to craving for material things or relationships. I only pointed out that problems dont get resolved, you just release them. And as I said before, go and look for the love of your life , but dont expect her to fulfill you. Do all that stuff but don't get lost in them, know that they will not fix your problems. only you can.
  9. @Wormon Blatburm See Leo's video about Real vs Fake Growth. You can get a girlfriend but that is not a long term solution (I'm not saying that you shouldn't go out and meet girls, just don't expect that to make you feel happy and fulfilled). Meditation is helpful but it is not the solution, the solution is to discover the true nature of your self (Look for Rupert Spira and if you can buy his book, "The Art of Peace and Happiness" (this is a kind of forever solution but you will need to work towards it). Continue meditating and aim for longer sessions!
  10. Most people don’t have a clue about how beliefs actually work. It is very important to know this because you could mistake falsehood for truth, therefore you need to learn about epistemology of you want to live a fulfilling life. Your beliefs restrict your ability to rise your consciousness and distort perception. Your ability to rise your consciousness is restricted by all the beliefs you hold, and most of them are totally wrong. One of the fundamental challenges in life is to distinguish what is true and what is false, so how you do it? The fundamental problem with beliefs is the following: You link to think that you can represent reality with your ideas. Ideas are not actually the truth and a representation is not the same as the thing that is represented. You have a lot of ideas about how reality should be so you are not being open to direct experience of reality. You need to inquire about your process of inquiry. What is a belief? An idea, a thought is something you think is either true or false. You have: - Personal beliefs - Social beliefs - Political beliefs - Scientific beliefs - Epistemic beliefs - Metaphysical beliefs Features of the mechanism of beliefs: 1. Every belief held feel true 2. You don’t hold most of your beliefs on solid evidence and reason. You simply latch on the beliefs that seems right without really inquiring them 3. You don’t consciously select your beliefs: You just absorb your beliefs from your culture. 4. 99% of your beliefs, you never directly experienced them, you just take them on faith. 5. Beliefs generate strong emotions, fuel behaviors and are addictive. The mind will forfeit happiness and truth in the name of preserving homeostasis 6. All beliefs are circular: Beliefs are based on more beliefs, and those beliefs are justified by more beliefs and so on. 7. They determine what is possible and impossible: What you are able to do is limited by your beliefs 8. Beliefs are not looking out for you (look at them as a meme). They don’t care about your happiness or success. They are like viruses that reside in your mind 9. There are meta-beliefs: They are the beliefs you have about your beliefs a. “I don’t hold any beliefs” b. “Most of my beliefs are accurate” c. “It is good to believe certain things” d. “Some beliefs are safe and cannot be doubted” e. “There are no alternatives to holding beliefs” f. “Dropping my beliefs isn’t so important” g. “Epistemology doesn’t make a difference in my life” h. “No one knows anything for sure” i. “I’m already aware of my limiting beliefs” Beliefs are dangerous because: - They are self-fulfilling prophesies - They tend to neglect contradictory data - They are in the way of having a radical new experience that transform the way you see reality - They create emotional reactivity, arrogance and inflexibility There are 3 epistemic attitudes that people have in life: a. Proudly defending your beliefs b. Expanding your beliefs so they reflect reality better c. To realize that reality has nothing to do with beliefs How to apply this? - Make your mission to live outside beliefs - Take epistemology seriously - Drop your pet theories, you don’t need them. - Change your attitude from arranging your beliefs to realize that there is no end to investigation - Question EVERY belief you have - Hold your beliefs lightly - Direct experience is king
  11. @ChimpBrain No worries :D. I do it for myself mostly
  12. You cannot be following Actualized.org and not meditating, it is a must. Weird stuff will arise while you meditate and it’s not all butterflies. The side effects or meditations are (may last for a whole month): · Hyper annoyance and crankiness · Expect hyper judgmentalism · Mood swings (can last for weeks) · Feelings of loneliness, disgust, anger and frustration (for mild to strong forms) · Crying · Insomnia (manic episodes with tons of energy) · Depression (serious spells) and meaninglessness (you’ll self-improvement is meaningless) · Interference (you will think that your work and career are meaningless and you’ll want to quit your career. It will come and pass. · Interference with your relationship (you will think you chose the wrong person) · Rush judgments (like quit my job and go to meditate on a cave or liquidate all your assets) · Suicidal thoughts · Freak-out moments · Ego backlash: As you are meditating you are dissolving your ego but when the ego gets dissolved too much too fast, it usually come back stronger o Go back to old bad habits · Hyper hornyness · Expect old repressed memories · Family issues · Crazy monkey mind (waves of insanity and madness) · Self-doubt: You will doubt your technique · Expect nightmares and dreams · Expect spiritual arrogance (“look how unconscious people are”) This is common stuff you will have to expect. These are weirder side effects · Shaking, tingling and pain in your body · See lights and auras · Vivid sexual fantasies (homosexual fantasies) and will tend to seduce you · Behave like an animal · Paranormal phenomena (reliving the past or seeing the future) or out-of-body experience · Might see/hear spirits (angel or demons) · Samadhi states (negative or positive): Stop existing as an individual object and merge with reality · Kundalini awakening (energy shooting out your spine and going to your head) · Total blackout or the void · Ego death · Your reality will be shattered · Dark night of the soul: When you start to see that everything you knew about reality is false and completely delusional (reality has no purpose nor meaning) · Depersonalization: You start to think that you don’t exist as a person (you want to treat it as temporary phases that you need to work trough What to do with all these stuff? · Relax, all these stuff is normal. · Not get distracted with these stuff too. · KEEP MEDITATING; IF YOU STOP, THE EGO WILL WIN. Remember that all the negative stuff is a sign of growth. · Remind yourself that everything you are feeling is a phase, it will pass. · REMEMBER TO TRUST YOUR HIGHER SELF! · It is supposed to be a process of self-love (be kind and gentle on yourself) · Your job is to sit and be mindful · If you really need, just take a break for a short time (you should always come back) · Read spiritual books You are not necessarily encounter with all of these stuff, so don’t go hunt for it. The trick with these things is to not get triggered by them and make a rush move as a reaction against the negative emotional energy. What meditation do is surfacesing stuff from the subconscious mind but if you don’t expect that, you can get into trouble. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT THESE THINGS ARE TEMPORARY. MEDITATION MAKES YOU MORE SPIRITUAL ONLY IN THE LONG RUN, NOT IN THE SHORT RUN. Meditation and growth is a battle; you have to burn through old beliefs and thought patterns. You need to purge all the shit that is in your mind! When you are meditating you are forcing your mind clean itself but in an unconscious way and the only signs you are gonna experience are these emotional reactions. You need to be conscious enough that this is what is happening in the big picture. See all the emotion turmoil as purging all the toxic thoughts and emotions. Once the purification complete itself, you will end up being all clean and happy (10-15 years from now). This purification comes in waves so expect several stages of neurotic behavior. When you are experiencing something negative, realize that it is a consequence of your growth and purification.
  13. @Extreme Z7 my pleasure ?
  14. Society feeds you such little pictures of what is your purpose on life that you don’t even you what your prime directive is in life. People are so confused and distracted chasing their tails that they don’t even know their prime purpose. YOUR PRIME DIRECTIVE IS TO INCREASE YOUR QUALITY OF YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS (this is what growth means) and everything else is a distraction. Every single action that you take in your life is a test of the quality of your consciousness. If you want high consciousness you will need to work very hard on every action you make. So, what is consciousness? It is the degree of accurate perception that you have. High consciousness is a high degree of accurate perception. If you don’t have an accurate perception of reality you ae not gonna live a great life. ACCURATE PERCEPTION IS THE KEY OF LIVING A GOOD LIFE AND EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM YOU HAVE IN YOUR LIFE IS BECAUSE OF LACK OF ACCURATE PERCEPTIONS OF REALITY. Characteristics of low quality consciousness: - Ego - Self-centeredness - Fear - Dogma and rigid belief systems - Little picture thinking - Short term gains - Blindness to backfire mechanisms - Mechanical behavior - Lack of love or discrimination of love - Moralization (having strict rules of what is right or wrong) - Projection onto other of their own limitations - Highly materialistic (measures success by material things) - Arrogant Characteristics of high quality consciousness - Selfless and giving - Fearless and courageous - Focuses on direct experience over belief - Committed to Truth and accuracy - Values learning and growing - Intelligent acting (intuition and vision) - Creative - 100% responsibility - Admits that there as lot of room for growth (humble) - Big picture understanding - Long term gains - Really aware of backfiring - Indiscriminate love for everyone and everything “Love and joy do not dominate our feelings most of the time is normal, but not a good sign. Love, joy, peace, compassion, humility and balance are the dominate expressions and feelings of a high quality consciousness. Your feelings and motivations always reflect the real you with perfect accuracy. So if you feel angry or upset, is not because of external circumstances but a reflection of the internal quality of your consciousness.” How to know your level of consciousness? There are 2 factors: - The quality of your feelings: Emotions tell you exactly how you are. How do you feel right now and usually? - The quality of your motivations: What are you pulled towards in life? Look at your micro-motivations too! Look through your day and be conscious of your day to day motivations (in lunch, while working, after working, in your free time). The choices you are making reflect the level of your consciousness. You can apply this model to yourself and to others! Questions of how to measure your consciousness: - How do I feel in an hour to hour basis? - How loving am I? - How fearful am I? - How intellectually open am I? - How well do I govern myself? - How noble are my motivations? o Relationships o Career In the end you cannot suppress your feeling and motivations. You need to get good at measuring the quality of your consciousness. The solution is to raise your consciousness! Pursuing money and sex is a low quality consciousness trait and these mechanisms will backfire on you. You need to transcend these cravings because is not even as fulfilling as what comes after them. You can be creative, you can contribute to the world, create longer and deeper relationships, life purpose. Ask yourself: - How can you raise your consciousness today? - How can I improve it? - Where is it low quality? - What would I mean to go from low to high quality in …. aspect of my life? - How am I creating and sustaining low quality consciousness in my life? How to raise your consciousness? - Increase the capacity to love - Increase your capacity to feel happy - Increase your capacity to be intellectually open - Increase your capacity for self-governance - Increase your capacity to face fear - Transcend selfish and protective motives. Watch your motives as a hawk! Opportunities to raise your consciousness are constant (every 5 minutes). Look for the micro opportunities! Your entire mode of living should be aimed to raise your consciousness.
  15. @Joshaps The video is great bro! Highly recommended even though you've read the summary. Regarding the lack of awareness about your behaviors and motivations, i find it really difficult sometimes since you cannot know what you don't know so we are in a kind of catch-22. Just with persistance we will eventually find our low consciousness attitudes and change them for the better!
  16. Real entrepreneurship is creating something from scratch. Business is psychologically very tricky and counterintuitive. 5 Errors 1- You are not practical enough about the marketplace reality: When you come up with a business idea you don’t have your feet on earth. You need to be more practical and less attached to your dreams. You need to pay more attention to sales and marketing. THE HARDEST PART OF BUSINESS IS NOT CREATING YOUR DREAM PRODUCT, IS MARKETING IT. The hard part of business is getting eyeballs. You need to have a strategy about how you are gonna reach your customers (Go to market). You also need a strategy about how to maintain and acquire the customers and you have to think a lot about it and test it! You need to study your cashflow! TEST YOUR BUSINESS MODEL EARLY. 2- You are not experimental enough: You need to be creative and highly clever (strategic creativity). You will need to try dozens of solutions until you get one that will work. You need to be more flexible and more adaptable than your problems. You need to find your unique strength that will help you leverage your business! Which is your key differentiator? 3- Not taking enough action: You need to work towards the idea, you need to move your ass! You need a rapid speed of implementation! You need to be testing your business model every single day! 4- Lack of self-governance: You need to be capable of motivating yourself in the long term. You need to work consistently. A good product is not enough; you need an awesome product! You need to realize that some products are not marketable. 5- Getting lost in materialism and success: You need to be running your business with consciousness and awareness. You need to do business without losing your soul (a responsible business, a visionary business, a leader business, a business that shows the world what is possible, a business that takes the process and refines it, a conscious business). The secret is TO REALLY BELIEVE IN YOUR CAUSE. The purpose of business is not to make money, is to promote a cause, to raise awareness in the world. The businesses that are going to survive in the long term are the conscious businesses. The joy you get from a money making low conscious business is pale in comparison to the joy you will get with a business that really generates an impact. The world can change its destiny depending on which business you decide to start! You need to balance success and awareness! Understand that business is a jungle and you have to be tough. If you want to achieve your dreams, you need to be strategic and practical. Action Steps 1- Do tons of research and become a master of your marketplace. Learn everything you need to know about your customers. 2- Test out any idea that you have in some form. Create a prototype and test your ideas. Be open to any path that the idea can take. 3- Look for things that have practical value for people. Look for the actual problems that people have in their lives. YOU SHOULD BE HAVING THOUSANDS OF IDEAS! 4- Prove at least 1 marketing strategy. 5- Prove your cashflow and generate a SALE! 6- Work on cultivating self-governance. TO CREATE A GREAT BUSINESS, YO
  17. Hey guys, I just wanted to know how do you like to learn self-development and which one you find more useful!
  18. @Key Elements After some thinking and polishing I think I want to dedicate my life into spreading self development and spirituality to the world by creating a business (probably a for-profit combined with social enterprise). I cannot believe that the stuff Leo teaches and self development in general is not taught in schools and I want to help spread the world so to speak by creating a business (my Medium). It like taking Leo's stuff and creating a really big scaling business so I can impact the whole world by it!
  19. Hey guys, after some little research I came up with this great documentary talking about psychotropic drugs and spirituality! Hope you like it: https://therealityoftruth.com/
  20. Thanks guys for the sharing! Is there a topic about self actualization documentaries like these ones? If not, we should do it! @ChimpBrain @Raquel
  21. @Key Elements definitely if you don't take action all the information is useless.. Which is your life purpose of you want to share it☺?
  22. Thank you for the responses guys! I have an hypothesis that millenials are less interested in books and more interested to short videos and exercises. What do you think @Tancrede Pouyat @Key Elements
  23. I counted 53 though :D. Here you go!: There are 4 areas: Metaphysical: The structure of reality 1- How come existence exist at all? 2- What is existence? What does it mean for something to exist? What is the relationship between existence and non-existence? 3- Why is reality ordered in this way? 4- Which comes first, consciousness or matter? 5- What is matter, energy, space and time? 6- What is outside the universe? 7- What existed before the big bang? 8- How does the material interact with the immaterial (thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc.)? 9- What governs what is possible or impossible? What sets the limits of the universe? 10- What governs emerging properties? 11- What makes a thing a thing? Are those boundaries existing? 12- Does reality have a bottom-line scale? 13- Does the evolution of the universe have a purpose? 14- Does external reality exist at all? 15- What could God be? 16- What are thoughts? 17- How did life start? Epistemic: The study of knowledge 18- How can I know anything for certain? What do I know for certain? 19- What makes justifications valid? How do you know that your criteria is the correct one? 20- Why do billions of people believe in God? 21- How so many people can be wrong? 22- How do you know you are not deceiving yourself? 23- Why do people disagree about good or bad? Does good and bad exist in the mind? 24- How come intelligent people delude themselves? What if you are wrong about everything but you believe it because it serves you? 25- How do I know that I haven’t been indoctrinated/biased? 26- What is science? What are the limits of science? 27- What is rationality? Is it valid? Does it have limits? 28- What is more reliable: rationality, senses or intuition? 29- What are the blind spots/biases of humanity? 30- How do animals see reality? 31- Which model of reality is more accurate? 32- What is truth? 33- What is understanding? 34- What is the Ultimate Truth? 35- What is the best way to acquire knowledge? 36- Is reality understandable? About the self 37- How can I be sure that I exist at all? 38- What are you exactly? 39- How did I come into being? There was no I until the age of 4, so; what are you? 40- Are you the body and the mind? 41- What is everything else? Are there any boundaries between your body and the world? 42- Is the mind constructing the boundaries? 43- What is in control of my thoughts? 44- What is my role in reality? 45- How should I live my life? Consciousness 46- What the hell is consciousness? What does it mean to be conscious? 47- How is perception possible? 48- What unifies our senses? 49- What if there are higher levels of consciousness? 50- How is consciousness separated? Do people have different consciousness? 51- Can artificial consciousness be created? 52- Could inanimate matter be conscious? 53- What are the laws governing subjective experiences? Devote your life to 5 of these questions! Why should you try to answer and ponder these questions? Because the quality of your life will be determined by the questions you ask yourself. Trying to answer these questions will make you go deep into yourself and therefore you will grow.
  24. @Key Elements cool! I want to create sustainable businesses that helps society as a whole evolve. Some of the problems I want to focus are: education, transportation, healthy food and poverty. It's like understanding society from a systemic level and from there try to improve it. It's kind of the yellow stage of spiral dynamics
  25. @Key Elements and what's your life purpose of you want to share it? @dude you are welcome!