Juan Cruz Giusto

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Everything posted by Juan Cruz Giusto

  1. Love says 'I am everything'. Wisdom says "I am nothing'. Between the two, my life flows. Since at any point of time and space I can be both the subject and the object of experience, I express it by saying that I am both, and neither, and beyond both." Nisargadatta Maharaj
  2. There seems to be a creative force that guides the Universe in some upward (consciousness and complexity) direction. But practically, the future is in some way determined by the past and at the same time able to be changed by us. No, the future is not 100% known - it can be predicted but never really fully known.
  3. Not really my field of experience and I'm a bit skeptical about it but that's just me. I would suggest not to get distracted that much on this stuff. Zen has the word Makyo that might help you: "The term makyō (魔境 makyō) is a Zen term that means “ghost cave” or “devil’s cave.” It is a figurative reference to the kind of self-delusion that results from clinging to an experience and making a conceptual “nest” out of it for oneself. Makyō is essentially synonymous with illusion, but especially in reference to experiences that can occur within meditation practice." It's a good reminder that the big fish here is to get what you are, what reality is - basically becoming CONSCIOUS and FREE. But talking to Spirits might be a cool hobby in the meantime
  4. You'll need to find out how to differentiate with your competitors. A good course of action might be to find some people that are interested in your idea and gather once or twice a week for free. That way, you'll get better and at the same time get to know your clients. Define what they like, don't like, etc and once you figure that out, start charging. Do it for a while: Profit
  5. I heard that VW CEO is enlightened!
  6. Hello Forum, This is probably a controversial and highly unpopular opinion or hypothesis but it's an idea that's been bothering me for months now and I wanted to share it. What I'm basically saying is that psychedelics cannot produce Enlightenment. Full disclosure, I study with Peter Ralston, who happens to have my same opinion. Also, I have never tried psychedelics and my idea is to get enlightened and try them to compare the two "experiences". There are two schools of thought regarding enlightenment: the first one says that enlightenment can come and go until you have several that make the enlightenment stick. The school of thought that I stick to believes that enlightenment cannot come and go - there are degrees but once you have an awakening, it cannot go away since its understanding goes beyond experience. I have two main doubts and concerns when people tell me they had an enlightenment experience with psychedelics: 1- Psychedelics produce chemical reactions that alter your brain, thus providing an unusual "mystical" experience. The brain produces experience, BUT ENLIGHTENMENT IS NOT AN EXPERIENCE OF ANY KIND. An Enlightenment is a direct consciousness of an Absolute aspect of Reality and doesn't require any experience shift whatsoever. Enlightenment cannot be a result of a change in the brain, nothing needs to happen in the brain for you to have an enlightenment. Basically, psychedelics cannot get you there. 2- As I proposed before, Awakening cannot be forgotten. The fact that people come back to their normal state of consciousness after having their "enlightenment experience" is a huge red flag for me and it means that they had a highly unusual experience, not an awakening. If it's not permanent, it's not enlightenment. Why? Because it doesn't come and go like experiences. You are either conscious or not conscious. If you haven't noticed, I'm claiming that Leo never had a true Awakening. Sure, you can have insights into the Subtle or Casual Realm (Ken Wilber Model), which can or cannot be true. I obviously have to do more research and define what these insights mean at the metaphysical level but in my worldview, they cannot be awakening experiences. Not saying that psychedelics cannot have a meaningful impact on one's life, there are studies that suggest just that. I'm just saying to put tools in the proper place. Do the work, sign up for some Intensives and go for the truth. PD: Please don't burn me at the stake.
  7. @Inliytened1 You should stop repeating what Leo is saying and do the work. Nothing needs to be stripped, only becoming conscious is required. All that you said above is just an obstacle to enlightenment. And I admire Leo's work but he is just putting ideas in people's mind that are not beneficial for them and they just create more and more belief.
  8. Yeah, there's another misconception here. Nothing needs to do for you to become enlightenment. It's already the case. You become enlightened by becoming enlightened. No ego-death. Just the Truth of yourself. There are no steps. You cannot get from here to there - you just need to become conscious.
  9. Hey guys! I been having a though in my head about enlightenment and it's consequences. Why would even become enlightened if the result is that "you" dissolve. Who is the one who achieves eternal happiness. Why actually doing all the stuff we are doing if there i no one actually to become enlightened. I sometimes wonder if what the world would look like if all the population is enlightened... just meditating? Would science exist, would dating exist? Is Truth the only point of the quest? Is Truth that valuable? What happen after we leave the Matrix? I also wonder why Jed Mckenna has a nihilistic view about life itself but Wilber or Tolle have a more "become free, etc". Saying that life has no meaning (like Mckenna states) is also a belief. I sometimes feel scared since I cannot re conciliate Enlightenment itself with actually living and how waking up can really make you live fully.
  10. Maybe you can combine the two! Like: physics + Videography or Music + Video Games. The world is your oyster, you just need time and practice, LOTS OF IT
  11. Soooo, what about: "Building platforms to enable people to connect and come up with meaningful ideas"? WeWork, which is valued at more than $1B does something similar!
  12. Yup, definitely a worthy investment. But remember, it's only the beginning
  13. I've never done it but I would suggest creating a really good product worth-offering too and READ, READ AND READ: Here's a book to get you started: https://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Guide-Facebook-Advertising-Customers/dp/1599184303
  14. Even Buddha, after his compete enlightenment, kept working, pissing and taking shit. You cannot know that everything is an illusion if you don't know Truth, right? Before enlightenment chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water
  15. I don't agree. Employers don't pay you every day because there's a cost for the bank transaction - so it makes sense that they do it once or twice a month. Everything that the employer earns need to be distributed to the employees - sooner or later. The argument of the employee dying is not relevant since it's not the case, it's the exception. Maybe you should read some Adam Smith books to understand how capitalism works. Also, Marx's book might be a good read if you want a nice contrasting idea.
  16. @Nahm nope, we are usually not aware of the true nature of the one we live right now
  17. @Nahm Reality beyond perception, mind, and distinction. What is ultimately, absolutely and objectively true about Reality and You.
  18. What works for me is telling them about Mysticism: "the belief that consciousness of the absolute, or the spiritual apprehension of knowledge inaccessible to the intellect, may be attained through contemplation or meditation". Just tell them that you don't know who or what you are and you are trying to figure it out.
  19. Consciousness is only known by being Conscious and there is no room for knowledge here. As Ludwig Wittgenstein says: "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent." BUT (and it's a big BUTT), Knowledge is good to point you in the right direction or even make you realize that you don't know who you are, what you are or what existence is. Also, knowledge is very useful in day to day life and if you want to succeed in any field, you'll need KNAWLEDGE. As Peter Ralston says: "Creating distinctions brings power - destroying them brings freedom." or something like that
  20. Internal and external is a distinction and there are none in the Absolute. In the relative world, having a sense of internal vs external is healthy and a necessary condition for a mind to develop. When children are born they cannot distinguish between themselves and their mothers, it's not the case with us and it's not the case with enlightened people.
  21. I recommend treating it as totally different subjects. On the one side we have the Absolute or Enlightenment, and on the other hand, we have the relative or mind. Although being enlightened can affect your mind in some way or another, it is not always the case. Enlightened people still have a mind and need to survive - they are just conscious of Ultimate Reality, nothing more and nothing else.
  22. I don't really see a conflict between modern life and enlightenment. I agree that for enlightenment, periods of intense focus like Retreats are helpful but one need not separate common life with enlightenment - because there's nowhere to go but here. And even the most enlightened guy needs to keep being part of society and, hopefully, contribute and make it better. Sadhguru can tell you better: BASICALLY, DON'T CREATE CONFLICT WHERE THERE ISN'T ONE
  23. I'm kind of tired of these types of threads - we are here to learn, not to preach or show off our enlightenments as they were Ferrari's. This thread is Spiritual Materialism at its best.
  24. Hello brother! I'm in San Francisco until the 9th, let me know if you want to meet up and just chat - I'll be happy to meet you. Cheers!