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Everything posted by ajasatya

  1. in cases of mental disorders without serious physiological damage, whatever you do with faith works it could very much be "throw stones at a lake during the sunset everyday for 2 months"
  2. @Durka_Durka are you into mathematics and statistics? have you ever heard of data science? that's what i do and i find it extremely challenging!
  3. @The White Belt you suffer because you still feel lonelly inside. you're afraid of losing her because she's your external source of happiness. as long as you keep up with external sources of happiness you'll be screwed. learn to appreciate solitude or be sad forever.
  4. failing really hard at a lot of other things...
  5. i'd join a buddhist sangha instead. have you ever considered living in a monastery?
  6. what would convince you that free will exists or doesn't exist? what would a proper proof look like?
  7. this question is a dead end. the veracity of its answer cannot be validated.
  8. amazing experiments!
  9. ascend? you're just masking your old social cravings for status and egoic approval/acknowledgment. give up already. be happy now.
  10. @searchingserenity learn to appreciate the life you have NOW first
  11. you don't need my opinion. that's my opinion. seriously now, listen to your heart. what do you feel?
  12. interesting women are interested in virtues.
  13. then realize that you're doing it for a higher purpose, like investing in your career. or at least you should be.
  14. study what you enjoy and challenge yourself.
  15. @Everyday get yourself in a context in which you have no choice other than speaking the language you want to learn. for instance, i use this forum as a means to improve my english
  16. this is just too good!
  17. say "i want to be the everyman" instead
  18. @Why? stop trying to prove yourself to others. live happily for your own sake.
  19. it means that we're not individuals on earth. we are earth itself, alive, talking to itself right now.
  20. yes, i have a computer science degree. i was a theoretical computer scientist who studied optimization methods (simplex etc), graphs, complexity theory and artificial intelligence. yes, i am employed due to my self-taught skills. right now, i am a full-time data scientist. if you want to learn data science, join kaggle's titanic competition asap and try to predict who died/survived. it's not a serious competition... it's for people like you who want to get into data science. get your hands dirty already and stop waiting for it. create a new notebook kernel, import pandas, read the csv files and have fun. you can also check public kernels. do it
  21. @ROOBIO start doing what you want already. demand-based learning is WAY MORE efficient than going to classes and doing tests for 3+ years. how can you be so sure that when you graduate (again) you will want what you want right now? do you want the same thing that you wanted when you started your first graduation? we're changing creatures. sometimes we change faster than we can catch up. whatever you want to do, do it NOW. and if you really want it, then you'll find your way to do it somehow. this is how i became a front-end developer in 3 months, a data scientist in 4 months, an agroforestor in 3 months etc etc. i'm not even a genius. i just go for what i want and work really hard for it. questions: aren't you filled with fear? are you trying to hide in your safety spot? is the university comfy enough? don't fool yourself. what do you want to be doing for living after your parents die?