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Everything posted by ajasatya

  1. @Norbert Somogyi i would use the extra time that you get from living with your parents to study harder and be a GREAT engineer. that's what i did and it was completely worth it. i just had to learn how to deal with my parents since they were super protective as well. wanna think big? enter the realm of renewable energy. it's going to be the path for mankind in the next 50 years. living by yourself is highly time consuming because you have to use too much of your time to do things that your parents already accepted doing even before you were born. use your time wisely.
  2. zazen, hatha yoga, kundalini yoga, ayahuasca and healthy food
  3. @Marinus how long's it been since you quit porn?
  4. marijuana just makes me feel reeeeeally retarded. it's like trying to cure a wound by making it numb.
  5. @Max_V being able to explore emotional connectedness is an extremely rare ability and is totally worth the time to master it. it can be used to listen deeply to others, know how they feel and why they suffer. answering back is not needed... just by listening to them deeply you're already helping them release suppressed emotions. thich nhat hahn has some profound teachings on this subject.
  6. @Max_V getting lost in the mind instead of having the actual experience is a common mistake for human beings. the answer is simple: don't commit. instead, start playing with it; start writing already. see how it feels and watch yourself grow as you dive deeper. that's how i live. the only commitment i have is with the practice of virtues, which improve my life drastically.
  7. what good exists in you other than sexual stuff? if you're expecting something from others that you can't offer to yourself then you're just being hypocrite. hypocrisy makes your life miserable very quickly.
  8. @George Fil some really tasty and healthy meal!
  9. just a simple warning... hypocrisy is, by far, the biggest trap for those who take the path you're taking. if you cannot practice what you say, every word will be a new brick as you build the temple that represents your failure. similarly, if you're able to practice what you say, then be ready for the highest life ever. i wish you good luck, fortune and wisdom.
  10. @Revolutionary Think congratulations on hard working!
  11. enlightenment is fully realizing the nature of Reality and living it deeply, becoming free of existential crisis and many other sources of unnecessary suffering. at some point it may require exclusive dedication, but it doesn't imply exclusive dedication forever. actually, after full realization, living becomes a spontaneous self-motivating process.
  12. @F A B it doesn't matter if you're rich, beautiful or super intelligent. spiritual poverty will erode you from inside if you can't see through the illusory nature of your self image.
  13. Ahimsa (IAST: ahiṃsā, Pāli: avihiṃsā) means 'not to injure' and 'compassion' and refers to a key virtue in Indian religions. The word is derived from the Sanskrit root hiṃs – to strike; hiṃsā is injury or harm, a-hiṃsā is the opposite of this, i.e. cause no injury, do no harm. Ahimsa is also referred to as nonviolence, and it applies to all living beings — including all animals — in ancient Indian religions. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahimsa)
  14. your boyfriend's got a self-esteem problem. here's one curious thing about jealousy: he's probably paying attention to every girls' legs and projecting his spiritual poverty onto other men. it's a very common source of suffering. the human realm of vanity so petty and shallow... i've been there! HUGE TIP: don't attack or blame him. he's suffering everyday and doesn't know what to do about it. if you want to break up, do it with compassion and respect.
  15. thanks, @Durka_Durka @Mila meditation did help, but i was referring to the recovery of the body specifically. hatha yoga is perfect for fixing your posture and healing/improving your breath capabilities. it helps to open up the chest structure and to strengthen all the muscles that support the spine. keep in mind that it's not easy (and it shouldn't be easy anyway). healing such a gross layer of Being (the physical body) requires a lot of effort. also, there will certainly be pain.
  16. @Mila sure. i've had a few spontaneous pneumothoraxes in the past and now they're gone. my lungs are perfect. hatha yoga was the key for me. in your place, i'd search for a good yoga teacher (their classes are usually a little bit more expensive than the average price).
  17. @Hello from Russia find something that you love doing first. then do it with all the fire you have. here's my inspiration: hayao miyazaki the essence of humanity the miyazaki "problem" no, i'm not a cartoonist, a producer or director. i'm a data scientist but i simply love the zeal that hayao miyazaki has towards his work.
  18. @Mikael89 pardon my ignorance and thank you for presenting so much info about switzerland!
  19. i didn't say "horrific", but alaska is quite isolated and cold and people from switzerland have major issues with depression and suicide.