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Everything posted by ajasatya

  1. can't be done. the only way to Truth is through direct experience.
  2. @Ampresus i don't regret doing or not doing anything. but i have this thing that was crucial for me when i was 14 years old: i started to learn deeper math. i am not a genius, so i worked really hard. i studied topics from future classes by myself and i struggled a lot to understand them. this effort made the topics that the entire classrom was studying quite trivial for me. my grades started to skyrocket. so this is my tip: always be ahead of your classmates. the vast majority of teenagers are highly distracted and undisciplined. nowadays you can go very far with just a little bit of discipline and focus. shine on!
  3. no, total freedom = not being influenced by thoughts of "i can't do it". total freedom = acknowledging that there's no pre-determined course for you. your range of options is as vast as the range of options for mankind as a whole.
  4. have you become a fully-whole and extraordinary human being, whatever that means, yet?
  5. no i meant it in a more broad way. most people want their life purpose to be presented to them in some mystical experience. but it never happened to me during my experiences with psychedelics. this is how i see it: try lots of things out. you won't be able to know what you enjoy doing until you actually do it.
  6. @Aquarius from suffering to wisdom. i'm happy for you keep it up
  7. @Manjushri cut your internet usage by at least 75% and start working out instead.
  8. from my experience with psychedelics, no. psychedelics will take you to what you are in the most fundamental level, way beyond the avatar of whoever @CreamCat is in person. within the vastity and creativity of what you truly are, you're free to do whatever. are you brave enough to face your complete freedom while most people crave for some kind of guidance? this subject reminds me of some talks i've had with @bejapuskas.
  9. it's kind of mindblowing that everyone is the source of reality, isn't it?
  10. @herghly tibetan buddhism has its own straightforward and clean meditation technique and it's called shamatha.
  11. that's deceptive i've thought about it a lot and i was able to find the flaw on that line of thought. if you ever get to the point where others' happiness truly makes you happy, the barrier of "my happiness" and "their happiness" is just imaginary. in the end, everyone is simply happy and nobody is doing anything wrong. calling the desire to make others happy selfishness is a kind of self-deception. i had to allow myself to feel it in my heart in order to be even happier. the problem arises when your state of happiness depends on others' happiness. that's just deliberately asking for frustration and suffering. i don't think about that possibility. that's just fear... a waste of mental energy. i do spend mental energy thinking about how to make every day feel better and better. it's not static, since we're both improving ourselves physically, emotionally and mentally. in fact, the speed at which my life is changing and improving has increased drastically after we've decided to engage in this journey together.
  12. there's no limit for how deeply connected a couple can be. if you want to eliminate the emotional involvement and the possibility of building a family... if you just want to play around with people, scratching the surface and bowing to convenience, that's your choice. been there, done that. even though i managed to do it without attachment, i look behind and i see how poor i was compared to what i experience now. to be honest, i am quite disappointed by how this thread turned out to be about contract and sex. very shallow indeed. but that's fine i guess... everyone can only speak from their experiences. if i came here 5~6 years ago, i would be saying the very same things you're saying. that's not love yet. that's just passion, as you said it yourself, like a fire that fades away. love is far far beyond that. first of all, you can't go very far if you don't love yourself. loving yourself means that you want to take care of yourself. one should strive for a healthy diet, physical exercises, emotional stability and mental steadiness, for instance. this kind of life is built. habits take a while to stick, but that's a life with self-love. for the same reason, love between a couple is built. it takes a lot of effort and hardwork. it takes a lot of wisdom and courage. it grows deeper and deeper, infinitely. true love is desiring the best for the other regardless of the situation. true love is about the couple being victorious together, always. from my experience, this is one of the deepest desires of the human heart: to open completely and give in to something that can be infinitely bigger than itself. marriage gives you this opportunity.
  13. this is something i noticed when talking to lots and lots of people. i'm more of a listener so i try to get people to places where they are scared to visit alone. i found out that the simple act of talking about their emotional difficulties can be incredibly healing. so we heal together by opening up when the other is truly listening. it's doable because we trust each other... the only challenge is the willingness to explore emotional pain. we build trust and compassion. i found myself defending groundless dogma several times, specially about spirituality. so i had to let go of useless concepts and struggle a little more to understand what REALLY is purification and how it leads to harmony. we do have some intense talks very rarely. but it's always calm and in low tone of voice. we talk about our own ways of feeling and expressing those feelings when things don't happen exactly how we want. it's a great way to learn more about emotional mastery. the good criteria for me was "someone who values health and growth over vanity and vices". how did i know? not so easy... we talked a lot. i was trying to sense her degree of commitment to spiritual purification. we agree that we want to live a healthy life. we want to eat well, exercise and experience emotions in healthy ways. we wouldn't be able to do that if we focused on buying useless and pricey clothes, cellphones of furniture. vanity slows you a lot. we have a vision for a healthy society and we want to have kids raised with love that can contribute with that world. it feels amazing when we understand that we can contribute to a better world through the feeling of love. i don't know how it is where you live, but here in brazil there are many different kinds of contracts. in our experience, we didn't even care that much about the contract. our vision was already crystal clear that we wanted to grow.
  14. toxic thought pattern alert! lemme rephrase what you said. the act of marriage is a magical ceremony to celebrate the fact that 2 people are united in the name of Truth. edit: i'll be answering questions later.
  15. pay more attention to what's been said. i said that marriage is being a great path to me and i was asked to elaborate more on that.
  16. this is an advanced subject and certainly deserves its own thread. i can write about it in more details if you guys want. but to keep it simple, lemme say a few words. our current global culture has attained a completely upside-down perspective on marriage and intimate relationships as a whole. people are deeply immersed in toxic patterns of thoughts and very few people understand the reason behind marriage. a marriage is an opportunity for us to see our own selfish patterns and take action towards aligning ourselves with Truth. nowadays people just want instant gratification, pleasure and easy wayouts. every way of virtuous practice manifets in a marriage. patience, compassion, hard work, honesty, detachment, presence, humility etc.
  17. i married and tons of contexts to perfect the embodiment of Truth are arising everyday. it's an intensive experience. totally worth it!
  18. plot twist: your only "sickness" is emotional wounds and even though drugs can make you go through the days as a functional human being, you're the only one who can actually help yourself heal. nah, that's just a projection from me. forget what i just said.
  19. i am and still, i don't know what. i have been asking myself forever the eternal question the eternal mystery i just am and still, i don't know why. i amaze myself i amuse myself i create myself i devour myself what does it mean to know? what's even a question? what am i doing?
  20. @Genghis Khan thank you for your detailed report. why don't you ask him if he'd like to come here to aid tons of confused people that are looking for help?
  21. @Moreira you just lack experience. face it with humility and you'll grow as fast as possible.