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Everything posted by ajasatya

  1. @Pat Pagano i'm happy that you're not scared of your wounds. some people don't even want to remember them. why don't you write them down on a piece of paper and organize yourself? deal with one of them at a time. in a few years, you'll be able to live a crystal clear life.
  2. this is one of the hardest questions that i've ever seen on this forum. i'll think about it and i may or may not find a comprehensible generic answer to you. feel free to pm me if you're not comfortable with sharing more details about your feelings here. nevermind! that's just being possessive!
  3. that's turquoise, but without the immersion in "anger", "sadness" or any other toxic emotions*. people on turquoise are aware enough to notice patterns that would trigger shallow "animal instincts", as you put it, before they take over. it is a fully integrated circle, but without existential ignorance nor undisciplined mental behaviors. *sadness is not necessarialy toxic. sadness can be the consequence of emotional pain and the fuel for deep changes. attachment to sadness is the real villain.
  4. @AlphaAbundance experiment short periods of fasting if you're obese; experiment certain degrees of celibacy if you're attached to sexual pleasures; experiment some degree of isolation if you're addicted to social validation; eat more if you're bulimic; gradually expose yourself to sexual experiences if you're suffering from repression; experiment making eye contact and listening to people if you suffer from social anxiety; extremes are egoic forms of attachment. on the other hand, the middle way requires wisdom and sellfishlessness. if you want to use ancient sources, stay with the ethical codes (they will make your life a lot easier) and the existential matters. everything else is garbage. you don't need to fast, punish yourself or make animal sacrifices. for the record: mental masturbation = frying the brain without actually living better.
  5. the body-mind experience ends but True Nature is eternal.
  6. be a teacher, a great composer, a motivational speaker, a source of inspiration in many forms. if you don't open your mind to your full potential, you'll feel life as a terrifying thing.
  7. you are speaking from a dogmatic perspective. how can you write poetry about the smell of flowers if you've never smelled one? if you have issues on your life, please, for the sake of Love, do not use "spirituality" as a way to escape them. face them and grow up because existence is amazing... and it includes what you're experiencing. without your life and experience, the universe would be less complete
  8. then sit down and, for 40 minutes, let go of your goals and of what you think of yourself. if you do it everyday, you might have glimpses of True Nature. fasting is useless here. 12 to 24h food fasting can be useful when you have some gut issues like infections or irritations. fasting for "spiritual purposes" is just another way of playing within the egoic pattern of pride and achievements. because the deepest insights are not separated from practical everyday life. bulimic and obese people should learn more about self-love and health. those are significant insights, not just mental masturbation.
  9. "doing" can't be avoided. the sun arises, the birds sing, the heart beats and the universe says "I"!
  10. poorly integrated mystical experiences can lead to huge ego trips. why be the best at everything when cooperation is so much more efficient and beautiful? and i have no better words fot that "teal" level. huuuuuge, huuuuuuuuge ego trip!
  11. a bulimic person would have more "spiritual insights" by learning to eat properly a little more; an obese person would have more "spiritual insights" by learning to fast for small periods; have you ever heard of the middle path? what does enlightenment mean to you?
  12. if you're seeking enlightenment, why are you fasting?
  13. @AlphaAbundance what does spiritual growth mean?
  14. compose build a beautiful portfolio (musically and visually) talk about it. make a podcast or an youtube channel or both teach!
  15. you can think of an orange; you can say the word "orange"; you can buy an orange and eat it. i don't know why you think you have no free will. you may think "oh, but what if all of that was already written?". suppose it wasn't written: what practical benefits would you have? suppose it was written: what practical harms would be caused to you? you're just indulging in mental masturbation. let go of both existence and absence of free will. those are just useless mental disturbs.
  16. i'd eat even better food! (high quality food is expensive in brazil)
  17. oh c'mon. why bash the guy? nobody has the same intuitions/experience on how physics work.
  18. @Joseph Maynor amazing diet. but alcohol dehydrates you and prejudices your liver. you can substitute it for grape juice alcohol also inhibits neurogenesis: "More moderate but chronic alcohol consumption also affects neurogenesis, suggesting that inhibition of neurogenesis may contribute to the neurodegeneration associated with chronic alcoholism. Alcohol may lead to disruptions in neurogenesis in several ways: through increased levels of glucocorticoids triggered by stress, direct inhibition of glutamate–NMDA receptors, serotonin dysregulation, and inhibition of growth factor–mediated cell proliferation. Research is needed to more directly determine the function of adult neurogenesis and how alcohol–induced inhibition of neurogenesis might contribute both to the pathology and the behavioral changes associated with alcohol abuse." (source)
  19. the disciplined mind is quiet when there's desire to be quiet and it's loud when necessary. i can't solve math problems with a quiet mind. complex math problems require a very loud and energetic mind. but loudness stay at work. it's completely practical and useful loudness. the undisciplined mind is attached to past and future shallow events that trigger guilt, shame, pride, anger etc.
  20. this is where things start to get too paradoxical. there has never been and there will never be such thing as ego. there is disciplined or undisciplined mind. you're still fantasizing "true self". the ability to let go is something to be trained and "conditioned", so to speak.
  21. none. conflicts are okay. people get hurt on conflicts because they're too attached to their ideas. it's an impossibility if you're seeking the truth instead of trying to be the right one in order to feed your pride. those who seek the truth should always doubt even his own ideas. imo, this is a huge leap towards scientific maturity. if you want to show that, say, A is true, then try to prove that A is false until you and everyone else (assuming that you're not alone on this inquiry process) have failed. be honest about it.
  22. the means are completely different. they block streets, crowd workplaces, make long periods of loud noise or even refuse to work as form of strike. and when it just grows bigger and bigger uninterruptedly week after week... what's left to do? hell, give them what they want already. or at least speak up and negotiate. who is the target of vegan protests? huge CEO's? people in general (you and me)? wanna change politicians' minds (and consequently the laws)? 4 hours of pacific intervention, raising flags with beautiful messages won't do it. edit: [random extra info for the OP] owners of big companies that profit from animal misery are too rich and powerful and they usually exchange interests with politicians. so changing the laws on animal rights is a very very unlikely thing to happen.
  23. No sign of death's approach In the cicada's cries. Basho
  24. there are different kinds of protests. protests to make the average joe change his habits don't work. protests to claim for civil rights, aiming authorities, are something else.