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Everything posted by ajasatya

  1. because you haven't awakened in the level of Heart yet. checkout some adyashanti stuff on this subject. i think his message can help you. also, feel free to pm me if you want to talk about details that you're uncomfortable sharing here.
  2. @Krzysztof hallucination is imaginary. Truth is true RIGHT NOW.
  3. by cultivating a noble and high mission. the motivation to work hard will manifest spontaneously.
  4. @fortifyacacia3 if you want to become an intellectual about non-duality, speak non-dualish and use non-dual gibberish to justify petty choices, then yes, it's merely another concept for you. but if you want to experience non-duality, which is a complicated experience to put in words, then it's something else.
  5. @Dodo god is so powerful that it can experience itself through an idiot person. i'm not saying that you are dumb, though. i'm just saying that god is all there is and all that there can be. there is the experience of not knowing who you are, which is the daily experience of 99.999% of the current human experience. there is also the experience of deeply knowing True Nature, which is a rare way of living.
  6. we weren't dating anymore. i was just trying to help her out. hard times
  7. yes. my ex when she was having a bipolar breakdown.
  8. leo will be fine when he let go of doing this kind of work to wrap it up and conceptualize about it. his attachment for display hinders his sincerity. been there, done that. the undisciplined mind keeps you in a loop of internal struggle as it takes over and attempts to own and grasp the mystical experiences.
  9. right, until someone hits you, screams at your face or tries to hang you with their own hands (happened to me ).
  10. there is no such thing as "hidden science". your scientific work can either be or not be published. it only depends on whether the experiments are reproducible or not. the results of the experiments must also be "open", in the sense that it must not depend on particular states of consciousness, so that everyone will see the same results after the experiments are finished.
  11. @SQAAD non-duality is not something to be found by experiments that involve instrumental measurements and data modeling. those are the domain of science, but non-duality is about WHO YOU ARE. you can't measure WHO YOU ARE. it can be done by direct experience, only. not by intermediary means like a microscope or a telescope. zooming in is offtrack. zooming out is offtrack. using numbers is offtrack. using language is offtrack. deep levels of spiritual awakening is something else. you can't convince "your friends". it's not a matter of believing. it's a matter of becoming aware of WHAT reads these words right now. it cannot be done if you are not serious enough about it. if you don't work hard, you'll just scratch the surface. if you don't allow yourself to go through intense experiences like several retreats and such, you'll stay on the level of assumptions and beliefs, not really knowing what this is about. you will continue thinking that it's important that your friends know about it and agree with you, but that's soooo offtrack in many many levels!
  12. and yet, at the same time, memory is all over reality. every instant is filled with the eternal past.
  13. @Manjushri go practical. find a way to apply what you're learning and you'll learn very quickly.
  14. @Alex it doesn't work that way. the best thing you can do is live a good life and MAYBE others will be inspired by the quality of your life.
  15. @Pouya you can't stop it. it's stronger than you. suffering will push you back and growth will happen spontaneously.
  16. watching the rhythm of nature... the movement of the plants, the way that the sun light spreads, the water cycle etc. there are so many amazing things happening in nature and we've lost touch with it. too much of "civilization problems" already.
  17. i started to explore different things. i started to practice yoga, i changed my diet, i met people who practiced permaculture, which allowed me to get closer to nature. i started to actually listen to people while i talked to them. being able to make eye contact is a powerful breakthrough.
  18. has it? we do see patterns on higher levels. is logic innate of the fabric of Reality or a tool for survival and contemplation on the level of the mind?
  19. @breathe582 i am sorry to say this but it seems like you haven't suffered enough just yet. your levels of attachment are way too high and only an intense shock of emotional pain felt in the bones can shake you out of the turmoil of such a disturbed and undisciplined mind.
  20. @Wisebaxter god is everything that exists, it's the fabric of reality. all experiences emerge from god, including destructive ones. but becoming aware of god is something else. as you go deeper into True Nature, you gain access to the most fundamental form of love, which is purely unconditional. it is a mindfuck though. how come hatred arises in the creation of primal love? can you see how pure and unconditional the primal source of Love is, allowing all sorts of experiences to co-exist?
  21. i haven't read it yet but i'm eager to read it. got the pdf on my pc already.
  22. is this true? how many sanghas have you been part of and how many zen masters have you talked to?
  23. engage in a real zen sangha, go to retreats and live with zen masters/practitioners for a while. it will show you way more than the perspective of a single advanced practitioner.