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Everything posted by ajasatya

  1. being a millionaire is a crappy goal. but if you have a valuable goal, being a millionaire may be a good means.
  2. @Santiago open up. tell her that you're struggling to discover this thing called love because it's an unexplored territory for you. being sincere is the best way to create valuable connections. dunno if you like gypsy jazz, but this one is for you:
  3. contradicts with oh, the suffering.
  4. yeah i was just trying to say that 3d printing is a a great door to creativity. i don't even like star wars that much
  5. @Revolutionary Think no... i meant 3d jigsaw puzzles damn, i think it would be very very hard to beat them. this looks scary!
  6. @Revolutionary Think when i was a child i dreamed about 3d puzzles! i googled it and i couldn't find anything else other than castles. i think this is an unexplored field!
  7. honestly, your products are very weak. i just googled "3d printed objects" and i found amazing stuff! you have to be more creative. don't just sell stupid 3d objects made with noob level blender skills. you have to go waaaaaaay deeper. also, what a horrible cover picture! it made me think "why the hell am i here?" low resolution pictures/words/videos feel extremely awful.
  8. start something. a job is not the only way out for hard work. i work hard on my diet and my yoga practice. i also plant forests (LOTS OF WORK) and study programming. what can you do? what is your product?
  9. @Revolutionary Think learn to work HARD. even if you're working on something that's not very promising, practice hard work. drop these "i'm so brilliant" lines. they're completely useless. work HAAARD
  10. the science to study the spirit already exists. it's called self-inquiry.
  11. @stevegan928 get the fuck away from that cold hearted person. such person doesn't even qualify for a regular friendship.
  12. sure. let them fall into egoic traps such as adultery, pornography, alcoholism, heavy drug use (crack and heroin), smoking, divorces and end up destroying the life of their children. we can let them have a mystical experience through which they can experience deep deep Love and quit their addictions, which happens A LOT. but who cares. they're too delicate. they're already autonomous organic systems and certainly can take care of themselves i am going to stop answering back to you. spoiler: leo's not gonna answer your questions neither. your lack of responsible experiences with psychedelics is making you naive and uninteresting to talk with about this topic. and also you sound too full of yourself and this makes you an uninteresting person to talk with overall. have a wonderful life. peace and love to you and to your family.
  13. what is "mind"? and where do definitions come from ultimately? what is the substance of a belief?
  14. @onacloudynight what practices self-inquiry?
  15. no. the society name is união do vegetal. it's a brazilian religion. dennis mckenna talks a lot about it.
  16. love those graphics!
  17. @doronshadmi there's nothing to say. you're being extremely biased. what would you say to the parents of a child that was killed by a car driven by someone who ate a bad meal and suffered a deep pain in the heart and couldn't control the car properly? you certainly have no idea what you're saying. i'm part of a society that builds and restructures families with the help of psychedelics.
  18. what do you say to people who cut their own penis in the half? keep playing the messiah. you're entirely helpless.
  19. @doronshadmi get over it. grow up. we're adults now. everyone is responsible for what they do. you're behaving like someone who's been raped and now spends the rest of Life complaining about sex, not being able to have a single orgasm.
  20. @Pelin hi. i'm going through this. the best way that i've found (it's working wonderfully) is simply being sincere. open your heart completely. tell him that you're trying to understand why these anger urges pop up. tell him that you feel sorry for being angry and that you regret acting like that. tell him that you'd like to get closer and develop a healthy relationship. stop lying. lying is easy and devastating. if you want to build something instead, you have to struggle a little bit in the beginning. but it's VERY rewarding.
  21. @stevegan928 then become ideologically, emotionally and financially independent first.
  22. @WaveInTheOcean you are the son of god and the son of man. worry not. be true to your heart and forgive those who haven't been blessed with enough existential anguishes yet.
  23. @stevegan928 feed your ego until you feel the highest thirst for Truth. a healthy ego is needed for enlightenment because an unhealthy ego cannot believe that he can transcend himself. an unhealthy ego will either find excuses to be lazy or hold beliefs about how he is unworthy of true happiness. the healthy ego says "hell, i am alive, i want to be happy and i deserve it".
  24. @Hard_Agent Truth comes into play through a vulnerability in the ego. when we're starting our journey, we see ourselves as true beginners. the world is a great master. but then, as we learn and build confidence, we tend to lose the beginner's mind and everything starts to fall apart. you need to let go of everything every night and start fresh every morning. the eternal beginner has the true heart of zen. be humble in your heart and empty in your mind.