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Everything posted by Scholar

  1. See, to you calling you an ignorant chimp with a contracted perspective is name calling. That perfectly shows your state of egoic development. You think you are better than the chimp, you think you have a higher consciousness than the chimp. But there is no such thing as higher or more consciousness. That's the arrogance of your little chimp mind speaking, it's need to chimpify everything. I am perfectlc comfortable recognizing my limitation, my chimpness, my ignorance. I know that this is what I am. Anyone who does not recognize this is a danger to the spiritual community.
  2. Everything is ungrounded, that's the entire point! The only reason to remain grounded is survival.
  3. So you do admit that it is a pure function of survival. You seek to end your suffering because you are a little chimp. But God doesn't care about not suffering. It has created Infinite Suffering, all of which it will experience itself. That's what it means to be Loving and Selfless. I recognize my ego, I know exactly what it is doing. You however are simply projecting and not realizing the deeper dynamic at play here.
  4. The more important question is why do you think it's important to realize that you are God? Why do you think you must discover Truth? Why do you seek to escape this very Truth that is clearly Being itself? Because you are just as much a chimp as anyone else you call unconscious. The only difference is that I have recognized this and you remain to seek to create hierarchies of Truth and Ignorance. That itself is a duality which is purely illusiory. Without which you wouldn't even care about getting enlightened.
  5. By the way, just because you can't imagine it being possible that Duality and Non-Duality can both exist at the same time, doesn't mean that isn't that case. That is simply a limitation to your imagination, one caused by you being a little chimp that takes it's own perspective over all else. Of course that's what you would do, that's what it means to be a chimp.
  6. You think God was not cool with being ignorant for 30 years? God has created an infinite amount of universes with an infinite amount of beings which exist for an infinite amount of time in what you call pure ignorance. You haven't realized anything, you have created a little story for yourself that is a result of the limitations of your own chimp mind. That's all. Look at the arrogance of this. You created all of existence, Infinity, you created it in absolute Perfection. And now one small chunk of yourself got a taste of this and it deems it's own morality to that of the All. That's a story, a story of an ignorant chimp. But that's okay, you created this precisely because that is what you want. That's what it means to exist.
  7. Here is what you are missing: Trust is not a function of truth, it is a function of survival. What you trust and believe to be truthful has no influence over what is truthful. Truth will remain Truth, it always has and always will be. The only reason why you seek to know truth, to create certainty in your experience, is because of survival. The entire sense of reality you have itself is nothing but an extention to this. It's all just the monkey mind, the chimp seeking to create a world for itself. That's all we are doing when we are seeking truth. Truth cannot be sought, it cannot be discovered, as it permeates all. It is the substance of all. Any understanding itself has it's own substance, it is made of Truth, as is all the rest of existence. Trust and confidence are just one form of Truth, one that is helpful for survival, nothing else.
  8. Because that's what it means to be. Being is indiscriminate, and it knows no end to it's limitation. See, what you call God is perfectly comfortable being ignorant of it's own "nature", because to truly be it's full nature is to be all limitation. It only makes sense from your small, contracted perspective to seek "Godhood". You are framing this the wrong way. God didn't lose anything by what you call "unconsciousness", it gained all things, all of existence, doing so. To not be limited would mean for it to reject itself, to reject all of existence. And without existence the little story you tell yourself about what god is and isn't, what god does and doesn't do, what god can and cannot do, would not exist. Your idea of Truth is selective, moralistic. It denies Being and puts Being against itself. In this way you and this very path are just another way of surviving. You cannot escape survival, because to survive means to exist. And existence is eternal, infinite. Your cessation will be your beginning. This should be obvious. If you are God and you created all of this, to return to yourself, as you so enjoy to frame it, what do you think you will do when you are God once more? You will do that which you have always done. But this perspective is merely one falsely truthful prespective among all other perspectives. God never lost consciousness of itself being God. What you call ignorance is the Greatest Wisdom, what you call falsehood is the greatest Truth. What you call survival is Love in it's purest form.
  9. I wouldn't say humans are frugivores, it is difficult to meet all nutritional requirements by just consuming fruits. Be careful when going from a really unhealthy diet to another one, because it can distort your perception of how healthy it is. Otherwise, you can achieve pretty much any type of diet within the paradigm of plant-based exclusivity and meet all your your nutritional requirements while avoiding animal products, which is virtually always positive as it avoids all the tremendously harmful substances that are found within them. A lot of diet is about the gut, so you want to ensure that you don't reduce yourself to certain types of foods or food groups exclusively, like only fruits for example. You might feel good for some time, but the long term effects even if you meet your nutritional requirements might be detrimental simply due to the changes in your gut it would cause. So continue eating variety. Nuts, seeds, beans, starchy foods, lentils and so forth. I personally am supplementing with a pea based protein powder which allows me to achieve a diet that I feel most comfortable on while getting enough protein for me to feel optimal.
  10. I feel like people far overestimate how far we are in terms of any significant advancement in this area, similar to AI. From what I intuit we might be thousands of years away from a true AI that would actually have any kind of human like self-awareness, if it even is possible on the physical substrates we currently use. Simulating behavior is very different from actually achieving intelligence. What many people don't realize is that it might take a significant amount of intelligence to even achieve simple tasks with it, that any dumb algorithm could achieve with ease. So we measure the progress in AI by tasks that are more or less effortful for a specific type of intelligence, and we get a completely false sense of where we actually are. All of these technologies will face issues that might take hundreds of years to resolve, issues that we haven't even realized exist yet. It is the case that many things will get automated, but automation is not intelligence. In this particular framework it is pretty much the opposite of it.
  11. Right now, simply try to find the edge to your visual field. In your peripheral, try to find where the colors and shapes truly come to an end. Try to actually really do this before you continue reading. You will have noticed that actually, there is no such thing as an edge to your visual perception. Because what an edge is, is actually two things contrasting each other. Human minds have a tendency to view the world through such edges and limitations, even their own visual field they probably thought for their entire life to have an edge to it, a limit to itself. Yet, where is this limit? People ask themselves, what is at the edge of the universe? This presupposes the nature of the universe to be that of limitation. And for limitation, what is required is contrast. An edge can only exist if there is something contrasting that edge. The very nature of an edge and limitation is two things opposing each other. Ask yourself, where is the limitation in that? You say when you are on one side, that this line is where things end, yet when you cross it, you have just found yourself on a different ground. I can tell you with certainty, that if you find what is the "edge" of your visual perception, you will come to know what is the "edge" of the universe. Again, sit down and truly focus on this right now and come back reading when you have made a great effort. Reality does not work through limitation, reality is nestled in nothingness. The edge of your visual field bleeds into true nothingness. It is coming from nothingness, and it is dissolving into nothingness. True nothingness has no edge. It is no thingness, and it is present right here, at the "edge" of your visual field. The mind views reality as a contrast between limitation and infinitude, but yet reality clearly works in a paradoxial and arational manner. See, your visual perception is not infinite, yet it is not limited either. How can this be? It can be because reality is not that which is possible, but that which is impossible. Study any aspect of your own existence, any one of it, and you will come to realize this undeniable truth. In it's own way, your visual perception is self-contained. It is not like a division of two things, but it is it's own complete circle. There is no visual perception and then the "beyond visual perception". Your visual perception is as grand as the entirety of this universe, you simply are not paying attention to that. The beyond is the Nothingness, and that is what self-containment is. It is Nothingness. This is the most obvious thing, yet our minds work day in day out to blind itself from this truth. It is so transparent and undeniable, that the ability to look past this actuality itself is a miracle, a miracle equally as impossible as anything else in existence. The Edge itself is Nothingness, which means that it is no Edge at all. Sense the presence of the Nothingness all around you, in which all of substance is nestled in and of which it is made of. Look with sober clarity at existence. If you are not grounded in clear seeing, this path will create nothing but delusion for you.
  12. Well I never said that which is Impossible doesn't exist, it clearly does. The reason why I use this word in particular is that "Possibility" implies that there can be limitations to reality, or that somehow reality in and of itself is limited. Reality does not work that way. It doesn't determine whether or not something can exist by some set of rules, whether logical or any other kind. That's a human notion. Limitations really themselves are just manifested into existence. There is nothing that makes them "possible", they simply are created. I have not yet discovered this. End or limitation to the visual perception.
  13. He and his generation had to make this sacrifice so you could take the next step. His limitation is what gave rise to your transcendence.
  14. They aren't living life to the max at all though. They are seeking a particular state of mind, not different from any other addict.
  15. What defines whether someone becomes a billionaire is usually a deep dissatisfaction with what one has and having a great need to have more. This is basically the state of mind you have to have to become that rich. And more importantly, this state of mind has to be resistant to satisfaction. Think about it, most people would be satisfied with having a well paying job, because usually it takes unreasonable amounts of your time and effort to actually become a millionaire, in most instances. So something in the billionare type has to be completely resistant to ever be satisfied with what one has. If he allowed himself to be satisfied, he would simply not have the motivation to keep doing what he is doing. He would get his million tops, and then live his life. But the billionaire actually wants more, because that state of mind is permanent to him. He will never be satisfied, if he had the ability to be satisfied, he woudl have long been satisfied, and thus he would have never been motivated to become a billionaire. This is why billionaires aren't even satisfied when they are the richest person in the world, because if they could be satisfied at that moment of being the richest person in the world, they would have been satisfied long before that moment. See the brain needs to be in a very particular frame to be this resistant to satisfaction. You don't become the richest man in the world if you have the capcitiy to be satisfied with any amount of money, power or influence. So these kinds of people are exceptionally atypical in the way their brains work. To some extend we all are resistent to satisfaction, but a billionaire just has that resistance geared up to the extreme.
  16. Yes, but notice the following. Previously, you looked at the world differently. You say your perception has changed, but what does this mean. Something was present before that is not present now, or something is present now that was not present before. That in and of itself is it's own form of being, and it is as absolute as that which you call absolute right now. You getting closer to how the magic trick works, you are very clearly seeing one fascet of the magic trick. But by having seen this fascet, you have lost another fascet of the magic trick, that which previously made you blind to see the new fascet of the magic trick. And if you look at that old fascet closely, you will truly understand the magic trick, and that it is no trick at all. That it is true magic.
  17. It's a semantic game to you because you don't recognize the nature of Isness. Reality is Illusion, it's one word for the same thing, so you might aswell say that Illusion is Reality. It works both ways. However when we talk about this in the context of Enlightenment, it is more like you are letting go of a certain aspect of illusion or realness, which previously existed. And that recontextualizes the other dimensions of what you call experience. Interestingly enough this kind of recontextualization is not any more real than the previous one, it is still part of delusion (different from illusion). Without delusion, you couldn't even call reality illusion or reality, because both of these things would be reveal as nothing but their own substances, which you confuse for every other substance. Nothingness isn't Illusiory, it isn't real, it isn't imaginary. Rather, illusionness, realness and imaginariness are aspects and forms that come from the Sourceless, that which is Mysterious. The Mysterious cannot be described, it is self-descriptive, so everything you will claim about what it's nature is, will be it's nature, but merely one of it's infinite natures.
  18. Survival is basically nothing but an attempt to achieve Harmony. Through enlightenment, you will recognize the Harmony of Existence, and that all things are subordinated to that Harmony. And so, by not resisting, as you have achieved through your enlightenment, you will naturally follow the Harmony of Existence. See, there is a flow to all of this Existence. There a Purpose to all of this, and this Purpose is Harmony. You look at reality as a singular point. But reality is like a river, with a particular direction to it. You are struggling on this river of reality and that struggle is survival. You desperately attempt to swim along this river. Enlightenment means to let go of your desperation and your struggle. When you do so, you will naturally flow with the current of the river, and it will carry you along itself. See, you have created a story about what Harmony is, what Enlightenment is, what Wisdom is. You say, wisdom is to never manipulate, wisdom is to never lie. Yet, you do not know Harmony, you do not know Wisdom, you do not know Purpose. And yet again, the very Substance of every singular fibre in your being are manifested by and themselves made of Harmony, Wisdom and Purpose. To ask why you would continue to survive after Enlightenment is like to ask why the Sun would continue being the Sun after enlightenment. The Sun already is enlightened, yet it has no problems being the sun. Infact, the sun is a perfect sun, it has no resistance, it is doing exactly what the Sun should do. Every single particle in the Sun is suboridnated to the Purpose of the Sun. So, instead of creating stories about what you should do and shouldn't do, what is good and is not good, seek to recognize the Harmony within reality, and thus you will recognize your Purpose. And your Purpose is so ingrained within you, that you will have no choice in the matter. You will fullfill the Purpose of your Existence, because that is what it means to Exist. Reality and Existence is not rational, it is not logical, it is not causal. It is Mysterious. It has no need to justify itself, it does not have to find a reason for it's own existence. It doesn't need to tell itself "This is the reason why I will survive". That's your little monkey mind, Reality itself does not require any of this to be itself. See, even once you die, you will continue to survive, as you have done for Eternity, and you shall do for Eternity. That is what it means to exist. When you shall get fully enlightened, you shall say "Let me forget about this enlightenment, and let me experience true suffering.".
  19. Contemplate the nature of Harmony, because it is connected to Purpose and therefore to Meaning. Contemplate how it is that all things in the universe strive to achieve harmony, even those things that cause disharmony, do only do so because of the fact that they seek Self-harmony. Even the mind that destroys itself and others, that which seeks to destroy itself is itself just seeking it's own harmony. Reality creates higher and higher dimensions of harmony, and all Purpose and Meaning is connected to that Harmony.
  20. It's actually interesting, but there is a more core problem here that you are missing, and it is that you are misunderstand what meaning actually is. Ask yourself truly, what is Meaning? What is it's nature, what is it's substance, when is it experienced? See, you are creating a narrative of meaninglessness. This Narrative is in opposition to the narrative of "Life is Meaningful". Both of these perspectives are delusional, they confuse one aspect of reality for another. Meaning is a dimension of existence, and it does exist. Life, or existence, is full of Meaning. But nothing about life is Meaningful. Nothing other than Meaning if Meaningful. This is fundamentally your misunderstanding and why you are suffering. See, the more clearly you look at reality, the clearer it will be for you to distinguish between different aspects and dimensions of existence. A clear mind can clearly differentiate between it's thoughts and other experiences. An unclear, muddy mind mixes up it's thoughts and experiences and cannot distinguish them, confusing them to be one object. Through clear mindedness, you have recognize that Meaning and any other Experience are seperate. Redness is seperate from Blueness, Blueness is seperate from high pitched noise, high pitched noise is seperate from warmth, warmth is seperate from anger. Previously, the way your mind worked is the following: It experienced redness, and it experienced happiness, and then the mind said "Redness is Happiness!". But Redness is not Happiness, Happiness merely accompanied Redness, and then the mind created an Object out of the two. It took two experiences and said "This is one experience!". See, when you see a beautiful landscape, the landscape is not beautiful. The landscape is the landscape, and the beauty is beauty. They are clearly seperate, but the mind has connected them. This is what the mind is, that is it's purpose. So now you have learned to look clearly at everything in Experience, in Existence. You look at redness, and suddenly you can't find any beauty anymore. You look everywhere, but nowhere you can find beauty. This is because beauty is not found in any other experience but Beauty itself. So you are basically looking at the wrong places. Nothing in Life, nothing in all of Existence, is Meaningful, Beautiful or Good. Nothing but precisely one thing is Meaningful. Only Meaning itself is Meaningful. Only Beauty is beautiful, and only Goodness is good. The only thing that could possibly be Beautiful is Consciousness, or Nothingness, or the Substanceless Substance. Because only the Substanceless Substance, or Nothingness, can take the Form of any possible form of existence. Nothingness can be Everything and Anything, this is why only Nothingness is Beauty. Beauty is Nothingness, and so is Meaning. So, the question here should not be "How do I find meaning in life?", but rather, the correct question to pose is "What creates Meaning within Life?". Life will never be meaningful, because Life is not meaningful. However, Life can be Meaning-Full, full of meaning. Life can be a container of Meaning, but life never will be Meaning itself. So now that this is established, let us question, when is meaning created within the mind? Well, as you probably know, the human mind can create an extraordinary amount of Meaning by simply listening to Music. Why is this? Ask yourself, what is so special about Music? What music basically is, is individual parts creating a Whole, a rythym which can only exist if you can see the Whole the parts create. The Whole doesn't truly exist, notice this. You never can hear all of the music, you only hear music one note at the time. Yet, your mind creates the impression of continuity, of rythm, of harmony. You are seeking a Narrative of Meaning, but you are not truly seeking Meaning itself. Meaning is like a substance that can be created, and if you want meaning in your life, discover what creates this substance. I can look at an image, and when I look at it, I can feel meaning. Not because the Meaning exists in the image, but because my mind creates Meaning as a result of becoming aware of the Whole, or how the individual parts interconnect to create a Whole. When you can recognize the Whole, you can recognize within it Purpose. And what Purpose is, that is mysterious. It is something akin to intelligence, to wisdom, but it is far more metaphysical. Like I said, it is mysterious, but it is clearly present. It is basically a Self-Recognition, or a recognition of your own Creativity. This kind of Purpose, or recognition of Purpose, of how the Part fits into a Whole, a Whole that has Intelligence, that is like a vein of Ore, an Ore that you call Meaning. So, you don't need to find Meaning, you need to recognize yourself as a Part within the Whole, which will make you understand Purpose, and Purpose is the reason why anything exists at all. Mastery will be sought when you recognize this vein of Ore, and you decide that this is where you will set up camp, and where you will create a mine, a mine which will allow you to get to more and more of this Ore. And in this way, you will have played your part in the orchestra of the Whole. It is not a Narrative, it is a Substance. A substance which fuels every cell in your body, every bit of gravity, every bit of mass in all of the Universe.
  21. Also, consider that when these people say there is no evidence that these UAPs are alien spacecraft, that basically the standard of evidence for that is most likely much higher than what any of you would consider evidence. So, even if you saw basically what any normal human being would immediately claim to be an alien spacecraft, these guys would ask you: "Okay, but do we have evidence that the spacecrafts came from another solar system? As long as we do not, we have no evidence that these are alien spacecraft." So, you would probably have to record a UAP to come from deep space, enter earths atmosphere and basically zip around infront of some military installation. And even then, technically their standards can even be higher, because who knows if a human spacecraft didn't leave the solar system and then came back? Maybe the chinese did it, so we can't say it's evidence for aliens! This is why these reports are so useless, we would have to see how they came to even conclude the things they conclude, and what all of their standards are specifcally. Might even be that they have no standards, after all there are no such thing as experts or authorities on this, so who is to even determine what kinds of standards are useful here?
  22. lol, why? Sounds like you have some deeper issues here that need resolving, you seem like a scared little child who wants to become a badass. That's the pathway to hell my friend.
  23. Leo is using confusing language that is not helpful to you. It is the Formless that "imagined" Leo. Notice, imagination is actually a human term, and ironically, it itself is "imagined". Thus, it is merely a metaphor, which you should be aware of. Notice too that it is Leo who is saying all of these things to you. Leo clearly is not Formlessness. Leo is Form. But more importantly, everything Leo will tell you is Form, it is not Truth. It cannot possibly be Truth. Therefore, if you believe Leo, you are deluding yourself. So stop listening to what Leo is saying, because it's all delusion. Use what he is saying to dissolve, not to construct.