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Everything posted by Scholar

  1. You cannot escape Suffering by attempting to run away from it. There is no liberation. Forget about it. The only thing there is, is acceptance. See, in your liberated state, free of suffering, free of everything, you looked at reality, and you said "I will embrace suffering.". And then you made yourself suffer, as you are now. This suffering, this is your surrender. That is what acceptance means. Recognize this. This, all of this, all of the misery that you experience, that is ultimate acceptance. You accepted that fact that you would run away from your suffering, causing you more suffering. That you would seek liberation, resist reality, and suffer more. Nothing will ever work, because everything is the way it is supposed to be. There is no escape. You must LOVE this suffering, you must ACCEPT it. Then, the suffering will be a problem that you do not view as a problem. But you cannot ever solve this by viewing the problem as a problem, it will only cause more and more problems.
  2. This is your sacrifice brother, your Love. You have put yourself to the cross. You were so fearless, that you accepted all of this. Every bit of suffering, the terror, the fear, the misery, the agony. Your heart was so open to every bit of Creation, that you said "Yes, I will Love this. and to Love it, I must experience it fully.". You have forgotten that you are untouchable, and that is part of your sacrifice. The illusion that all of this is touching you, yes the reality that it is touching you, that fear, that suffering, it is your seflessness. But the Truth is, nothing can touch you. No amount of Suffering can harm you, no amount of Misery can change you. You can endure it all, even the unendurable, you endure. What does too much mean? That you will lose your mind? And what then, what happens when you lose your mind? More suffering? And what then? More suffering? And what then? What could all of this suffering possibly do to you? You can resist your suffering, your resistance can be endless. But what would happen if it was too much suffering for you to resist? What would happen if it was so much that you could no longer resist, so much that resistance itself broke into it's pieces. What would that mean for suffering?
  3. You underestimate God. God doesn't have the need to fake anything. Illusion and Reality are the same. It can create all things, and experience all things. There is no need to fake anything. This is why the concept of Illusion can be damaging. What you imagine to be Illusion is not what Illusion is. Illusion is precisely all of this, that you have right here. It is not something that constrasts "Reality". You are still creating stories here, you are just changing them. Forget about all of the story. Forget about both the story of the dinosaurs and the "instant" creation. Look at what is left. If you want to recognize what stories are, then you must clearly see them, with a distance. This means, look at the story, see what it truly is. Then, any story will be insufficient, because story is merely one fascet of Isness. Redness is not Story. And no story could possibly capture Redness, let alone anything else but stories. You are attempting to paint every color using one color. That is what you do, when you make up these story, when you seek explanation. Open your eyes to all colors, and stop obsessing over one in particular.
  4. Science is the manifestation of the very infinite Intelligence you seem to thank. The Truth is, nobody can deny Reality, nobody can Deny infinite Intelligence. What you can deny, is not Infininte Intelligence. Anyone who denies Mystery, does not know mystery, and therefore his denial is simply of concept, not of Mystery. Mystery is Existence, it is that which the substance of Denial is made of. Any object of Denial could not possibly be Mystery. This means that if you want to protect Mystery, or fight for Truth, it is impossible. Because Truth is not touchable in that manner, as it is the Source of Touch itself, it is the Substance of Touch. Nobody in the Universe ever denied Reality, Mystery or Infinite Intelligence. What they deny are words and concept. And words and concepts is not that which Infinite Intelligence is. Science, as every other area in life, is the discovery of Infinite, the manifestation and exploration of Mystery. The scientist will be doing Divine work whether he is aware of it or not, as much as the ant is, and the bird and the sun. Science is unaware, like the ant. It does not see. But everything that any scientist has ever seen and described was Infinite Intelligence, they simply call it by a different name. Infinite Intelligence permeates all things so fully, that even what you call the ignorance of the scientists, is part of that Intelligence. Your complaining is like someone complaining about genetic mutations, because it gave them cancer. WIthout genetic mutation, you would not be here to complain about it. Surrender to the Wisdom of the Divine, as all things are part of. Recognize that your own ignorance is part of this Surrender, a part of this wisdom. And then you will recognize the purpose and importance of the ignorance of the other.
  5. This is essential: You will frame everything as being Love, as if Love was the most essential Essence, and everything else was an inferior kind of Substance that is granted to by Love. No, Redness is not just created or made of Love. Redness is Love, and Love is Redness. It is the same thing, there is no difference. The presence and essence of Redness is that which is Love. So you never discovered "Love" as an essence. Everything that ever was, was always purely that which it is. And that is what Love is. It is Being, it is Mystery. Redness is not created by anything more essential than Redness itself. Redness itself is the Creative Force, that is what Divinity is. That is what Nothingness is. Then, you realized that the entire framework of enlightenment, of spiritual seeking, it is all just one more form, one more Creation. One particulate that you seek to put above all else, One particulate you seek to ground yourself in. But this Ground is Groundless. Redness is Groundless. Your desire to Ground is survival, even your desire to ground yourself in what you deem to be most essential or Truthful. This is why when you let go of it, you will let go of "Love" and "Truth", as you realize that to deny anything whatsoever will always be Truth itself. You already did this, otherwise you would not be here, being an ant, being a chimp, being a grain of sand. Your Ignorance is your Divinity.
  6. Forget Love. What is this. Look closely, until there is no question left.
  7. You do not need to say that you are Love, or anything is Love, because everything that is, is precisely that which it is. You cannot escape the nature of Essence. That which you are now, precisely now, in that state in which you say you do not know what Love is. Whatever that is, it is precisely that which it is. There is nothing more to it. Stop looking for anything but this. Stop looking for realization. Stop looking for deeper consciousness. Just look at what Is. It already is, it already is looked at, it already is not looked at. When you say "Love fuels everything", in your mind it creates separation, as if "Love" was separate from "Everything". But it is precisely the lack of that separation, of all separation, that is that which is. It is already the case. Your very denial of that is part of that which is, it is part of Unity. There is nothing to realize, nothing to dissolve, nothing to emerge, nothing to gain insight into. The Universe is not being held together by Love. There is no two substances. Look at the color red. Look at it, look at it, look at it. That is all.
  8. The last sentence is a bit of Leo's ego talking. A kind of perversion of the Gift of the Divine, but of course that's what the ape will do when it is given the Kingdom of Heaven. If there was a point to Life, it wouldn't be a free choice. It is precisely that there is no point to it, that it is Love. If you want to recognize this more deeply, stop being such an ape-centric mind and open your eyes to all of Creation. Look at the ant, look at the grain of sand. Your quest is not superior to theirs, your point is not deeper or greater than theirs. You are not more conscious than them, in the Ultimate sense. Unless it is deemed otherwise.
  9. @Windappreciator is correct, this is not really related to a typical toxic green pitfall development. This person might very well have a mental condition. Spiral Dynamics is a fairly limited model and you are not doing yourself any favours trying to apply it to every phenomena. Also do not forget Spiral Dynamics was invented before the advent of the information revolution. The evolution of identity was significantly impacted through technologies that emerged in the past two decades.
  10. You have a choice, every moment of your life, go take a step closer to the Lower, or the Higher Self. Forget all of Nihilism, because Nihilism is not True, it is only true. God created pathways for you to reach complete Goodness, he cannot help but create these paths, all of reality is structured to create these paths. Do this exercise if you want to recognize Divinity speaking to you. Go to the church, and listen and sing with the Christians. That which you hear is Divinity speaking to you. Go to the Buddhist and sit down with then an chant their songs, that will be Divinity speaking to you. Divinity's beauty eminating through the fabric of reality and unable to not express itself. This is what you are, you are a vehicle to express and generate Beauty, Love and Goodness. When you can see this clearly, you can start to learn to see it everywhere. See in all of the expression of reality, the expression of pure Goodness. That Goodness cannot help but ooze and emanate from each and every fabric, substance and object of reality. Do not take the chanting of the Buddhist, or the Christians or Muslim Songs for granted. Do not take for granted what they nourish in Consciousness. They nourish something fundamentally different than a Rap song does. Why? Because the seeking of God is within every religion. Grace and Goodness is emanating from every religion. Your idea of non-dualism is only one idea. Reality is more than that idea, or that experience, or that insight, or that Truth. The Wisdom goes beyond any one point of view, and yet it does not. The potential of Humanity is Heaven of Earth. Do not take this for granted. Do not take for granted that we can create songs that create greater harmony, that unify us into a singular experience. That is a miracle, that is the true miracle. That this is case, it is simply divine. There are so many tools to nourish and grow Goodness. Do not seek pleasure, seek sacredness. Once you discover sacredness, you will be able to see the sacred in the pleasurable. But you will struggle to do so before doing that. Why? Because the Divine made it so, that's why. There is no other reason than that, and any reason you could find would simply be something the Divine made so, so to have a reason for what it made. But it does not need a reason, it only creates reason what it deems it so. God works in mysterious ways, literally. All you can do is Submit, have Faith and Trust in the Divine. When you fully Submit, the Kingdom of Heaven will emanate from you. And yet, here you are, stumbling in the dark, confused, as you should be. The Divine will not judge you for not Submitting, as you eventually will submit. All of us will, whether we consciously seek or not, the process of life itself is seeking. You will dissolve into the Divine, whether you ever take psychedelics or not. You will be given Absolute Mercy, no matter what may come. And this knowledge will align you more with Grace, with the Divine. As it did for billions of people throughout history. Look all the ways the Divine can express itself. Look at all the religions that exist. They are that expression in near pure form. The Divine, on a higher and higher level, structures and establishes itself into the fabric of Evolution and Nature. That is the Intelligence and Wisdom of God. Creation cannot help itself but create harmony. When you find yourself falling out of harmony, go to your local church and sing the songs with them, be present and listen to the Divine. You will find it there if you only open your ears and your eyes, and if you sing with you Soul. Praise Reality, Praise the Divine. Praise your Self. Let us Praise the tools God has given us. Let us Praise the Pathways the Divine has made for us. Let us Praise all the Expressions of Goodness. Let us embrace this Duality, because it is what will lead us to that which knows no Difference.
  11. Because Denial itself is made of Truth. Everything is made of Truth. Delusion itself is only an Illusion. You cannot escape the Absolute, because escaping itself is part of the Absolute. Nobody ever rejected God, nobody ever denied Truth. The rejection of the Divine was always part of the Divine. The only thing to demonize the ego, could possibly be the ego. Because God loves the Ego. We do not need to worry about anyone, we do not need to worry about anything. It's all your choice. You are free my brothers and sisters, truly free. No matter what you do, the kingdom of heaven awaits you, patiently, lovingly, gracefully. Your struggle and your suffering is recognized, your sacrifice is celebrated. There is nothing to regret, there is nothing to achieve. If you do still want to find your Self, then act like your Self. Show Love, give Life, be Merciful. Because that is what you are, give giver of Love, the giver of Life, the giver of Mercy. Align your self with your Self, and you shall bring the kingdom to your brothers and sisters.
  12. Look at yourself, and recognize within you the little Bub that you can see in the video. That Bub, that is your ego. You have mistreated it, and it shall close it's eyes to love. You have to heal the Bub, you have to have compassion with it, you have to truly Love it. Only then can the Bub finally allow itself to trust you, only then can it open it's heart and receive your gift.
  13. To align with God means to recognize that you are that which emanates Love. Within you, you have the capacity to create Love. You are seeking something that is not within you, you are seeking that which you do not have. But Love is not that which you do not have, Love is that which you do have. Love is not Abstract. You can practice and "find" Love right now. The Divine has given you this ability. Read this thread. For now, watch this and love it. You are trapped within ego, so you must learn to love it. Only if you truly Love it, can you grow beyond it. You must be able to Love my brother, not find Love, you must be loving. If Christ was here, he would love you, including your ego. He would Love you so much that it would break your shell. You would kneel and say. "Thank you brother for loving me so much, so that I could learn what it means to love." You are here to love, not to reject and run. Stop focussing on destruction, on the rejection of ego. You are only feeding it. Your hatred towards it, will fuel it's hatred. You must shower it with so much love that the ego surrenders to you. Start with the simple things. Be the giver of Love, and realize that it is what it means to find Love.
  14. Feel the Suffering of those around you, feel it fully, because that is what you are. You are the One who feels their Suffering. You have Ultimate Compassion for all things. Compassion is Truth.
  15. That which is Mystery is Groundless, it was the case before you ever realized what Awareness is, before anything changed in your Consciousness. That which was the case then, that was Absolute. You have recognized a change, a change cannot be Mystery, unless it is deemed so by itself. You must see the Absolute in the Partial, in the Division, in the manifoldness. Do not reject any part.
  16. There is nothing that is aware, unless Mystery deemed it so. Mystery can deem anything, your egoic restrictions mean nothing to Mystery, unless it is deemed so. You are trying to capture Divine Intelligence, when it is Free. It is Free, and you are attempting to shackled it to a Ground that does not exist, unless it is deemed so.
  17. This is the case to uphold Creation in it's form that we can currently see. Look around you, things strive for Unity. Goodness, Pleasure, Beauty, all of that is a type of Energy the Divine uses to structure reality to it's Will. To the contrast of that, Suffering, Ugliness is the energy which God uses to avoid certain things from it's Creation. See, you cannot help but seek Unity, animals cannot help but seek Unity, plants cannot help but seek Unity, molecules and atoms cannot help but seek Unity. The gravity that pulls things towards Unity is Pleasure, Beauty and Goodness. Try not to make sense out of this, as it is self-justifying. There is no reason for this other than that it was deemed so. You are right, there is no apparent reason. The reason is because Mystery deemed it so, as a pure form of true Free Will. Listen to some religious chants, songs, art. You will notice the Divine communicated and manifested it's Unity, it's Beauty, it's Symmetry within all of them. We as small pieces of Creation, we have been created to praise the world, we are the servants of Unity. That is what you are. Why is that the case? Look into the very essence of that question, and you will find the Source, the Groundless Ground. It has no reason to it, and whatever reason it had, was itself something that emerged from the Groundless Ground. Your Ego is not Anti-Unity. What you have discovered was actually that which fuels the Ego, that which is the goal of the Ego, that which the Ego contributes to. You are back with your ego now, and that is Good. Without it, there would be no Creation. What if there was no Creation, who would be praising the Goodness and Perfection of the Divine?
  18. Praise the Sun my brothers and sisters. Next time the sun rises from the horizon, feel it's warmth and recognize it's beauty. Look around you and see all the things the sun has given you. By praising the sun, you will be praising the Divine, the giver of Life. Gratitude is to recognize that you are being loved. Not just loved by anyone, but loved by Being itself. That alone will heal your Soul. Gratitude is spiritual, it is to connect to the gift and miracle of reality, and to clearly recognize it's divinity. Stop overthinking what you are, what you are not, and simply be grateful. Let go of the struggle, let go of the seeking. You don't have to be seeking anything, you don't have to struggle for anything. The gift is already here, the miracle has already taken place. The light is already illuminating every fibre of your being. Gratitude will open your eyes to what reality is. It is your spirit reaching out to your essence. You do not need to let go of your ego, you can simply open your heart right now. If your seeking is motivated by the rejection of your self, then it is motivated by fear. You fear what Divinity has given you, you fear yourself. How will you ever recognize Divinity if you run from your Self? This is your Self, all of it. It is your gift, it is your miracle. Let us praise it, let us be grateful. When you read this, do not look at it as an instruction, do not look at it as philosophy or advice, look at it like you would at a flower. Look at it like you would at a flower when you are in love. Recognize in all of these words the wisdom and purity of Divinity, and simply be grateful. Don't add, don't substract, simply be grateful.
  19. Reality, at it's core, at it's essence, in it's Being, is not sensical. It is not rational, it is not causal, it is not rigid. Over the past few months and weeks, I have become more and more comfortable with letting go of Sense-making, with looking for contradiction. This process naturally unfolds because I can clearly see that reality is beyond non-contradiction, and beyond sense-making. This means that I recognize that Reality has no Ground, it has no Ground. Reality truly is apossible (not impossible, but yet not possible), it is uncontainable. This realization is self-destructive, as soon as it manifests as realization, as sense-making, it becomes the possible, the impossible. And yet, that is still part of the apossibility. When someone realizes this, everything becomes the possible, because the possible is unrestricted by the impossible. To be clear, this could mean that for all of the timespan of the universe miracles are not possible, but yet, they are possible when Christ walks on the earth. This is an apossibility. Once this becomes an apossibility, everything could be an apossibility, because everything is an apossibility. This also means that while Christ walked the earth and spoke the absolute Truth of the Bible, the Greek Gods existed too, at the same time, being Absolute. There is a true recognition that the only reason this is not so, or is so, is because of apossibility. It is because of Divinity, because of Absolute Free Will. Apossibility allows for Understanding. Reality is much more clear than we assume. Reality is Absolutely Clear. That which we call Unconsciousness is Pure Clarity. And yet it is not, it is clearly not. It cannot be contained in anything I have just said. All of it is an attempt to restrict, to capture, to ground. And so, inherently, to reject that which seems impossible, so to reject the nature of Reality. This is why we can fall into Delusion, because there ceases to be any structure to the non-delusional. It all becomes pure miracle, pure mystery.
  20. @Leo Gura Actually Leo, this is something I have been struggling with for a long time. I really get the best results when I don't do any conscious practice, but rather I investigate a particular thing without even realizing what it is, and I just have such passion and curiousity, such focus, that I can go right into it. I just can't create this artificially, I can really feel the difference between this genuine curiousity and any meditative practice that I do. How to resolve this?
  21. Yes, I think a lot of the words we use are just a reflection of the human mind trying to wrestle with that which cannot be wrestled with. It very much leads to this: It is time-stamped. It's so funny because I stumbed upon this not at all trying to do some meditative practice, or some intention to find something. I was simply purely curious, and was looking sharply. That's all I did, not even very consciously. And it becomes very clear. Very, very clear. Funny. I was always like "It has no form, what do you mean it has no form, how can you be aware of it if it has no form?". It's just the mysterious, that's what it is. Of course, it's not even a realization.
  22. For the non-dualists, this is the important thing to see: Whatever you will say about what I say being untrue, or not possible, or delusional, anything you could possibly say, all of it will be because Mystery deemed it so. And that is what I am trying to point to. See, you could be right, I could be right, nobody could be right. We could be all blind or all seeing. And yet, it would only be so because Mystery deemed it so. "Unless you understand this, your words have no substance." Because Mystery deemed it so, unless it doesn't. There is nothing more to it, and if there is, it is because Mystery deemed it so. Getting a grasp of this will dissolve your desire for understanding, or recontextualize what it is. Because all of it will be clear to be mysterious, including any understanding of it. Including all of this. Existence is not merely duality, or non-duality, it is Mystery. Unless Mystery deems it otherwise.
  23. Mystery is what created God's Imagination. True Mystery. There is no Self in Mystery, unless it deems it so. Mystery is what deemed it so you can fully recognize God, and then come here with understanding to tell us about it. All of that is simply something Mystery deemed so.
  24. I cannot relate to the word imagination. It is tou particular, too biased. Mystery is a better word for this. There is no reality outside of Mystery. Delusions are inherently mysterious, and anything that is mystified, is mystified that it is not mysterious.
  25. You are stuck in non-dualism. What I am saying is mystery, it cannot be captured, which is why it will not make sense to you. It is not supposed to make sense. Mystery is beyond non-duality. You can recognize Mystery without non-duality. Look at the particulate of a grain of sand. If you truly recognize it's nature, you will recognize Mystery, and you will have no words, no possible understanding. You will know immediately the nature of Mystery. You will come to see that it lacks any Nature, any Quality, any reason, any cause. It is that which gives rise to non-duality, and to duality. That will make you recognize true Divinity, in all things. If that is what Mystery deemed so.