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Everything posted by Scholar

  1. I disagree. But it does not matter that much. The truth is the truth.
  2. According to you. I reject the notion of consciousness, it's just existence to me.
  3. I think you are wrong here. Height is relative. In the end, all consciousness is absolute, there is no deeper or greater consciousness, it's all one. The exploration of infinite is just that. That, of course, it can only be defined as a duality between the greater and the lesser. It's all Maya. There is no more or less Mayaness, that's where I think you are going wrong.
  4. AI might lead to the most significant concentration of power in the history of mankind. You cannot really add anything to AI that some megacorporation cannot then use to fuel their AI and make you obsolete. That is the inherent problem with this technology and the way we are using it. And for the few people who will be able to use an AI, you have to consider that it will just lead to less people overall having opportunities. Everything will be so filled with noise that only those who already have a monopoly on attention will be able to benefit from any of this. The average will stand no chance, and even the slightly above average joe will stand no chance. You keep thinking that AI will make you more productive, and in a sense it will make you more productive in terms of output. But all that means is that the standard for how much output vs work input is expected will adjust. Whatever creative solution you have, someone else will be able to use AI to steal that idea from you effortlessly. It won't matter how good your ideas are, how amazing your contributions are, nobody will even find you in the noise, other than the scrapers who will use your information to then feed them to the audience they have acquired. There will be a sea of noise and islands of attention monopolies, which will basically lead to a sort of technological feudalism. At least that is how I think this might very well go. In terms of a consumer, you might benefit (although I am skeptical even of this, at least in certain industries), but in terms of a worker and creative, it will become near impossible to survive AI mass data scraping.
  5. This is more like people's egos getting riled up and behaving immaturely.
  6. I am inexperienced with psychedelics, only had one proper 150mcg 1V-LSD trip, but from what I can tell, this was what almost happened to me just with a different type of thought pattern. The problem is that you had violent thoughts and you started resisting them. For my trip, it was the idea that I would have a horror trip and basically come out of the trip with my brain permanently fried by terror. I was in a complete, existential dread type panic before the tripping even started. What saved me was something I learned during visualization exercises. One of the things about direction attention, and therefore directing your trip, is that you subconscious does not know negation. You cannot negate anything. If you try to negate it, you will just get the opposite plus an increase in your attempt to negate it, meaning resistance to the experience. So, you had bad thoughts, then you resisted those thoughts and started getting scared, so naturally the thoughts become even worse and worse, until you became so scared you didn't trust yourself. And naturally, you then became the devil. You created a narrative because you did not know how to point your attention. And pointing your attention is actually a subtle skill. You think when you sit down and point your attention at some object of meditation that this is the skill of attention control, but it is actually not, for the most part it will not engage the core mechanism responsible for attention control. Obviously, you will not be able to employ this skill if you have not ingrained it in yourself during such moments. Because, the natural reaction is fear based, and once your attention drive is fear based, it will just pull you right where to where your fear is. I think there is a point of no return during a trip, where if you have not gotten your mind on track by that point you will not be able to get it on track until the trip is over. By on track I mean have the trip be about the particular thing you want it to be about, or not to be about. When you started trying to distract yourself from your bad thoughts, you should have immediately realized "Oh shit, I am scared of these thoughts... I am trying to avoid them.", and see that if you continue on that path of resistance, that will be precisely what you will get from the trip. In your case the climax was becoming the devil himself. There is a skill of "mind switch", which is not the same as trying to surpress something or distract yourself. Surpression during a trip is like telling yourself over and over "DON'T THINK ABOUT A PINK ELEPHANT, DON'T THINK ABOUT A PINK ELEPHANT!". A mind switch is actually being able to switch your mind and fill it with something new while leaving the other thing behind. This cannot be done if there is attachment to the prior thing. And fear, ironically, is such an attachment. If you are scared of the thought, it will be impossible to perform the mind-switch, because you will be pulled back to the object of your fear over and over. What I did is I kind of went into my fear, because I was unable to perform the mind switch. Or at least, I was only able to do so temporarily. After that, I transformed my experienced by a ceasing to resist to my fear. I became curious and started obsessing over the cause of my fear, which became the source of very valuable insights into the nature and process of creation of fear and fear narratives. So, this might be what I recommend if you cannot perform a mind switch. Actually become curious about "Hm, where do these thoughts come from, what is this about?", etc. You did the absolute worst thing you could have done which is "Oh no I cannot be thinking about this, let me make it go away, please, please make it go away! These are terrible thoughts, what if I could harm someone?!". And during a trip, the literal thoughts you will have will completely shape your reality, and before you know it the trip is so intense you completely lose agency, being trapped with those ideas that you have created for yourself.
  7. I would say I have a pretty standard view. A falling away or dissolution of egoic structures.
  8. Addictions are being out of harmony with your own nature. Divine Will is sustaining your entire being, your body and mind and all process within it. You have a certain function, a certain end, as a result of your nature as a human being. An addiction is in conflict with the natural harmony of what you are. So, in some sense, the less addiction you have, the less friction there is in your own nature, the more in-line with Free Will, or Divine Will, you are. This will be perceived as bliss or peace, or freedom. It is when you can follow your end. This is the purpose of suffering. Suffering is the friction which keeps you on tract with the harmony you have designed as Divine Will. Your suffering is a necessary part of that harmony. But, with enough wisdom and growth, you can come into harmony with yourself, and with the world, such that there is little to no friction. We could say that is the maximization of Free Will, which will naturally take place anyways. That is basically the history of evolution.
  9. Love means acceptance, and acceptance means existence. The Ultimate Acceptance of Suffering is to suffer. When you say "How do I accept suffering!", you don't actually mean "How do I accept suffering.", you mean "How do I make it so suffering does no longer bother me!". But suffering is bothering. You cannot accept suffering in such a way that it will no longer bother you, because then you would exstinguish suffering, you would destroy it. Your existence, no matter what state of consciousness, is an Ultimate Acceptance of existence. What you call the most unconscious state of suffering, that is what Ultimate and Complete Acceptance of Reality looks like. That's God accepting Suffering completely. You idea of how wrong suffering is, that is part of your acceptance of this existence. You cannot do anything but accept reality, because, acceptance is existence. It could not be any other way. What you are trying to do now is be Christ without being Christ. Christ carried the sin of all of humanity. It means, he accepted the suffering and selfishness of all of humanity. This means, he realized that he was the suffering and selfishness of all of humanity. Now, you are trying to carry the same cross, but you have not yet realized the nature of your true being. Once you realize the nature of your true being, none of what you described will be a problem to you. You will have the strength to carry the suffering of the entire universe, of all universes. You are suffering unnecessarily because it is the ego trying to carry all the suffering. And the ego is not designed to carry all suffering. It is designed to carry it's own suffering. The ego is an ant, it is not the colony. It is not appropriate for the ant to take on the burden of the colony. The individual ant simply has to carry it's weight, to do what it was designed to do as an ant. If you accept this, much of your unnecessary suffering will cease. As far as your true self is concerned, you already accept all suffering, all selfishness. You are in fact the cause of it. You, the ego, try to carry the burden of God. This is your problem.
  10. The way I think of it, Free Will exists, but it has nothing to do with an agent. All free will means is Causeless Cause, or Divine Creativity, which is the ground of all Being. If an agent could control their Will, it would not be free, it would be "Controlled Will". Choice is illusion. And all Illusion is created through Free Will. That's the tricky thing to understand here, I think. The choice is created through Free Will, but so is all of existence. Every particle in the universe is created the same way. The laws of nature are created and sustained the same way. And this is just existence, this is the flow of reality. You cannot not focus on Being, because Being is just Existence. Any state of consciousness really is just a state of existence. The idea of "Me" just means existence. It could not mean anything else. So, when you say "I make choices" this just means "Existence manifests choices". The Causeless Cause. Free Will is always here as it is the Cause of all existence. Yet, Free Will can only be realized to the individuated consciousness through the dissolution of certain states of existence. At that point, the human mind will say "Oh my God, I am free! I am free! I have always been free!". And then it is realized, that all choices ever made, that all of existence, was due to Free Will. Not anyones Free Will, but pure Free Will. Your sense of free will just points to the Causeless Cause, an inkling of True and Absolute Freedom, which is the ultimate nature and source of all of reality, all of existence.
  11. Absolutely, from my experience a majority of people who engage with this seriously are scummy crypto-bro, get-rich-quick type of people who try to replace actual hard working individuals with the most low effort nonsense you can imagine. In the end, all these people will be the first individuals who get replaced by AI, because they are too stupid to see they are teaching the AI how to do the very jobs they are trying to get from AI.
  12. This is true. it would not be as much a problem if this awareness existed and measures were taken to integrate these people properly. But the competence for this is simply not there, we see it fail over and over again. On the other hand, these countries are depending on immigration to maintain their populations, which is also becoming an existential threat to many nations.
  13. The biggest obstacle you will face with creating such a space is men themselves. Men are conditioned to surpress their emotional side. Men hate sharing their problems with others because they are taught they need to be stoic. Other than that, nothing really prevents you from doing it. You are creating a lot of narratives that I think stem out of your own neurosis and mental conditioning. You are overthinking this significantly, which is also a feature of internet culture.
  14. One of the more frustrating aspects of immigration is that a large percentage of people being imported are stage blue, and it can make it feel like we are kind of setting back society a little by having to regurgitate all the same things we have already dealt with the in relation to the native population. And it's not just blue, you have to consider that these people will have to grow through stage orange as well, so it just creates a lag effect. It's not as noticable in society that don't have much immigration, but for example in western to northern europe the shift back to stage blue-to-orange culture crash is noticable.
  15. It's kind of funny because, by that logic if someone accuses you of anything, it's automatically the case that there is a 50% chance that you are that thing.
  16. My bigger worry is that we have cases of monetary companies like banks and online banking cancelling people, and all of them doing it in unison. That's just insane to me.
  17. For why China would not be able to protect Saudi Arabia? Because China has absolutely zero military experience, and the few incidents that have occured over the past two decades were absolute embarassments and failures. The scale of operation required to protect Saudi Arabia from the numerous threats requires enormous military power and sophistication, which we have no reason to assume China has. That's why Saudi Arabia is so hesitant to actually commit to China's proposals. I'm not going to spoon fed you all the information. Just read up on the geopolitical situation of Saudi Arabia and on chinese military capabilities. Saudi Arabia basically has to hope that it can create new allies and change the geopolitical landscape by weaseling out of the current status-quo.
  18. Didn't have the time to read it yet but I was sent this:
  19. I don't know where the conflict here is. It sounds like this is a good opportunity for you, even if it's just for the experience you will gain. So what is the problem?
  20. I would be skeptical of this, the entire article basically just talks about the self-reported success of the chinese diploment, who are notorious for their lies. I would wait a few months and see if any of this actually leads to anything. Saudi Arabia will not be able to rely on China for it's security concerns, because China does not have that type of competence. The Saudi regime is currently facing existential threats to it's power.
  21. Do you by any chance have the studies he is referring to?
  22. This is not true. Loneliness of men is due to technological advancement and how we tend to interact with it. Men don't have a self-concept of shame because of toxic masculinity narratives, that is exceptionally rare. This mentality is the root problem, the internet dynamics created these dynamics, and you have fallen victim to them as much as "they" have. You are angry because of the narratives that captured you thanks to the sophistication of internet algorithms. They are as miserable as you are and are looking for someone to blame. They don't see it as silly, they see it as seriously as you do. That's what so silly about it. You are being as silly as they are and you are not realizing it because you have been captured by the same dynamics as them. You are them, you literally do the same. The internet is dividing us friend, it is creating delusional narratives to do so, because division causes war, and war is social engagement. Monkeys love war, and so the internet, tending to increase who we are, creates war for us. If you want to be angry, be angry at the social media companies that are doing all of this completely consciously, and not caring one bit about this ruining society.
  23. No problem, it's always useful to correct such simplifications.