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Everything posted by Natasha

  1. Contemplation question for grasping Nothingness: Who wants to know?
  2. According to this definition, I'd be enlightened
  3. "Good luck! That's all" - Papaji How do you manage through the illusion? Share your tips/ ideas here.
  4. Maybe that's why animals don't have fear of death - because they don't think/ conceptulize it.
  5. It's the other way around - if you want to have samadhi with the fly
  6. This reminds me of a quote, " You naturally begin to center more and more on the spiritual part of your being. You do this not by reaching for the spirit, but by letting go of the rest" (Michael Singer)
  7. @Leo Gura This seems to be a common thread in the comments above - how does one manage through the illusion in most effective way. Perhaps 'Managing Through the Illusion - Becoming Grounded in the Absolute' would make a great talk. Thanks!
  8. @Leo Gura Please more content on how to live a sage-like lifestyle in a western society (U.S. in particular), when you work a full-time job and have family obligations. Thank you.
  9. By those who are ready to completely surrender to the Truth. Suffering can serve as a powerful trigger to get one ready, though.
  10. What about animls? Aren't they naturally enlightened?
  11. A friend of mine understands what enlightenment is from a logical point of veiw, yet lacks sufficient awareness to awaken. Isn't logic just a tool to help understand/explain what awareness ultimately reveals?
  12. @Tako le poulpe Evolving conscience will bring along changes. As Shin pointed above, human mind needs distraction to keep from facing the truth. And as Dingus mentioned, as your level of concienceness increases, your need for engaging yourself in things most of the collective ego engage in, will decrease. This work isn't about robbing you of joy, it's about exposing and transcending the very mechanism (the ego) that hijacks your understanding of what true life, joy, and freedom are all about. Keep up the good work and stay tuned
  13. "I would, if 'I' had free will", the strange man reply.
  14. @BeginnerActualizer He's operating within a belief system, so his teachings are going to reflect that. Belief systems don't reflect reality.
  15. Hello everyone! Leo's Birthday is coming up again on April 24th! If you'd like to send him warm Happy Birthday wishes and words of appreciation, this is the place. Lets keep this thread busy! HaPpY bIrThDaY, LeO! And thank you so much again for all the hard work, dedication, and unconditional love with which you're serving humanity. You are the best, keep on rocking!! EDIT: For those who think it's too early, we did wait close to the actual date last year and there were too many belated congrats. I say better early than late
  16. @LowPlanetary Leo has good vids that can help you answer your questions. Check these out, among others: Lifestyle Minimalism - Renouncing Your Busy Stupid Life 30 Ways Scociety F's You In the Ass A Rant Against Culture How to Deal With Confusion Dropping the Roles You Play
  17. @Dodoster Our body-mind IS a sock puppet... that it is
  18. "We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequesnces of ignoring reality" - Ayn Rand
  19. Self-inquiry takes you on a quest to find the 'self' ... which is nowhere to be found if you're being honest and brave enough to acknowledge it. The shift happened when I realized my sense of self was just a thought, an illusion. This was a sudden, simple, yet profound realization " 'I' do not exist" The ego hates to be exposed like that, so after the shift I went through a period known as 'the dark night of the soul' (coming to terms with dis-illusionment). Then, peace in resting in the truth/ liberation/ unconditional love. This is also when the shadow-work, rooting out the conditioning, programing, undesirable aspects of the ego, taming the body-mind, began. Still long ways to go
  20. First step is to transcend the body-mind and to realize that there is nothing out there to reach, you are already what 'you' are seeking, Truth embodied, the Relative/ Object (everything) 'born' from within the Absolute (no-thing). I got my first glimps into no-self while doing Leo's guided self-inquiry in one of his Enlightenment videos.