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Everything posted by Natasha

  1. @Prabhaker Swami said in the vid he eats no cooked food, only raw. He is sure one sharp-minded 100 yo whipper snapper. And his flexibility - he can fold his limbs like not many even 20 yo could... amazing.
  2. @Joseph Maynor You already are the Truth fully embodied. Conceptualizing keeps you from 'knowing' it. And what Nahm said.
  3. I agree. 'Follow the money trail' is always a wise reminder.
  4. Yes I do know that and that's why I keep my free radical level at 2. I posted links about it in this thread, you can check it out. I've become my own physician and clean wholesome food is my medicine. Did you know that majority of cancer patients don't die from cancer, but from cancer treatments side-effects? I was told by my then oncologist that if I don't go along with the conventional cancer 'treatment' protocol, in 2 years I'd develop stage 4 and die? Well, I quit the doc, went solo doing my research and changing my diet and lifestyle... it's been 5 years now and my health and energy levels are better than they were 20 years ago. This is my evidence and I'll stick with what I've been doing and what works and gives me such results. We're just sharing ideas and information and learning from each other on this forum. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, they've been valuable and I will consider some things you've said too
  5. @TJ Reeves After self-realization I enjoy solitude more, but also my connections with others became more pleasant, because of no expectations. Those notes you posted in OP are really good too, thank you for sharing.
  6. I understand your concern about money making businesses. I only take from that industry what's quality and benefits my wellness. I was low on B-12, found quality B-12 supplement, took it for awhile, the following test reveals my B-12 levels are back to normal. Same with free-radical testing - went from 5 (bad) to 2 (good) by having taken quality antioxidants for a few months. All my vitamin and mineral levels are within normal range too. And if/when they drop, I will fill that deficiency by eating proper foods and temporary supplementation. I'm still learning about how my body works and what it needs to stay in top-notch shape. It's fun! Are you saying awakened beings can't take superfoods and supplements?
  7. @Quantum Mike Don't be a fussy little butt monkey I healed my stage 3 cancer by switching to wholesome foods from the earth (that includes superfoods), clean water, conditioning my body with moderate excercise, cleaning my environment from toxic chemicals, and implementing stress busting techniques like meditation, mindfulness, practicing proper breathing, and good sleep. I haven't been to a conventional doctor since the diagnosis in 2012. And I don't just take anything and all the time. I do my home-work and research quality and sources of everything I try. I also do blood and urine tests and customise my supplement intake according to a particular deficiency (which the following test shows is improved/fixed). But food is my primary source of health and vibrancy, and I do eat plenty of rice, beans, cabbage, and sweet potatoes too, among other things. The lady in the video talks about Vit D-3 only and suggests that other supplements COULD be useless. Homeopathic stuff I have never been sure about and don't invest in, though. I might be an 'idiot' in your eyes, but I'm not stupid Our body CAN heal itself and thrive for a century and longer, given proper nutrition and lifestyle. And this thread is a good example of how conscious living and holistic approach to one's health help you achieve that.
  8. I live in Florida, the Sunshine state I don't go out in the direct sun all the time, I know the rays can be harmful with too much exposure. Would I still need to supplement with Vit D, though?
  9. He actually did a pretty good job explaining some of the concepts from the book
  10. Yes, send the links, please. Would be interested to experiment
  11. @Outer I use Oxi-Data, an in-home urine test that measures free radical activity in the body on a scale of 0 to 5. I went from 5 (bad) to 2 (good) in a matter of just a couple of months after having cleaned up my diet and environment. I agree fresh organic live food is the best source of anti-oxidants. I did supplement with L-Glutathione and Alpha Lipoic Acid to neutrilize free radicals for awhile, and just supplement with L-Glutithione for maitenance now. Oxi_Data is quite accurate and easy to use, check it out:
  12. I eat raw turmeric root (in smoothies), raw honey, have taken Maca, Ashwagandha, Spirulina, and Goji berries before and have heard of some other herbs listed above, but haven't tried them yet. There will be an open house at a local healthfood store tomorrow, they sell all kinds of herbs and goods, will see what they have from the list. Not sure buying food items online is such a good idea, you never know what you're gonna get.
  13. I need to get my butt into a yoga class Thanks for sharing, she's an inspiration.
  14. @Outer I get plenty of Vit D by being out in the sun daily while walking my dog and consuming foods rich in D. I test my vitamin and mineral levels every few months and my bloodwork is better than it was 20 years ago. The only supplements I currently take are L-Glutathione 500 mg/day (powerful antioxidant), Vit B-12, chlorella, and phytoplankton. Never heard of Metformin before, what is it for?
  15. Quality chlorella is some of the best foods one can consume - it has a full spectrum of nutrients our body needs for nurishment and detox. So I don't mind to pay for it. You don't use a lot a day (1-2 tbs), and it goes a long way.
  16. @pluto I love testimonies like this, because they are proof that you are what you eat. Her husband, actually, who is not as disciplined in his eating habits as Anette, does look his age of 70+ while Anette looks like she could be his daughter. When I'm out in public with my 18 yo son, people often assume we're brother and sister too and are surpised when I tell them I'm his mother. Thank you for the video and the tips!
  17. @JustinS Agree 100% with what the speaker says in the video. After my bout with cancer 5 years ago, I eliminated all of the processed foods out of my diet, stress, toxic household and hygene chemicals, etc. Instead of going along with a conventional cancer protocol that promotes further body pollution with toxic treatments and drugs, I opted for doing a whole-body cleanse and rebuilding it from inside out on a cellular level, with the help of healing raw foods, juices, herbs, and high quality supplements. Haven't been to a doctor since. Will check out his other videos, thank you for sharing
  18. @Michael569 I use truganic broken cell wall chlorella powder by HealthForce Superfoods and organic broken cell wall chlorella powder by Microingredients Superfoods. I did my research on the harvest source and both of these companies have great reputation and customer reviews. Which chlorella product do you use/recommend?
  19. Great pointers! I've already implemented all of the above (even ditched my cell phone), except for the last one. I would usually have some fruit and nuts in the morning or a fresh green smoothy with chlorella, and also noticed that when I skip on eating anything at all i the morning and just drink water with raw ACV (only drink clean alkaline water), that sets my digestion up on really nicely. I also go barefoot a lot when walking my dog, on the beach, park, home, etc. I think it's called earthing and is a very healthy thing to do. And no household/hygene chemicals at home - learned to either buy chemical-free stuff or make my own (like tooth paste, cleaners, etc). I've found it's actually less expensive to live a simple healthy life-style than not.
  20. I left Christian church after awakening. Human mind tends to be dogmatic and always looks to explain away what it can never explain. When I saw through the illusion of the ego, toxic emotions of conformity, like fear (hell), shame (sinner), and guilt (love by obedience), lost power over me. That was my salvation. My ego was what held me hostage in the prison of my belief system. One has to be radically honest with themselves to step out of the religious paradigm. And also brave enough to face social diapproval. I did lose some 'friends' when left the church, but also found out who was there for me for real, our friendship never skipped a beat. My view of God changed as well. It's not 'he' anymore, or 'father', or 'judge', etc. Those are just human projections. The Absolute is neutral, unconditional, ultimate liberation. And resting in Being brings peace beyond all understanding. Apostle Paul was right about that
  21. @jimrich Yes, I was born into an extremely loving and supportive family. Even though my Dad had somewhat narcissistic personality, the family were simple, hardworking, and content in their life people. My parents divorced when I was a teen and I remember that event didn't affect me so much, because I wished them both to live peacefully, even if that meant staying separate. Throughout my school and college years I was an avid track athlete and always loved learning and exploring. I don't remember ever dwelling on negative stuff growing up, though I lived in a Soviet society with a lot of BS politics, run down economy, and red-tape. I also try to see all my friendships/relationships as teachers. After I got my degree, I moved to the U.S. - another good chapter of my life. A few years later - husband dies and a cancer diagnosis for me. Kept working, raising my son, living life to the fullest. So, no I was not in the war, a rape-victim, mother of a still born baby, but I did have my share of suffering. This suffering is what prompted my awakening 2 years ago. That doesn't mean I'm free of ego, but see through it's BS and render it no power. This is what liberation is all about. Peace.
  22. Yes, those who are still identified with their ego, would not understand and accept that. Self-realized, though, if put under the above mentioned circumstances, would feel deeper and move on faster, because they no longer identify with the ego. Their sense of victimhood is greatly diminished.
  23. - I want happiness! - First remove 'I', that's ego. Then remove 'want', that's desire. Now all you're left with is ....happiness!
  24. "Unconditional happiness is about surrendering to reality and being ok with exactly whatever you have" - Leo in 'Successful People Are Not Happy'