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Everything posted by Natasha

  1. From the Absolute perspective, there is no one here to want anything. If I had cancer right now, it would be just as perfect, because what is is infinitely perfect.
  2. Yes, I'm cancer-free now. Lets not hijack this thread from its original purpose. You can start another thread about the things you'd like to talk about. Thank you for the kind words
  3. Cancer was a trial that brought me closer to awakening. It was a great teacher and wake-up call for me. Each of our paths is different and I'm grateful for all of my life experiences that ultimately led to God-realization.
  4. I am a cancer survivor and that whole ordeal I went through 6 yrs ago didn't stop me from living my life to the fullest. I kept working and doing things I love regardless of how I felt at times. Again, it all comes down to the level of one's psychological maturity, which is, again, a sign of how healthy one's IQ+EQ combination is.
  5. Are you even aware of your own black and white thinking and tendency to gross generalizations? Healthy IQ is important, but without equally healthy EQ this world as we know it is doomed to go bye-bye if not sooner than later. Spirituality is a major way to raise individual and collective EQ. This is not a work of "mindless" people (as you put it in one of your earlier posts), awakening is a highly intelligent design that in the end will save the earth from destruction. Do you see the bigger picture here? IQ and EQ go hand in hand in this work. If you study Spiral Dynamics, you'll see how each stage advances either or both.
  6. @GenuinePerspectiveXC EQ (emotional intelligence) is as, if not more, important than IQ. Work on yours.
  7. I used to live across from Turkey over the Black Sea in Odessa, Ukraine. Turkey is a good country to live in economically-wise. We had a lot of people immigrating there. And a relative of mine still works there as a nanny for a family and loves it.
  8. A blade with little 'teeth' works better. Go around a tomato a few times until it starts to look a bit squished on the ourside, then make a cut and peel away.
  9. Yes those are nice and sweet. And also a regular sized ones called 'golden kiwis' with the yellow thin skin, no fuzz. They carry them at a local Sam's Club sometimes.
  10. I go around it with a knife blade (just pressing semi-hard) and then it's really easy to take that thin skin off it
  11. Yeah those are big ones. There is a type of kiwi that has smooth thin skin, I eat those whole.
  12. @Shiva @Neorez Yeah I've been trying to eat the skins as well, but sometimes I'd get 'funny' and start peeling everything, even tomatoes and grapes.
  13. @wk197 Embrace your uniqueness and don't hold society's standards as truth and what one should or shouldn't be like. We're not put on this earth to seek approval from others. Focus on things that make you feel alive - do you like to create art, write, sing, psychology, computers, etc? Find your niche and cultivate mastery in it. Also, consider taking Leo's Life Purpose Course to find out what your niche is. Get exited about life and things you CAN do, and move towards making this experience beautiful for yourself and those around you Hugs
  14. Interesting, I want to try it now C(:
  15. @Bryanbrax Psychedelics help inhibit areas of brain that give one a sense of self. Similarly, people with traumas to those brain areas sometimes get same effect, and I know a couple of people with conditions like Multiple Sclerosis that got awakened from the neurological changes in the brain tissue due to the condition.
  16. @Shaun We already won the biggest lottery - the Universe is giving us the experience of a lifetime! Realize YOU ARE the Universe giving itself the experience of a lifetime through this form. Enjoy the beingness and be grateful
  17. Yeah I put ginger in everything. Love how it smells and tastes C(:
  18. They did a study on what makes the Himalaya centennials some of the longest live people in the world and after dissecting their brains, found out it's color was orangy/yellow from consuming turmeric root regularly as part of their daily diet. Those people died in their ripe age of 100-125 without having any illnesses/diseases. Turmeric root is one of the superfoods that has an abundance of health benefits primarily for its anti-inflammatory properties. Now I eat raw turmeric root daily as a snack too on top of everything else I do to live a long active healthy happy life. I tried to grow it myself, but got very little return, so I started to buy it from a local fresh market. My dog loves it too.
  19. Thanks for the info and the article, good to know. Love learning and exploring all this stuff!
  20. @Shroomdoctor Hope this resonates. Hugs
  21. "Unlearning is the spiritual practice of mental liberation" Yes!
  22. Isn't Turkey a deeply traditional Muslim country Stage Blue? Doesn't sound like freedom to me. Why do you think your family left Turkey and moved to Norway in the first place?
  23. @Shaun I would go out at least once to see what they look like in person and personality-wise. You might change your mind once you meet and talk to them in person. You don't have to ask them out again if you didn't like them.
  24. You might feel lonely, but you're not alone. Check out Leo's vid on point. Hugs