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Everything posted by Natasha

  1. Your day, Your life, Your everything. Enjoy it! You are its own creator.
  2. @Visionary I don't mind and see no harm. My seeking was over 5 years ago. 'Human being' is a nice concept, though
  3. @Visionary Consider there will be language breakdown in every communication. So yeah words like 'my', etc will be used. However, your assumptions are quite bold, especially
  4. @Visionary Integrating the collective body-mind is currently part of my shadow work. I wouldn't limit this work to just 'my' body or mind.
  5. @jimwell Psychopaths live in grand illusion and are driven by 'a god' of the false self. Awakened live in grand reality without egoic delusions, and egoic delusions is what creates mental illness that psychopaths suffer from.
  6. @IJB063 One of my favorites of Leo's that I rewatch periodically. Other good ones on this subject are his vids about The Root Cause of Every Addiction and on Distraction.
  7. @Dylan Page Self-realized move between God-perspective and mind-perspective without judgement. They see reality beyond reason and meaning.
  8. @Matt23 When you transcend the ego, what somebody does or says won't bother you any longer. Remember suffering is resisting what is and ego is master at resisting. All this stuff apparently exists because you give it that meaning.
  9. @PlayOnWords Eckhart Tolle was a seeker before he had the shift. He was seeking a way out of his suffering.
  10. That's the key right there. Because in this mind, Kobe is almost non-existent
  11. By realizing the body-mind/ the entity you call 'you' is a conceptual construct/a thought/false sense of self/illusion. You were conditioned to believe everything that you think you are. The reality is that you are none of those labels. You are Being, with no name, gender, color, race, social status, etc. You are the 'screen' in which the apparent image of a 'character' Chumbimba rising and disappearing as the 'movie' of life is being played out
  12. @Chumbimba You don't have to be. Start unconditioning/deprogramming your mind if you want to grow wiser as you get older. "You must unlearn what you have learned" - Yoda
  13. The end of the illusion that there was 'Kobe'.
  14. @Matt23 What would be the purpose of telling your landlord about it? If the real purpose is to come clean, then you have already done it here. If it's to just to get caught, then you're operating from a position of self-loathing. Be aware of the ego's ability to try to 'punish' itself. Not going to do anyone any good, that would be actually quite neurotic to do that. So I would finish my term renting there and move out in peace. You'll probably never see those people again.
  15. Guys, also consider we are free to listen to other teachers. There are many other good teachers out there. Cults isolate and discourage their members from getting knowledge from other sources. I don't see it happen with Actualized.
  16. @Thewritersunion Have you verified any of this in direct experience? If not, your argument is as mute
  17. At 11:57 mins the guy in the video says himself in the conclusion that he doesn't believe Actualized is a cult and that the things he listed in the video could randomly apply to any group. Here's Leo vids on cults...would be good to for a seeker to watch for a more balanced POV on the subject
  18. @King Merk Thoughts are energy forms with illusory content, which arise and disappear within the collective ego-mind.
  19. @Flowerfaeiry I was conceived out of wedlock and back in the day women were encouraged by the family to quietly go through with the abortion to save their reputation or be shamed. My Mom chose to have me. Yes, my ego would say I'm glad I was introduced into the world, yet the truth of the matter is, it wouldn't have really mattered either way. The Universe will do what it does and we are it, so it is what it is without getting too conceptual on the subject