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Everything posted by Natasha

  1. Consciousness is not feature of brain activity, it's the substance of reality, which includes everything.
  2. Perhaps, as an intelligent person you realize the vanity of ambition and all the rat race that goes with achievement and worldly success. There is a study that scientifically proved less ambition more happiness and peace in life. Brains of hippies and Buddhist monks were identified as 'happiest' among all other participants'. Not surprised.
  3. @28 cm unbuffed High IQ does not make one a happy, fulfilled person, but high EQ (emotional intelligence) does. Work on raising your emotional intelligence. A lot of people with high IQ suffer from all kinds of personality disorders and live in perpetual state of disalignment with reality. And I know folks who are your seemingly average joe, yet they are content and at peace with themselves and the world.
  4. @Raptorsin7 Awareness/Consciousness/God/Absolute becomes aware of itself.
  5. @Preety_India Thank you for the kind words!
  6. I agree, this will put you in a withdrawal mode for a few of weeks, so deciding ahead of time to stick with it regardless of how you feel is ultimately what will help you make it.
  7. There is a course in Russian that teaches how to come off of adrenaline dependency (Russian is my first language). I know it uses Neuro-Linguistic Re-programming and hypnosis to rewire brain. If you do an extensive research into this, you would be able to find all kinds of articles and vids to help you bring unconscious into conscious and start working on reprogramming your brain. I'll see if I can find something in English and will let you know
  8. Consider the other factors triggers, not causes. Adrenaline dependency can be fixed in 21 days if done correctly.
  9. @lostmedstudent Panic attacks are pure chemistry. They are result of adrenaline dependency. Look it up. Once you become aware of what's causing them, would become easier to find solutions.
  10. @abrakamowse I think this shutdown could be a blessing in disguise. It will help people to slow down and simplify their lives a bit. The economy will take a hit, of course, but the sense of community will strengthen. Perhaps we need this to help transition from Stage Orange to Stage Green as a society
  11. Ego is afraid to be a nobody. It reinforces that false sense of self by continuously seeking validation, attention (both positive and negative), influence, sympathy, admiration, etc.
  12. @PlayTheGame Is a scene played on the screen real or imaginary? It's 'real' to the characters in the movie, however to the clear screen it's not. The screen isn't telling the story, the story is imagined by the characters.
  13. @abrakamowse Great update. Keep up the good work
  14. @Malekakisioannis I didn't get that impression. Sounds like a projection on your part.
  15. Rupert Spira's definition of enlightenment/awakening as a "simple recognition of the nature of our own essential being...Ramana Maharshi, Jesus, Lao Tzu, and the Buddha - they didn't have any greater or more direct access to the nature of their own minds than you or I have, they were just single-pointed about it..." 3:15 min - 6:30 min
  16. @VeganAwake Yes, a self-realized knows there is nothing else to do, nowhere else to go... everything is perfect as it is. The tests the yogis do on themselves are driven by Maya. Same kind of stuff the rest of us do to survive.
  17. @VeganAwake That's awesome! Let us know how it went, please.
  18. @Unemployed Whatever reason these yogis do all this stuff they could be doing out of boredom, attention seeking, proving smth to oneself/others, etc. Inflicting pain on oneself is not a sign of higher consciousness.
  19. Physically probably not. Can't help that primal attraction you're wired with and further conditioned from infancy. I think Leo mentioned in his videos he still goes to (strip) clubs sometimes and attracts ladies there. Relationship is a different animal, however. Psychologically, it would be more up to you to decide how far you'd want to go to fill someone else's needs and fit into their value system (given Spiral Dynamics developmental stages). This would take a choice, rather than a pure instinct as it is with physical attraction.