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Everything posted by Natasha

  1. @Vipassana Because of the fiber in the juice?
  2. No matter who Leo picks, she'll fit well with his LP and this community will love her
  3. Trying to comprehend infinity? No such thing for a finite mind
  4. @Preety_India You're going through a withdrawal, because your brain had gotten addicted chemically/hormonally and needs time to detox. Just sit with it. Its a physiological thing that can't be rushed.
  5. @snowyowl Yes, there was no awareness of time or self, just blissful no-thingness/void. Peaceful and complete.
  6. DISTRACTION Distraction disguises as form Knowledge, noise, happening It seems solid by appearance Yet fleeting and meaning lacking The mind-created reality Lights out, the screen goes clear Love, peace, and liberation Has always been now and here We think and feel and know We try to get somewhere, clinging Distraction creeps up on sneakingly Pulling away from Being Nothing deserves this suffering Take a moment and a deep breath Stay playful, light, present Put the conceptual thinker at rest As the Timeless reveals itself The illusion of much frustration Is gone in a single flash Such is the nature of distraction Bask in the unknown and just be No need for fear or worry Live the dream with awareness Experiencing and exploring Love kindly, give gratitude Be the healing, the meditation This living pure and simple Is untouchable by distraction By Natasha <3
  7. I was watching my son being operated by a surgeon yesterday and passed out. All lights out! No self, just the Void, ultimate peace, and liberation. When I came back, the noise, the lights, the forms...such distractions. Yes, I would say, this pointer to Being is one of the most potent and wish more people considered it. Thank you for sharing @Preetom !
  8. @nitramadas Sam Vaknin also makes a point that social media breeds and enables the unhealthy kind of narcissism in the society. Social media has become a huge playground for the ego. The insidious nature of it is that it changes one's personality very subtly and gradually. The rate of suicides among young people also grew to up 34% vs when just 10 yrs ago accidents were the leading cause. Social media seems to zombify people and make them slaves to the undisciplined mind. In some countries social media addiction is treated as mental disorder and I think rightly so.
  9. The Social Dilemma and The True Toxicity of Social Media
  10. @lmfao Great insights, thank you!
  11. @UNZARI Yes, better to learn to control it instead of the other way around
  12. @lmfao Thanks for sharing! Wish more people knew and understood this.
  13. SIMPLY BE It is simple, it is pure Awareness is the cure Where is it? you inquire How to get it? you aspire Seeking ends now and here Drink from Love, not from fear Presence feel, join in calm Story comes and story's gone Labels out, so are wants Empty slate of pesky thoughts Let no-mind simply be Soon reality you'll see By Natasha <3
  14. To be heard, understood, and accepted unconditionally.
  15. @RoerAmit Anxiety is triggered by subconscious fight-or-flight-or-freeze response in your brain. But it's healed by your body on energetic level. Whatever your body needs/has to do to release it. Go into secluded place and let it all out - cry, kick, shake, scream, punch, etc. Do it every time you feel anxiety rising, don't hold back.
  16. Cool I live in Melbourne and Emerald in Jax. Been to Mt Dora a few times for Art Festival events, neat town. Sunshine State rocks
  17. @Vipassana Good going