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Everything posted by Natasha

  1. @mmKay She's definitely a trooper and makes car living look so easy. I'm surprised she chose not to tint her car windows for safety and privacy. That's the first thing I'd do if lived out of a car. I'm also her size, 5'5" and 100 lb, so can relate completely haha
  2. @mmKay Yep, I could totally do that too. Not sure I'm ready to sleep in the car yet, though
  3. Indeed. Simple is peaceful to me
  4. @LastThursday Yes, I've been actually considering the weekly self cash allowance method. Very practical way to save for sure. It would fall into the budgeting category. Love that idea, thanks for reminding! I don't use streaming services and my only reccuring expenses are just purely necessities, like water, electric, car ins. I don't own a TV or buy cable. I do go to a gym regularly and get a lot of use for my membership - the equipment, classes, sauna, showers (saves on water bill at home too). The $23/mo is well worth it imo. I'm shopping around for a less expensive car insurance, if anyone has suggestions?
  5. @WonderSeeker yes, that's important to me as well. I did Leo's Life Purpose Course a few yrs back and completed a couple other self-improvement course I took online. They are good investments for sure.
  6. @Michal__ Yes, Id like to focus on doing that more. Been selling my art, but not nearly enough. I have a backlog of orders that I'm working on this year, now that I'll have less responsibities and more free time to do it.
  7. No iPhones here. I don't need any fancy stuff, just practical with basic functions.
  8. @Preety_India Yes, I already do all the things you've listed I have no shopping addictions and prefer simple life style. The only times I would splurge are on experiences, like during vacations. I do have hobbies, but they are super inexpensive.
  9. @BartekD I have no debt and I do budget. I'll look into the FIRE movement.
  10. @Vibroverse To me money is energy/mindset. You can have a lot of it and still feel like it's never enough, or you can have little and feel grateful and content. My son is going off to a tech school, so it's just going to be me, so I want to focus on saving up. I do have a full time job with good pay. I've been exploring minimalism in different areas of life - shelter, food, clothing, digital, etc.
  11. @Loving Radiance Saw this chalked on sidewalk yesterday. It's going viral
  12. @Conscious life God is what is. Are you not what is? You are as much what is as everything else (including other 'humans'). You are 'human' only conceptually. Plants/ coffee table/animals/dead people/etc don't consider themselves 'human'/anything, do they? You know why? Because they don't conceptulize reality.
  13. @Preety_India You'll get through this. We are rooting for you.
  14. @BNP Beats They call rap trap now? Cool vid, btw
  15. In other words, bringing unconscious into conscious. Shadow work is also based on this.
  16. @flume Happy New Year! Keep up the good work. Love and hugs XO
  17. @Loving Radiance Learn to put yourself in the shoes of others. Empathy is the main thing that narcissism lacks. And I'm not talking about cold/conceptual empathy, but being able to identify with the emotion of another, feeling their pain. And another big one is becoming conscious of your feeling of entitlement and grandiosity - realize no one ever owes you anything and you're not the best thing since sliced bread
  18. @PepperBlossoms Some ideas
  19. My new year's hand-made prosperity bouquet. Live long and prosper in everything you do!