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Everything posted by Natasha

  1. These are ridiculously funny. Thanks for sharing!
  2. How many Enlightened does it take to change a light bulb? (post your answer below)
  3. Interesting. English is my second language too, so I can see how Dalai Lama would have had hard time with that phrase.
  4. I need to be more consistent and disciplined at meditating daily. Would this approach help?
  5. Good information in this video. Thank yo for re-posting it.
  6. I am not against mental health therapy, just think that psyc meds are largely over-prescribed. Its a huge business and one should always follow the money trail. A friend of mine is a mental health counselor and she tells me how corrupt this business really is. So try to be discerning and if you have to use meds, do so as the last resort and only as temporary solution.
  7. Enlightened Tony Parsons and Lisa Cairns use 'unconditional love' as a synonym for 'enlightenment' and 'non-duality' in their talks. They are both in relationships, and when mention their partners, they always do it with warm regard and a lot of respect.
  8. @Helge You don't need meds. Check out Leo's 'Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to Self Actualize', 'How to Stop Judging Yourself', and 'How We Lie'. Those are great resources to help you change perspective. You are already whole and perfect just the way you are, just need to realize it.
  9. @TruthSeeker Collapse the 'seeker', and what's left is 'Truth', enlightenment.
  10. That's what narcissists do. He is looking for a reaction from you. Don't give it to him and he will have nothing to feed on, and will most likely move on to his next source of narcissistic supply.
  11. I'm a human being They need me Me... them I know I
  12. And your nose is growing as your lips are moving
  13. @Emerald Wilkins You said it well in 'Enlightened Self' thread, "You are making an assumption that there are other beings. Emptiness is the container for your perceptions and thoughts. That is existence itself. Other beings are content within your perception. So, "you" are all of it."
  14. "Different humans" is how the mind, the 'seeker', tries to make separation to suit the illusory subject/ object reality. Enlightenment is the end of the energy of seeking. It can suddenly vanish, suddenly be there no more. And what's left, when the seeker collapses, can't be described. But you could say in words that all that left when the seeking ends is which is already free-flowing unbounded energy.
  15. @Amplituda That's cool! We've got to chat sometime
  16. I'm not enlightened, but even an awakening makes you untouchable. Who wouldn't want that in permanence? Also, check out this presentation. It's simple, light and fun, and you'll get some laughs from it too
  17. Not trying to achieve anything.. You ARE enlightenment, just haven't realized it yet. All you need is a shift in perspective. And to answer your question - for the benefit of lasting peace, freedom, and happiness knowing what you really are brings.
  18. You would have to change your screen name then, cos you ain't gonna be Truth seeker no more
  19. Have your family been supportive of your efforts with and pursuit of Enlightenment? Do you discuss and share these topics within the immediate family?
  20. Master's in Education, but have been in retail business for the past 17 years and loving it.