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Everything posted by Natasha

  1. @TimStr Death is not opposite of life, it's only opposite of birth. It's the end of the illusion that there was somebody.
  2. @Emerald Wilkins Just watched 'Ego: Friend or Foe'. Great content and awesome job on presentation. Love the pastel color background! And I also think you are very pretty The subscription button to your channel wasn't working, will try again later.
  3. @99th_monkey In his video 'Spirituality vs Religion' Leo said that Jesus was an enlightened teacher whose teachings were made into a religion, something he never intended them to be. I used to be a Christian and I can see now how his teachings could have been misunderstood, misquoted, added on to. He was basically put to death for what Leo is doing here - telling us that we are enlightenment/ god/ etc, which was considered blasphemy by the OT dogmatic priests of Jesus' time. There is a video on YT about the missing years of Jesus (from 12 to 30 yo) where it suggests that he was staying in India during that time learning from the Buddhist teaching, and after his death his body was transported and buried back in India, with the tomb also bearing his name. This might explain the obvious similarities between the basic teachings of Buddha and Jesus, the former being the influencing factor on the latter.
  4. @Lou Lou PM me
  5. Ok, keep up the good work. Looking forward to the updates.
  6. @vizual Have you considered starting a journal on here?
  7. @Emerald Wilkins What's the name of your YouTube channel and blog?
  8. @abrakamowse Found these, very good
  9. They are not 'yours' anyway I like this quote by Osho. Kids and animals can be our greatest teachers
  10. @Rasmus Don't take anything personally on here or in life in general. Can't please everyone. I've learned a lot from your posts and, I'm sure, so have many others. Maybe just reducing your time on the forum would be the solution. Leo's probably just hoping you'd change your mind and stay
  11. Not stalking, just being super observant Why leaving? You've been such an asset to this forum. Didn't you say you were Leo's biggest fan?
  12. What is love? The total absence of fear, said the Master. What is it we fear? Love, said the Master.
  13. @Emerald Wilkins If you know The Alchemist and The Son, you know Rasmus.
  14. Abundance thinking starts with being frugal. Penny saved is penny earned. Sometimes the best way to make money is to manage well the funds you already have. Simplify, downsize if you need to, cut out junk food, no excess clothes, electronics, furniture, etc., and if you need second income to make ends meet, either get a part-time side job or ask wife to help you out by working too
  15. @abrakamowse You can't just 'think' money into existence, but you can sit down and figure out ways/ steps (strategy) how to put your thoughts into action, and in time get more money.
  16. @Saitama Ayla started a journal this morning Mind Attacks After Initial Seeing with practical solutions to help us stay on track.
  17. I guess the same way as you would deal with a thought, since belief is a construct of thoughts, and thoughts are construct of the ego-mind.
  18. Psychopaths live in a grand illusion. Enlightened live in a grand reality.
  19. Oh yes it will. Approach with confidence (direct eye contact, body language, etc) and strategy your questions and compliments. Girls LOVE being complimented! They eat it up. Compliment them on what they love most - their shoes. And after 10 mins or so, as @reez suggested, walk away. This should get her interest hooked.
  20. Fundamentalist idea of God is in the Blue stage on Clare Grave's scale of Psychological Evolution. Leo says there is no good or bad stage, every stage is necessary for developmental advancement. You have to get through Blue to advance to the Orange, then Green, Yellow, etc. In his video 'Spirituality vs Religion' there will be good insights for you as well.
  21. It's not about rejection, it's about selection. Cultivate qualities that make them see you as value. Girls can tell if a guy comes from a place of genuine interest (value) or just hunting for a piece of meat (no value).