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Everything posted by Natasha

  1. @Emerald Wilkins This is how to calculate your ideal water intake daily amount: divide your weight in half and this is your number in ounces. Yours would be about 65 oz a day. Your water quality is important too. That would mean no tap water. I drink only alkaline water (with a bit of organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the 'mother' mixed to it (Bragg's brand from Walmart, $6 for a large bottle). Google the health benefits of ACV, there's over a 100. It's some of the most healthiest and cheapest things out there.
  2. YouTube has good channels about narcissism. Sam Vaknin is a malignant narcissist who speaks from the first person on everything is there to know about narcs and their world. I also learned a lot from YouTube channels 'Understanding Narcissists' and 'Spartan Life Coach'.
  3. I've overcome some hardships in my life, but have never experienced a panic attack. I tend to always analyze/ think a given situation through and reassure myself of the positive outcome. Can't even imagine how frightening it must be to be taken over by that level of uncontrollable anxiety.
  4. Just read this study and wanted to know what you guys think. Are hippies really happiest?
  5. Maybe their passion is to be free and live in the moment. I know one hippy who runs a 'green' home remodeling business and is very passionate about what he does/ creates every day. He also travels and learns foreign languages as a hobby. That's far from a passive life style.
  6. The bottom line is (according to this study) - ambition is opposite to genuine happiness. And hippies top the happiness chart because they don't pursue it.
  7. @OceanJjb Can you go back to your former career?
  8. @OceanJjb Inner peace IS a very delicate thing. Crunch with care...
  9. @OceanJjb You got whole 2 of them Does it say 'DELICATE' on the front?
  10. There've got to be something to be learned from hippies if they top the happiness chart. This is a list I came up with, but you're welcome to correct or add to it: They - try to live as close to nature as they can - structure their lives as to minimize the amount of responsibility/ financial burden by having smaller families, none or 'green' business ownership, mortgage free, etc - seem to be content with having little and leading somewhat simplistic life style - socialize mostly with those like-minded - don't stress/ sweat over small stuff - don't seem to care about what others think of them - seem not to be big on competing socially or professionally/ rat racing - maintain better health, holistically minded - are more flexible, go-with-the-flow kind of attitude towards life - are more emotionally open, accepting, empathetic This is interesting, because those are some of the characteristics that defy conformity to the status quo of the mainstream society. Also, what Leo talks about in
  11. @Emerald Wilkins HaPpY bIrThDaY tO tHe BaBy WiLkInS! Sounds like you had another productive day.
  12. @Emerald Wilkins Do you fresh juice?
  13. I don't think the idea of enlightenment is that hard to grasp. In fact it's so obvious, people just miss it. All it takes is to see the grand picture of reality from a point of no-self awareness. Here's a simple and fun presentation on enlightenment, and I like his humor
  14. @OceanJjb I listen to Mooji all the time. There's not a single video of his that I didn't find helpful. His teachings are very insightful and peaceful, they help restore that inner balance once again. I don't think completely eliminating ego is necessary. You can still live and enjoy life, while always being aware of what your true nature is. That's where self-actualization and enlightenment work can go hand-in-hand. Trying to neglect one or the other can result in very unbalanced life. Here's a simple and fun presentation on enlightenment, and I like his humor
  15. He became aware of what's going on in his mind by doing a self-inquiry when his depression and anxiety took on a new high. "I cannot live with myself any longer", he kept saying. "Who is 'I' and who is 'myself'? Are there two?" Then the shift in consciousness happened. He realized that the mind-created sense of self (ego) was an illusion observed by his true self (awareness).
  16. @Nomad @Emerald Wilkins @Kelley White @MartineF @Amplituda @Evilwave Heddy @Bobert@Rasmus @Saarah Yes, we should all get together and petition for a free Ultimate Life Course for@Abhijeet Singh !
  17. Both. The pun was unintended
  18. @Nomad Omega-3 is good for healthy thinking brains
  19. Making fried tuna stakes for dinner tonight. You like fish?