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Everything posted by Natasha

  1. Amplituda speaks Russian too. We were both born and grew up in Odessa, Ukraine and just met on this forum 2 months ago. Small world...
  2. Do you speak Russian too?
  3. HaPpY aPrIl FoOl'S, eVeRyOnE!! And thank you for your contribution to this thread! Lets keep the laughs rolling
  4. I fail with monkey chatter too at times, as everyone else does. I'm training myself to be able to switch 'thinking' off and on AT WILL (Eckhart Tolle idea). When I need to think, analyze, make decision, etc. I turn it 'on', and then 'off' again where I would go for a long stretch without thinking, just observing my surroundings minus attaching labels or making judgments. When I do catch myself in a mental chatter, I just let the thought pass (like watching a dog walking by), while recognizing the fictional nature of it. And sometimes I just dismiss a thought off the bat. We have the power to control our mind.
  5. I'm not Leo, but Russian is my first language too, and after a long period of time of having been immersed in English (20 yrs for me), thoughts naturally arise in English. You never lose your language of origin, though.
  6. @jjer94 Go to video/ click https bar (turns blue)/ press simultaneously CTRL-C Click open box to post/ press simultaneously CTRL-V done
  7. @OceanJjb There is an Indian store in the town I live in and they seem to have every herb on earth. Never heard of Masala Chi before. Will have to try the recipe you wrote in you last post, sounds really good c(:
  8. @Hardik jain Shit happens. You'll be fine. Hugs
  9. Leo's 'The 3 Pillars To Cultivating Positivity'
  10. Hi Nomad, You can report the offenders either via the link in the post or by addressing the issue a moderator. Narcissists are drama kings and queens and crazy-makers. The best way to make them go away is by cutting off the narcissistic supply they're feeding on, which is your reaction to their actions. Ignore them long enough and the emotional vampires will poof.
  11. @OceanJjb Leo's new video today about self-acceptance is awesome. It comes with a guided meditation (about 15-20 mins) to accept the dishonored parts of our phsyche. I found it very refreshing and healing. I think you will benefit from it too
  12. What Leo's says here:
  13. Leo's presentation on the foundational mindsets to put a permanent end to people-pleasing:
  14. There are 2 types of narcissists - overt and covert. The ones you're talking about are covert narcs, they're much harder to spot, but not impossible. Learning how to recognize, deal with, and outplay narcs can be a very handy life skill to have.
  15. @Emerald Wilkins This is how to calculate your ideal water intake daily amount: divide your weight in half and this is your number in ounces. Yours would be about 65 oz a day. Your water quality is important too. That would mean no tap water. I drink only alkaline water (with a bit of organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the 'mother' mixed to it (Bragg's brand from Walmart, $6 for a large bottle). Google the health benefits of ACV, there's over a 100. It's some of the most healthiest and cheapest things out there.
  16. YouTube has good channels about narcissism. Sam Vaknin is a malignant narcissist who speaks from the first person on everything is there to know about narcs and their world. I also learned a lot from YouTube channels 'Understanding Narcissists' and 'Spartan Life Coach'.
  17. I've overcome some hardships in my life, but have never experienced a panic attack. I tend to always analyze/ think a given situation through and reassure myself of the positive outcome. Can't even imagine how frightening it must be to be taken over by that level of uncontrollable anxiety.
  18. Just read this study and wanted to know what you guys think. Are hippies really happiest?
  19. Maybe their passion is to be free and live in the moment. I know one hippy who runs a 'green' home remodeling business and is very passionate about what he does/ creates every day. He also travels and learns foreign languages as a hobby. That's far from a passive life style.
  20. The bottom line is (according to this study) - ambition is opposite to genuine happiness. And hippies top the happiness chart because they don't pursue it.
  21. @OceanJjb Can you go back to your former career?