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Everything posted by Natasha

  1. @SmartFixer_OceanJjb Cheer up!! And count your blessings! - You live in the greatest country in the world; - There is so much freedom and resources available to have the best health possible, any hobby you want, do all this self-development work, go see new places, travel, etc; - You can count your husband's retirement funds as yours and doesn't he have life insurance to keep you financially comfortable if he goes first? If not, get him one. Why worry so much about money? Be practical. He won't mind; - Appreciate the fact that there is someone near you who is also there for you, a companion, a friend. I don't have that anymore and miss it terribly. Don't take for granted; - Being able to stay at home when need/ have to. Not everyone has that luxury; I'm sure you can think of more blessings, even those in disguise are still blessings. Put aside all the 'roles' your ego thinks it has to play (wife, the one pursuing something, sister, etc) and just relax into BEING. The past and the future are not reality, only the present moment is. Hugs
  2. Or more like
  3. @SmartFixer_OceanJjb You're very welcome. Anytime
  4. @SmartFixer_OceanJjb Being enlightened doesn't mean denying your ego, it's transcending it. Memories are thoughts, and like any thought they can still be used/ watched/ enjoyed. Just remember not to identify with them - you are not them, you are the awareness behind them.
  5. @cetus56 @SkyPanther Interesting facts and records telling a different story about Jesus. It suggests he was in India learning from the Buddhist teachings during the 'missing' years (12-30 yo), and after crucifixion was secretly transported back to India for burial, where his tomb still bears his name
  6. @nightlight Sometimes I encounter people who I feel force their 'kindness' on me, and if I don't respond in a desirable to them manner, they would act offended/ resentful. This is a neurotic, passive-agressive kind of 'kindness', like one is trying to get approval from others or something. Another kind of fake 'kindness' is when people do it just to feel good about themselves, not out of genuine care towards another person. Forced 'kindness' never works. If your words/ acts of kindness come across as though you're trying too hard or if they makes people resent you, perhaps you need to re-examine your motives.
  7. @nightlight Kindness is a quality of strength, a sign of an understanding and compassionate heart. It's reaching out to the world saying "I accept you" It's never wasted.
  8. @abrakamowse When I was listening to one of Leo's first Enlightenment videos and he said if you don't experience an object through sight, hearing, smell, touch, or taste, you have to question it's reality...I got up and went to the window to see if my car was still sitting out there As much as his statement sounded incredible, without an empirical verification, we can never really know for sure.
  9. @SmartFixer_OceanJjb Has to be ORGANIC, UN-filtered, RAW apple cider vinegar with 'the mother' to give benefits. It's basically fermented apple juice. As you probably already know, fermented foods are awesome for our health. I mix a couple tablespoons of ACV in my 60 oz water bottle (my daily water intake) and sip it through the day. I've done it for so long, must have gotten used to the slightly sour taste. Can't drink water without it now, feels bland. Here's a good article about ACV and some of its health benefits and uses:
  10. @99th_monkey Is this a temporary get-away to get some space? Hey, you can stay with @Pinocchio in Netherlands Hugs
  11. @SmartFixer_OceanJjb Drinking lots of water with a bit of apple cider vinegar mixed to it helps flush fat. This is a formula to calculate how much water per day is enough: your weight divided by 2 is your number in ounces. I drink alkaline water with RAW UNFILTERED apple cider vinegar (Bragg's brand at Walmart, $6) through the day. There are over 100 health benefits to APV, it's some of the most healthful and least expensive things out there. I also make tea with it, cinnamon and honey. Very yummy too c(:
  12. @Actualizer I remember Leo speaking in one of his recent videos about opening the forum and he called it a 'playground'. So like any playground, this one also provides experience of learning, sharing, exploring, watching/ reading, making connections, competing.. There is a strong sense of like-minded community here and this is something you won't find in a mainstream world. Exactly how I feel too. A great tool for growth with an element of entertainment.
  13. @Argue Try these with your girl sometime...HOT!!! Especially 1, 4 and 5
  14. There are levels of enlightenment experience. Awakening is the initial seeing, breaking out of the matrix of the 'self'. In this week's video Leo mentioned he'd be teaching on the levels in his future videos. So stay tuned.
  15. The mind undergoes conditioning from the time we're born. Our family of origin, friends, school, social media, society, etc. all mold the image we adopt of ourselves, which is always based on the false premise, not reality. 'Self' becomes a product of collective un-consciousness. Each and everyone of us can serve as an example. De-constructing the conditioned 'self' and replacing it with higher-conscious parts can take years (if not lifetime) of focused effort, courage, and sacrifice.
  16. @Argue In a nutshell, ego is a mind created false sense of self, and the reason we see ourselves as separate from the rest of existence.
  17. @Hardik jain I've been awakened. Not enlightened yet.
  18. @JevinR Begin to de-construct the old conditioned 'you', while gradually replacing it with higher-conscious parts. Leo's weekly teachings can help you do that one step at a time. I use the week to contemplate and to make necessary adjustments in those areas. If you force a change, the ego will put up all sorts of resistance and throw a tantrum like a spoiled child. Transcend it with awareness, patience and compassion, and watch 'the spoiled child' giving up its territory inch at a time until it finally fully surrenders.
  19. @OceanJjb I thought that song was annoying too, clicked it off half-time into it. Death is relief when you still identify with your ego (body-mind). Get in touch with your true self (awareness) and you'll see that nothing can shake that, you're untouchable! The eternity is yours to enjoy, heaven on earth. Forever and ever. Amen
  20. @Felipe My take: 1) Enlightenment is more of a realization, a shift in perspective. It's the ability to see reality without the filter of the mind; 2) Anyone can be enlightened; 3) They are, they just don't know it; 4) More like realized/ discovered; 5) I would say yes, but not for any low-conscious reason; 6) Start with yourself first 7) Enlightenment is key to lasting happiness; 8) Yes, enlightened can dream; 9) They can be vegan, vegetarian, or meat-eaters; 10) *See other threads devoted to his topic* 11) I do Enlightened are regular people, but with deeper insight into reality and existence. Most enlightened don't talk about it or exhibit any signs outwardly, other than being noticeably neurosis-free and genuinely happy.
  21. @Lorcan I tend to agree with Leo. The higher the level of consciousness you possess, the less you have the need for DOING and the more you enjoy and value just BEING. The happiest person in the world answers questions (he is a Buddhist monk):
  22. I miss Odessa beaches. We lived 10 mins walking distance from the Black Sea. I live near the ocean now, but it's still not the same. Amplituda's wife is from Tashkent too.