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Everything posted by Natasha

  1. @SeekingFreedom You're welcome
  2. @SeekingFreedom This will help you understand what is going on:
  3. @Orange Was using numbers figuratively. Some food/water and shleter and was going to say love, but unconditional love and acceptance is already inbuilt in awareness and is part of our true nature. Everything else is a distraction/ a want, and can be done without. Got rid of cable and cell phone, major distractions. Focusing on Being and spending more time in nature now, eating clean food from earth, meditate, etc. Having more peace as never had before.
  4. @Zenrik To start you up with:
  5. Sure, will post the links
  6. @Orange Need/ attachment is a product of a body/mind construct a.k.a ego. Our true nature is awareness. When you approach life from this perspective, needs would naturally become quite selective. A being doesn't need 95% of the stuff a human thinks it does
  7. @kuwaynej I highly resonate with what Leo has to communicate. There are many other teachers/ gurus I resonate with as well - Ralph Smart, Adyashanti, Mooji, Sadghuru, Lisa Cairns, Tony Parsons, etc. It's not about a person/ego, it's about the information that is being communicated and resonated with.
  8. @electroBeam Detachment became easy to me once I realized there is no one here on a level of awareness to need anything. The mind/ ego will want to attach/detach, yet your true nature (Being) just is. Let this sink in next time you meditate.
  9. Leo is now the President's favorite. I like it!
  10. @aryberry Did you know that Buddhist monks and hippies are the happiest people on earth according to an extensive research with brain scans? They also found that the more ambition one has, the more their happiness levels drop. Achievement, success, doing don't equal peace and happiness. The secret is indeed in Being, acceptance and contentment with the present moment as is. More you accept and live it, more space you create in your own life to actually want to focus on your the inner, creativity, growth, utilizing your talents, etc. Those don't have to be huge. Just being that presence in someone else's life who is struggling/ suffering, can be enough of contribution. Always live your peace.
  11. I don't use psychedelics. Was just a symptom of my at times careless spelling
  12. @Feeble Dave I'm no neuroscientist, but would imagine any psycodelic would have capacity to gradually alter brain chemistry to some degree. The side-affects may not be noticable right away, but down the road they quite possibly may be.
  13. @PureExp Great info. Thank you for sharing!
  14. @John Flores You understand that they are 'giants' only from the ego's perspective (the mind), right? Shine light of wareness onto the 'giants' and you will find they're just scared little puppies on the inside. Chasing their tails and having an urge to fight speaks more of small, not giant.
  15. Observe, don't absorb. We are essentially awareness 'observing' the relative/ object world. The shift towards enlightenment happens when you're able to 'see' past what the ego can see. Awareness becomes self-aware, so to speak.
  16. @Siim Land Interestingly, when I eat a big healthy dinner, I don't even feel hungry till the following afternoon. I would have a green smoothy for brunch though, and do drink lots of alkaline water too. Would that be ok?
  17. @John Flores It's all just happening and no one is doing it. Suffering is only 'real' to our mind. Transcend your mind/ understanding/ ego, and peace will be available to you. But I'm there with you - still tend to suffer with those who suffer, but with a perspective. Someone once said that a mark of an enlightened is that they feel deeper and move on faster. Detachment is a beautiful thing.
  18. I (my ego) see eveything as more of a miracle rather than a joke. But both of those labels are meaningless in raw reality anyway.
  19. That's the ego (being dragged).. the real 'you' is the camera observing...
  20. @isabel These will help put things in perspective.. watch all 3
  21. Girls can rap it too! Shameless Miley takes on saintly Joan of Arc