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Everything posted by AlwaysBeNice

  1. I always used to avoid Osho because of the Rolls Royce story, then I saw this and it doesn't seem bad, and I am glad because now I really enjoy his teachings and I think he's an amazing master in many ways. This story is amazing by the way, it's his life story as a (really extraordinary) child and how he got into enlightenment,
  2. 'I don't exist' and 'I am (or life is) perfect' I like. They are helpful to shape your mind, to get into the right state of being in life and to create a conscious distance between thoughts and who you really are as consciousness.
  3. Actually had a dream related to infinity this night. I was looking at a void and I could project these concepts of art into it and multiply it by as much as I want, and I could project a lot, into different ways, and I had this realization that this can be just infinite and fear came up. I'm sure it was tiny in comparison to a 5-MeO breakthrough and it wasn't actually really a special experience in terms of ultimate feeling but I am having tears in my eyes writing this, so mystical still.
  4. This is ridiculous. You mean that if you avoid self love by the act of giving makes you a 'devil' (a very unnecessary extreme noun to use), but choosing to help others selflessly is an act of connectivity itself, whether you are completely aligned otherwise or not, it is a helpful step in the right direction.
  5. The sound is neutral. The world is just a picture inside consciousness. But the meaning you create with it, at the conscious or subconscious level certainly may influence you.
  6. Why don't you ask him to elaborate, how are we suppose to know? Interesting that he said that though, I resonate with it, the Self is infinite after all. I emailed him about it, I proposed why I believed in non-physical realms to him, he said something along the lines of 'when everything is one intersubjective experiences are expected'. So I don't think he doesn't belief it's unreal per se, but it's unreal ultimately, just as unreal as this, whereas Terrence kind of puts the experience on a pedestal and Martin just likes to make fun of that from what I see.
  7. And one thing I noticed that really gave me a lot of confidence in the process of some sort of 2012/'5d ascencion' stuff is that I see how truth is contagious. Awakened people create more awakened people, positivity/truth reflects back negativity really strongly, which forces all of us to deal with themselves. That's why they nailed Jesus to the cross, darkness cannot handle light. But now there is the second coming of the Christ consciousness.
  8. The problem is suppressed emotions, trauma, a delusional ego and no awareness of true spirituality. Not some arbitrary label, you always have free will to still the mind, think positive, face trauma and rest as sane still awareness, don't be fooled by society's scapegoat of being a victim of developed mental illness.
  9. Doesn't smoking it (freebase) work just fine? edit: Compared to vaping.
  10. When fully healed and realized I think it should. If you know yourself to be the pure field and have awareness of that, you know you transcend the body-mind/ego and thus transcend pain, transcend ideas of loss or future gain, transcending ideas of lack of love/connection.
  11. Yeah. Our society loves to be the victim of things, 'oh, the weather sucks, the train is late, he did something inappropriate, now I feel bad just because of that, having nothing to do with my own mind', psychiatry is largely an extreme expression of that: 'I am the victim of broken brain, life is flawed, where is the superior human made pill that can fix me, I can't do anything.'. Whereas you can always think positive, (learn to) still the mind, face the trauma that stirs up the mind and rest as peaceful awareness. Talking to reveal suppressed trauma is good, teaching people the above concepts is good, but when that is put onto the background of that materialist victim sense, it's baaaad: toxic ineffective medicine AND teaching people they can't do anything about it. And nature made mind-medicine, they are called psychedelics.
  12. Does anyone know how weed highs get affected after 5-meo?
  13. God is also you. Do you prefer the first or latter reality, go and choose, you choosing is the way God is playing the game.
  14. - Finding inner peace is most important to reduce wasteful consumption and to be an example for others. - Eat more raw. Healthier too generally (not boiling out nutrients). I haven't been using a heater since 3 years. Though the winters don't get too cold in The Netherlands (-5 to -10 max generally). I like it way better. Haven't gotten a cold in those winters either I think. Because it's really not cold at all, the body simply adapts, produces more brown cells or something, and you can just wear finger gloves and a scarf etc. if it gets too cold, super easy. I think it really boost the immune system or does not harm make the system more prone to getting sick. Because when you think about it, it's quite unnatural when the seasons go colder to sit in warm house > go into cold > warm place > go into cold repeat. En plus you don't have that dry air shit. - Also riding a bike, but I would advice wearing a mouth cap if you are riding in traffic. Also you need exercise anyways to stay healthy and balanced (it's natural to move).
  15. And meditate most importantly. Unless someone is a pretty stable person in generally, has some knowledge of wisdom/spirituality. As most people are really not that stable or have any good sense of spirituality (and most people think they are more stable than they think). To them I would not recommend a heavy dose of psychedelics if they have not meditated daily for at least 6 months prior, preferably at least 30+ min a day in one setting so they might have a slight clue with whom they are dealing.
  16. Attached egos are at risk, egos that are not ready to open up, not willing to look at themselves. That might create a backlash you don't want to see.
  17. Is smoking freebase 100% effective at using all of the material? But only with a lesser duration? So snorting HCL wastes some, and needs proper technique which may be challenging. How well does under the tongue work with HCL?
  18. Maybe try Bashar's detox methods. He says 80-90% of all disease come from a build up of toxins in the body that go sit in the cells which cause the cells to not be able to absorb nutrients properly which weakens the immune system and allows for opportunistic organisms to take take effect. He has spoken about combining 3000mg of vitamin C and 3000 mg MSM sulfur 3 times a day or the highly effective herbal detox formulas of Dr. Schulze. Good opportunity to test his validity perhaps.
  19. To summarize, when he was doing 5-MeO with his wife he found that he could take a hit and she would feel it in her experience. This started his practice of guiding people through the experience at a very intense 1-1 level, because he could feel where they were holding back, this resulted in him feeling what he needed to do with his body to their body, and when he would find their blocks sometime he could even release it for them; he would puke and that would cause a release in their bodies. - As to your idea, you know this is about dealing with deep stored emotions right? Things that you are suppressing subconsciously, exposing your fears. I wouldn't want to do that with a stranger personally.
  20. Though this is an endogenous neurotransmitter. As for schizophrenia, that stuff is so misunderstood. A longer post for something that might seem a bit off topic but it's worth mentioning because being the victim of becoming insane is one of the biggest fears of the western mind. 1st. There is never anything that can make you lose your free will to think positive, (learn to) still the mind, face your trauma and rest as still sane awareness. There really is no risk at all if you know this and know that any disturbances come from the ego based of (unconscious) negative imprints. Second we are dealing with 2 different things when talking about schizophrenia when it is developed later in life, there is 'schizophrenia' that consists of : Spiritual awakening (Opening of the psychic senses, seeing reality in a new light, more energy, change in behavior, become aware of synchronicity). This already tends to sound like a 'broken brain in most materialist eyes. And An overdrive of the ego that shoots into projection and denial, the ego puts itself as the victim of it's fears and or the ego denies it's own lack of self worth by trying to become grandiose. 'But isn't it genetic' No. Identical twins do not always get it together, so it cannot be solely genetic. Though Identical twins have a 25-50% chance to be diagnosed together and around 10% for fraternal twins, this could be because genetics may cause one to be more prone to stress or psychic opening and because identical twins are also closer to each other in life. But genetics can never decide your state of mind regardless, and if you find your mind to be at the seeming subject of despair/unrest it's because of unconscious negative imprints (trauma or told fear based beliefs) and you need to face/feel them. I've been through this process, had multiple diagnoses, and it all went away when I finally found spirituality/non-duality and just went within, and I removed a deep long depression and schizophrenic mind within a year all by myself.
  21. Because it's a waste or because it's harmful? So under the tongue with HCL could work. Sounds good, anyone tried this?
  22. What are all the difference between freebase vs. HCL (salt). I know that you can snort HCL: which gives a 3x longer plateau experience (10-45 min), with a 10 times longer come down (30-60 min), but the come up is much slower (5 min) apposed the instant smoking effect. I know that HLC is slighly more heavy (1.2 to 1 vs freebase). I heard Leo say you can't smoke HCL but I heard Martin say you can, but that it's hard to smoke and you should vape it (iirc).- I'm wondering, since HCL lasts much longer, does freebase compensate that in anyway with a stronger potency per mg?
  23. I also notice how there seems to be a surprising amount of 'otherness' in musicians, I suppose this goes for artists in general, but to me it's noticeable how much the soul/afterlife/God is referred to in songs whereas these are topics the general public doesn't really openly talk about often, at all. Other than that musicians are always noticeably more expressive. Also, I've said this often, but singing is an amazing spiritual tool. There is nothing more fear revealing that trying to sing from our soul, if you do it mindfully (which you must anyways). And I am sure that almost everyone here who hasn't sung yet will be surprised at how good they can sing (if they have moments wherein they can let their fear ego), because when you go all in without any holding back you sound AMAZING. And suddenly you listen to other artists and you think 'gosh, why did I put them on a pedestal, I can do this too!!', another toxic cultural limiting belief BUSTED.
  24. Martin Ball doesn't seem unenlightened to me. Enlightenment doesn't mean slowing down your character per se.