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Everything posted by AlwaysBeNice

  1. You mean Belgium?
  2. Fuck yeah! I agree, huge potential! Perhaps @Leo Gura can experiment and make a video?
  3. Just know that also if your mom dies it'll be fine too. My dad died and I have regular dream contact with him, and you can use the passing to learn to surrender yourself to his love in this life as she'll be in purity (it might take some time for her to stabilize though). But you can research Darryl Anka that channels Bashar, in my experience he's legit. He speaks about detoxifying the body (with Dr. Shulze's detox stuff or (3.000 mg of vitamin C and 3000 mg msm powder 3x a day (didn't specify for how long) so that the cells are sufficiently clean (to be able to absorb nutrients properly), and he mentioned that raw avocado/asparagus/walnut pureed are natural cancer cures.
  4. He's like a child and that's a jolly good sign
  5. I don't think you'll easily get the same effect. Aside from not feeling like pushing through, I think the power of this technique also is that someone else can clearly see you have pain and barriers, that in it self is a big thing. How often can you tell yourself you have this trauma and this pain etc., but the moment you tell someone else you bust into tears.
  6. I did for little bit on someone during a tantra workshop, but it was on the rib cage, for a rather short amount of time. It did work though, at some point I pressed her so hard for a moment and it really hurt but then some tears cam out and the tension was gone (with her permission of course).
  7. The fearful (/angry/sad) reoccurring thoughts come from suppressed emotions (memories in a sense), and they are stored in the cells and in the mind. The body is the mind, or a reflection of it, and you can work on it from both ways. The pressing on the tight muscles activates the suppressed feelings, and the practitioner helps (forces) the patient staying with it, in a safe space, so they can be processed. Because what usually happens, when we feel this in meditation, we go like: 'uhh, interesting.. OOH SHIT AH (heavy feeling), OK NOT NOW', because we get scared, and want to chose the easy way out, and because we have been used to suppressing it for so long. But it's also doable through meditation, it takes more time though generally.
  8. You can make it into metta practice yeah, Shinzen has actually something specific on this
  9. Bump. With a good friend or practitioner you can potentially work through so many negative imprints in minutes/hours that might otherwise take years of meditation to clean (though meditation of course has other benefits as well).
  10. Weed's pretty great, or was. Recently I've hit a threshold of a state of consciousness that is so similar to being high that it basically stopped doing anything to a large degree, this is after a 3 years of consistent practice and smoking weed 1-2x a week for the past few weeks. I'd say 100% ultimately, but arguably things differ when the body starts craving it (don't think this is possible) and or when withdrawal comes into play (this only happens after long term high dose abuse).
  11. Lower doses of DMT are excellent to start with. Being in nature and with people that you are close with can be great too.
  12. I've had a dream experience wherein I saw specific ET information that was a week later presented in a Bashar talk, he's legit. Too bad the channel is an old capitalistic retard though.
  13. Happening at full force. Awake(ning) people are very impactful, the internet is like a tsunami for destroying all sorts of cultural shit ideas and is spreading truth about mindfulness, spirituality, psychedelics, wisdom. Also, at some point we'll have ET disclosure that will also blow a hole in people's minds and complete change our cultural view in many ways ( We in good times!
  14. Yes of course, mindfully observe the body-mind with the knowing mind that what you observe cannot be you.
  15. Putting on a guided meditation or sound may be helpful not to fall asleep, or maybe coffee. It requires rather strong commitment for many I think, because it's so tempting to go: 'ehh fuck this world, peace out'. Also you might want to be doing a more active kind of meditation, Shinzen Young suggests 'noting practice' for when you are easily spacing out.
  16. Can you think of a better definition? Is there anything else to do or be than embody or self realize? Who cares how long it takes, this isn't something you do to put on your resume and then quit.
  17. In my view enlightenment also includes complete purification, being the embodiment of truth/unconditional love. So I can't say whether that's harder but I think it comes before absolute awakening(/enlightenment) as absolute awakening completely opens one up according to some teachers I trust. By the way, according to Shinzen Young, you can develop a taste for purification, allowing it to happen exponentially:
  18. I think emotions need to be treated as the realest thing ever, and perhaps they are the most real in the relative world, they are certainly the most enjoyable, even sadness is beautiful if it isn't suppressed. The stuck suppressed emotions are what has birthed the negative ego and I belief all the suffering in life. The mind through the negative ego is already used to suppressing them (through the energy of denial: creating the masks; arrogant or shy), because it was told to not express them, but you ARE an emotional being, so you had to pretend you weren't by acting like the surrounding egos. So be aware that that fear isn't using the spiritual ego card on you, 'I am beyond it, I am this feeling of consciousness, not my body/emotions', even Ramana said that self-inquiry is about feeling the sense of yourself.
  19. I think you'd be surprised at how human enlightened beings actually are. So no, they are not unpredictable when it comes to harming others, just as sane people are not unpredictable when it comes to harming themselves or others, they act in accordance to natural law/empathy. Buddha may have tortured himself.. himself. On the road towards enlightenment.. towards.
  20. Suffering = Discomfort x Resistance Purification = Discomfort x Equanimity Frustration = Pleasure x Resistance Fulfillment = Pleasure x Equanimity Brilliant Shinzen