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Everything posted by AlwaysBeNice

  1. You have to get a sense of what this is about and then just practice, do what works/feels good to you, then just keep going and the results will come and carry u forward, then listen to something sometimes if you feel inspired or you want to become motivated. But this is really not so much about learning, listening to stuff again and again can be fine to recondition the mind but it's not a very effective path as apposed to raw practice though it can supplement it if you feel lazy or if you feel like watching something, but indeed it can also certainly almost harm you if you are starting, live very much in the mind and want a solid grip/path on things. Because yeah, a 100 legit masters can say 200 different things on the same thing! And they are all true! And all false!! It's because this path is not about logic or relative truth, gotta learn to accept the paradox and go your own unique path, all words are relative at the end of the day. I know it's hard for us western geeks, but you have to learn to throw out the mind essentially, and use it well at the same time! "After enlightenment nothing is serious, everything becomes just play", so don't worry about it, this is about YOU! And your discovery of yourself! Beyond words right into bliss. - OT: If it's about picking a guru IRL (which would be a great idea), then look around and try to stick with 1 or maybe 2 I think, and learn to go deep with them, which is also more about friendship and love than actually learning.
  2. I don't know, perhaps it's more tricky than we think because it seems to be that also there can be different levels/forms of realization aside from the human expression as well. I would think there is a strong correlation if there is a high sense of awakening, because it makes you so intimate with everything as well, as you know it to be yourself on a deep level. And naturally you would not hurt yourself, i.e. not hitting yourself on the head with hammer, but instead chose actions that you naturally prefer, for yourself and the so called others. So I think it depends on the level or deepness of realization, and the acclimatization to it, otherwise I don't see how someone might act unwholesome. But still people can have radically different views on what they belief should serve a human being and they can lack knowledge, so they can still act odd in that sense, but there should be no hate or judgment involved afaik.
  3. Thoughts suddenly cease and ‘I-I’ rises up equally suddenly and continues. It is only a feeling, not a thought. Can it be right? Ramana Maharshi: Yes, it is quite right. Thoughts have to cease and reason to disappear for the ‘I-I’ to rise up and be felt. Feeling is the main thing, not reason. of Ramana Maharshi in His Own Words.pdf
  4. These things can come naturally if you stop chasing anything, but why go for such feats when awakening dissolves your suffering anyways.
  5. Don't forget to mention your high doses of 5-MeO to begin with ^^
  6. Absolutely love David Spero as well, the idea occurred to me to listen to this at 0.5x the speed, pretty cool I think
  7. You can search for 'ashram' on helpx and you get a few results of one's in Europe. I agree, such a community needs spiritual practice as a high value, else the community really won't be so different from how regular people act (I've been to a big one as well). Growing some of your own food is good of course, it's creates value, it's exercise, it's connecting with nature, but it really shouldn't be a main priority to become mainly self sufficient if you want to have a spiritual community. Trying to become almost completely self-sufficient is quite hard since you need a lot of land for that and a lot of time, like working full time(!) and having to deal with a lot of challenges. Whereas farmers have the equipment to work much much more efficient. The money should and could probably easily indeed just be made by having guests, giving retreats, workshops, services etc.
  8. I heard of a long time sanyassin that it was also a routine of Osho to shit talk all teachers because he didn't want devotees to jump around from teacher to teacher, but that he actually held them in high regard.
  9. You mean you don't want chronic fear/emotional suppression (and the fearful thought streams it creates). Thinking in and of itself is no problem, but it usually is because thinking is used to avoid certain feelings.
  10. Those gadgets haven't been very succesful. In my experience consciousness work continues, sometimes at a profound level (for some reason more so after psychedelics in my experience, but probably the same would go for a deep meditation experience), but never through my choice and luciddreams I had wherein I did self-inquiry myself wouldn't particularly more successful though I could see they might at some point. Practicing self-inquiry or self-abidance is practicing a lucid dream technique by the way already, the only technique I would recommend to get into is doing WILD techniques, but it's really hard to get up at night and not want to go back to sleep. It could be good alsso, if you go take a nap, to put on a guided meditation on a sound not too intrusive but also not too soft sounding and have it melt into your dream
  11. You can couch surf and hitchhike and travel cheap that way Also, if you are good with women you could maybe just hop from girl to girl using tinder or something
  12. You contribute by working on yourself, finding and radiating the love of the Self is the greatest service you can render the world, also if you live in the west, we need a relatively low amount of jobs anyways to ensure basic goods for the people. You love peace and joy the most I think, but anyways, what avenue would grant more freedom you think? Aside from having or making a lot of money in a short time through whatever and then living of that for some time. Or maybe find a job that would allow you to meditate.
  13. - Become a monk Upsides: dedicated schedule, friends, maybe a master (maybe a +, you might get interesting people visiting the monastery) Downsides: maybe dogma, probably you'll have a difficult time having sex or doing drugs, you're not so free to roam around (though you might have trips/exchanges with other monasteries or places). - Do work exchange (for ashrams/spiritual retreat centers), work 4-6 hours a day (maybe more in some places) in exchange for shelter/food) Upside: Friends, free-er than a monastery, you can travel, maybe you can also make some money on the side through creative efforts or what ever - Become a beggar People will think stupid of this probably but honesty not such a bad choice if you live in a western civilized country/city, some beggars a lot of money too, and you could meditate all day, maybe with a sign ('addicted to meditation'). Upside: free time, free as a bird, money, adventure, Downside: might get harassed at times, not legal everywhere. - I'd recommend everyone to do this if you don't feel like you have enough time to be dedicated to spirituality with a 9-5 or w/e, it will make you rich in true worth beyond belief. And after a few years of dedicated spiritual practice it's probably quite easy to be successful in whatever you do, because it will make room for your natural talents to open and be expressed, and through your trust, love and synchronicity it will be easy and successful. In fact this is already the case, that you are supported very well, but we tend to be supported in lack and failure because these are the ideas we still hold on to. But you can be successful if you dare to express yourself and see the abundant synchronicity, but it needs to be based on truth for the sake of your own happiness, peace and integrity and for everyone else's involved.
  14. I've experienced psychosis and openings. Spiritual opening consists of emotional openings, perception opening, sensing opening, consciousness opening. It is what it is, an opening. Psychosis is just believing strongly in thought/story (usually related to fears around the mystical/God), which can project itself perceptionally from the subconscious through imagination sometimes, you just have to learn to get to know yourself to distinguish whether you are doing so or whether it's genuine perception.
  15. You've opened yourself up with 5-MeO-DMT, Martin Ball says that normal trip afterwards become like hours of 5-MeO again
  16. So with plugging the stuff just stays in automatically? Except if you fart I suppose. Anything else we should know? I guess some papertowels in your underwear shouldn't hurt.
  17. Wow that's fucking neat, how did you find that out
  18. This guy is actually a perfect incarnational deity on how to socially interact
  19. Looking at some of the teachers can make me so happy and be so reassuring. You can see clearly the joy, love and truth of our being when looking at their eyes. A great meditation tool! And remember, the light of the screen is also the light of the Self. Shinzen Young, David Spero, Adyashanti Mooji, Ramana Maharshi, Papaji