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Everything posted by AlwaysBeNice

  1. No, it's made up. But if you'd really feel that way fully, that would be liberation, but your body and other people's bodies probably still means something essential to the idea of your existence, in other words, death still has meaning.
  2. I do tend experience a more deepen and open/alive state in the evening/at night. Bashar says the highest energy point is during 2-4 AM, and lowest between 2-4PM, and indeed that's how I feel like it is (also unrelated to regular work schedules).
  3. So the muscles hold the mental tension/trauma, de-armoring is pressing the muscles to get in touch with your feeling nature to release. The wertenberg wheel is a BDSM toy, (BDSM: aka bondage sex etc., which is an interesting practice to for the spiritual path in it's own right by the way, since it's about surrender to another through play/sex/pain) Just roll it gently over someone's back/but/legs or whatever I only tried it for a few minutes on my legs/but where I am quite tight and it had me semi-screaming/laughing like a wicked girl, triggering my manhood all over, literally amazing for energy release and opening into freedom. There was a girl next to me who was going absolutely bonkers, really cool also as a fun sexual tool. have ordered one and might report more but see to just try it for yourself with someone, the thing is like 5 bucks from amazon. Peace
  4. It can be so fucking terrifying at the time, though what's awesome about it is I think, is that these hard times of extreme ego confrontation, really help you in the long run, even if you didn't breakthrough or dealt with your shit entirely, knowing that you can handle fear/confusion makes you so much more capable of living in peace afterwards (given you use it to integrate it with non-dual wisdom, as appose to just blasting yourself and living your same mind routine again)
  5. I have periods where all the time my dreams often get really deep and trippy, it's fucking awesome, like the best vacation.
  6. Ye btw it's a basic pranayama exercise, I guess it should generally still be safe. Also, I noticed that becoming aware of the samskara's triggers the 'dissociation effect', Probably related to a specific trauma of mine related to my birth (which was a long winded process in which I almost died, was purple, and got slapped and stuff), so that if the body-mind comes in contact with the tensions it felt at the time, which was an overload of stress, it tries to dissociate again by trying to pass out or go out of body or something.
  7. What happens to you when you hold your breath after a deep full/semi-full inhalation? .. When I hold my breath after a full, or almost full inhalation and observe the effects it has on my body-mind, and go along with that feeling, things get psychedelic fast: inner high pitched noise increasing, feeling like everything is dissolving in the vibrating being, feeling like I am about to blow up or die, and sometimes visuals, like the stage before a breakthrough on 5-MeO (which I have had a few off, and it's very similar, though I have never broken through on either completely, nor with this method.. I still get spooked) I also experience feeling fuzzy and a nice calm sometimes after, feeling more awake. It can also be disorienting.. - I find you can also chose to stay with your body more on this method, and observe your body-mind system, if you don't go along with the feeling of dissolution, and you can go deeper into your body, feel the energetic knots, which may also just be helpful. - So here's some info on what I think happens.. All your insecurities, energetic suppression, negative conditioning and trauma's are stored in the muscles (this can be observed if you meditate, do bio-energetic exercises, or it's seen pressure point therapy sessions like this After a full inhalation, you put internal pressure on the muscles along the spine, on the heart, in the head. And whereas these muscles are normally used to release back again, now they are staying expanded through force, which I think shocks the mind, and paired with having the intention to dissolve, you can a strong energetic opening to Self. I also found that if you resort to a negative state during such a rush, by thinking fearful thoughts and contracting into that idea, it can mess up the energetic flow a little bit and cause a (short) headache for example. Which is typical for everything in life, if you move into a more closed state, things get less harmonious (both inner and outer). So maybe there are risks (there are always risks to everything) but afaik, there should be no real risks to holding your breath for 2-10 seconds (albeit this is different: they did not find brain damage on a study on divers who regularly hold their breath for minutes) - So how it works: Sit down in a relaxed state, when you feel ready, take a deep big breath (see how much pressure you want to put on it, maybe don't go too hard (at first)), then relax, do nothing, and try to let go in the feeling of intensity. Also I like to use the app 'Meditation Breath - Pranayama', to do this as a guided meditation and use '9 seconds in, 6 seconds hold, 9 seconds out, 0 seconds hold', edit: with semi-full breathes. - Very interested in hearing your results.
  8. I saw this mentioned here, idk, also it may have some similarities to the choking game? Which can cause strokes or death, all in all I'm wary about it
  9. Trump is cool, definitely narcissistic and greedy man for a large part, but also has a good part, which the left unfortunately and funnily enough can't stand, kind of annoying to see how biased they tend to be in ignoring the positive and highlighting the negative in an ugly way. Like here, you can see the power and beauty of the man, he can genuinely love people, and Kim's kind of ecstatic about that even, it's cute.
  10. I have tried holding my breath after exhaling as well one time and being still, nothing particularly flashy but it does keep you present in some way, I like these techniques atm, deep breathing makes the body feel good/energized as well. I found that you can also successively hold big breaths and maybe not get the effects if you don't go along with any alterations of consciousness deliberately, though that gets harder the deeper and more expanded of a breath you take I think, also it might help to focus on your heart area to get in touch with the feeling nature. These breath exercises are also a good way to get in touch with the heart feeling in general as you can feel it better, and feeling the heart is a technique promoted by Ramana (on the right side of the chest). - Others reporting the same and Wim Hoff uses the same technique for his 'DMT breath' it seems
  11. A non-dual experience, of total absorption with your whole mind, is empty of that I that can feel lonely, it's peace it self. If the mind is not integrated in it, it can produce those feelings from fear, but that is mind-feeling arising, not Truth.
  12. I can't recommend anything to you personally because I don't know, but you can always pray and you will receive something, just remember that there's no sense of need related to it, that you are always also the final authority (and the sender of what ever is send), and that nothing is static. .. Psychedelics are always tricky, but ultimately safe, but possibly destabilizing, which the path already is.. So it will be a boost, but why not first just actually ride a little bit, be serious about that, see what that does, and if you are settled a little bit in the stillness, that will also make trips easier to handle. Meditating on weed can be great at all stages though I think. Also, 'meditation, looking at a guide, and doing a psychedelic this summer, that should do it', no, it very likely will not, this process tends to take years in almost all cases, and for the better, which is also totally fine because it's absolutely not boring.
  13. During genuine non-dual (glimpses) you won't feel sad or alone. The reason you feel alone here, is because you don't feel the connection to the non-dual state, it has nothing to do with other people, but it's an effect of still being apparently grabbed by the conditioned body-mind, which has often has delusion-neurosis-fear and other emotional, creative, sexual suppression in it usually. If you'd truly know that you are alone as the pure being, that will also erase the suffering of the body-mind, because it's fears are based on the idea of Others and Death. So the solution is to just keep going, don't go along with any mental drama stories, and see it for yourself.
  14. I disagree that memory loss makes gives less functionality per se. If you flow in the moment, you can simply trust on the synchronicity, and know that what ever you need to know you can be inspired to know.
  15. Yourself, I like David Spero a lot though, to paraphrase him here: 'Your friends will lie to you, your parents will lie to you, your guru will lie to you, but your own Self will never lie to you'
  16. There's so many paths, this one valid path, but boosting yourself through a substance can make for a rocky road, but it does produce fruit as well, and that has made it very worthwhile for me. When masters say: 'don't do it, just use this (my) path', that's fine too, they know that it can be done sober as well, and that may be relevant for most people because it certainly is a tricky thing to recommend. But to say that it's inherently unwise is bs. When you think about, you think that all these chemicals produced out of nature that can work on the human mind, is some sort of coincidence? No, it's made by the Self, for the Self, made by the same mind that is Ramana Maharshi, Echkart Tolle, Sadguru, You. But you certainly don't need anything to just be still either.. - And by the way, an easy going psychedelic also exists, which can be great for meditation/self-inquiry, quite underrated for this path imo: marijuana.
  17. The website had a time when it was shitty for a long time (only dicks, annoying log in system) but now that's fixed, and it can be used well to learn about your emotional patterns, become comfortable with people looking at you, train your social skills, or you can actually just do self-inquiry.
  18. Certainly wouldn't hurt, certainly with bigger doses yeah, though I guess if you're off by some, you can chose to be the trusting type and let faith have you. I had a friend whom at burning man had a shaman who gave people 70 MG to tug on, fucking weird but apparently you'd be fine in that way too