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Everything posted by AlwaysBeNice

  1. everything also spontaneously arises out of nothing
  2. Emotions are just relative functioning, i.e. sometimes anger is great, sometimes it's more dysfunctional/inappropriate, who is to say when you have 'mastered it'? You can't, or you can, but by arbitrary standard, and it would be just a string of words. So nothing leads to enlightenment, 'enlightenment' is (coming to) realize or acknowledge empty Witness, not bound by perceptions, so what is happening right now. ; )
  3. This band has made by far the most touching hare krishna's for me. (archetype: Rama- the noble man, compassion, fighting evil/ignorance // Krishna- God-child, innocence Unconditional love, you)
  4. Adi Da claimed he never had thoughts when he was 50 or so, idk. Ye it's possible, and what really helps is to know that all thoughts are 'meaningless' or 'not true', and to not care if a thought comes up.
  5. Not that things can't be very painful or very uncomfortable, but pain is only relatively painful to fear. If a child falls and hurts itself, and is unsure whether or not it's damaged, it will look at parents for example and if they remain calm, the child does not really suffer from the pain, or not at all. If the child thinks a minor pain means it's in danger of death, "WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" Same for you ^ ^ edit: since I must only speak from my own experience, it feels a bit crude to say also, that it's only relative to fear, somethings can simply be very uncomfortable, though I belief it can all be used for good, all pain. Bashar said, 'all pain is resistance to the natural self', in my limited experience, I can say that when we go deeper into pain, and thus use it for self-deepening, it can indeed transform, and it is also simply possible to just watch pain without suffering. Will I flawlessly be able to experience this myself in the future, we'll see. peace
  6. You must take this matters and see them for what they are, as apposed to your imagining. What is real now? Is time real now? Is suffering and pain real now, or are they ultimately also thoughts? Is the witness truly affected? Have you ever experienced a sensation or perception that remained unchanged? - This might be a truth of a lesser order, I guess nothing is 'true' at all, but in my experience: life is never one-way, nor unfair. It wants to help you, help you grow, help you realize love. So when someone experiences something 'bad', and you try or ask to change it, the universe will help you, and you will grow from it, so in that relative sense, nothing is bad either.
  7. Yes I said that. That's good, and good luck with your path in such an environment. I meant prayer as in combining it with listening, using it to learn things (see what happens combination with dreams/synchronicity), guidance things you want to explore or just help etc. by the way. Not really in the original sense of let me prove myself to a God out there in case that wasn't clear.
  8. I had a dream the other day where a child would poke and prod my anus with a metal wire, somewhat insistent and remorselessly, it hurt and I was dumbfounded/angry/annoyed for a bit, but sat still. Then the child turned into an attractive women sitting on the ground, looking scared and desperate, but not so much guilty, you could say she was just concerned with her self, there were more people suddenly looking at her judgmentally including me. I got a sort of psychopath sense about it. Then she was standing in front of me, looking into my eyes, and I look at her with compassion, but also some fear. She appreciated it, and I got turned on, and she started humping me a bit. I was still angry, and the people carried her away to jail or something, I felt a bit bad about it but also good about it. - So yeah, I got a psychopath sense of that human dream, And belief it taught me a bit of their mindset. Simply desperate and very self-centered, and so they are able to really push other people way to far. But, not ultimately out of hate, but out of a desire for a real connection, which is sort of what that can do, yet done in a very risky and negative way. So I don't belief psychopaths have no empathy or love, they are just quiet different. As for 5-meo, no one knows, you can have all sorts of different trips on it (though I don't know if all breakthroughs would be the same, haven't had it).
  9. Cherish the friends you have, years of bonding with people in a classroom for example is a rare opportunity actually, and when people get older they tend to be more busy with work/relationship/kids. Be as honest as you can. Don't take things personally. Experiment with others and yourself in a loving spontaneous way. - Spiritually: understand now that trying to understand anything is futile, it's not about that at all, it's about letting go of attachment of identity (done in openness and stillness/meditation) and living in appreciation of mystery. Understanding this can save you years of reading and trying to figure out, some spend their whole life trying to look smart. Learn to know God as your ally, use prayer, experiment with it, be open and know there is no authority or judgement involved because it's you.
  10. Push through or experiment with something else, chanting, lying down, or just doing in the world (because at some point, the momentum of your practice can't be destroyed and it can happen more by itself).
  11. There's a funny thing about the less educated or apparently more primal humans, they seem to be more open towards a sort of intuitive spirituality, like academia is officially so against psychic stuff, religion often, weird ideas, where as common man seems to be open more open to it often I feel like. So now we have freaking Kanye ranting about infinite dimensions and how he is Hoover in one of them and he should save himself, how he's channeling from the soul, positive affirmations, how schools are boring and should have meditation and art programs, and the US president is loving it x)
  12. Not knowing is a good first necessary step to go beyond the mind. And no one knows what this is conceptually anyways. And I wouldn't recommend too much reading at all, and is often not recommended. And when you read, take everything with a grain of salt: because words are subjective pointings, based on imagination of concepts. Real spirituality is about discovering that which is beyond the personal 'you', beyond language, beyond experiences/perceptions, into the core of yourself and hence is liberating. And you can also say, about living your life, your love, your feelings. But some reading is good, the most renowned masters of our time are Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta (and if you find it hard to grasp, again, very fine, it's about your own deepening process).
  13. You can vape weed just with a normal pipe by warming it with a lighter just before ignition point for some time btw
  14. Not all enlightened masters say there is no free will, many of them don't comment on it at all, say it's partly true, true and not true, or say they don't know, i.e. Mooji, David Spero and Adi Da (in that order). edit: and in my own experience, I've never not experienced free will, albeit some things go more automatically than others, and it would be weird to separate myself from that (but synchronicity shows it's One Self).
  15. Yeah I said it in the context of my previous comment. I recommended against it because it's probably too destabalizing at that age, but psychedelics don't tend to cause PTSD very often ((and if they do, better take continue to take your surrender process seriously)).
  16. no they won't necessarily, probably a high chance they won't
  17. "It is just a story my mind created to try and relate the experience." Yeah, exactly, you imagined a future- a deity- and a self that could suffer. That dualistic fear thinking is suffering, hiding by saying it is not. edit: and yes I have done many trips, including aya
  18. That sounds like deluded protective ego: 'I am small and bad, I should not insult this deity, or.. *impersonates ayahuasca: I am going to make you suffer!*' Whereas the suffering is, thinking that you can suffer (and that it will destroy you).
  19. In the docu: 'eating the sun', that guy you linked was found eating in a restaurant (when he claimed he goes without food)
  20. It's good for sure, a psychedelic light, but compared with meditation still psychedelic. At most I used it 3-4 times a week, but with a lot of meditation during the days as well. I feel like at some point though, it just becomes like; 'ah yeah, this again, okay, ye I didn't really need to use it again', and then I don't feel using it for some time, and then when I feel like using again, it can come back nicely again. So not addictive for me, I feel like you need to have a poor lifestyle and unsensitive mind to get really attached to it, and if you meditate well, it should help sober reality become enoughly psychedelic already imo. Edit: you might want to look at some strains with CBD, these are the indica strains I belief, I think there are some studies showing it had anti-psychotic and anti-anxiety effects. In my own experience, these strains can indeed feel calmer/more body load, and the sativa strains can really get you that super high and sensitive head space.
  21. No just start with meditation, and if you have some discipline in your life regarding that, you might not desire anything more due to it's results, hopefully. And what do you mean 'I know weed is unhealthy', you don't, so this kind of assumptive attitude is the opposite of what is helpful in this field. - I tripped too hard when I was a teen, 2nd or 3rd trip or so, I was already not in a great place, but I became dysfunctional and depressed for 1-2 years after. Now I don't look back on it as a negative, it forced me to take spirituality seriously, but I don't recommend it at age at all, there's already so much to discover: finding your place in the world, finding what you like as a job or study, relationships with parents/friends/partner. In fact most teens I think are just quite overloaded by that, that again all they need is some meditation. - I can highly recommend practicing dream awareness though, these are already quite psychedelic every night (sometimes, deeply psychedelic), yet most people are too unconscious to even have a slight recollection or a vivid awareness of them during. They can help with purpose, guidance, healing, contact with deceased and most importantly spiritual awakening. And they are just fucking awesome.
  22. Had quite a few sober glimpses and once a drug induced breakthrough. As you enter or come closer to a singularity, you just lose your mind (everything stops, or everything gets amped up to the point of utter intense psychedelicness, or something inbetween-- these states have never failed to be amazingly unique every time). Once you come out of it, mind functions according to your wishes as it engages in relative world. - Therefor, the quicker you can let go of concepts and knowledge the better.
  23. You can't take any knowledge from the absolute, it destroys knowledge, intelligence only is relative to the individual and it's intentions.