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Everything posted by AlwaysBeNice

  1. Pain also brings release, rediscovery and compassion. If you can live with love, whilst keeping a respectful relationship with yourself, you can live happy. - So keep it personal, don't take responsibility for others, especially not when you can't take proper responsibility for yourself. And you don't know how others experience their reality ultimately, truly, or how Life will help them transcend their pain and what comes out of that. - If there is one thing I actually learned on this path, aside from the fact how important love and honesty are, and what I did not foresee, is how utterly different experience can be, even in apparent dire circumstances, some may be loving that, you don't know. Of course, we can sense it rightly to some degree, but be careful with your assumptions.
  2. I got into this as a teen so I spammed it on facebook and stuff, and was open about it up until some time ago online, now I won't share with anyone who doesn't show interest now, not online at least, but personally it's still almost my only interest and I won't be closed about it either. Ye I find it actually somewhat rude to do so now, because such a personal thing, and it can be quite life changing indeed, and if you want to be the one that actively tries to wake up others, you better be fucking solid yourself, like actually stable enlightened, because it also carries with it some responsibility, you will be perhaps the only face of spirituality they know for some time. Ultimately a total non issue, but oh well. And or be subtle, God is already doing it's utmost subtle best as well. And imo, much more fun, it's all a mystery after all.
  3. Part spiritual mental opening (causing more energy, shift in perspective, identity, feeling more powerful, more aware of synchronicity, subtle phenomena). Part ego lashback (thinking it's more special than others, delusion/confusion, (emotional upheaval (-maybe not so much of an ego backlash perse)). - It wouldn't be such a big deal, if people weren't fearmongered into the idea they now have a 'broken brain' and need to take meds and are just fucked. There is obviously often a big stigma against anything spiritual or self empowering, and people that blind say someone is 'just really crazy/broken' are as much of the problem as the unbalanced experienced by someone. .. Though 'being grounded in reality', and having some common sense, is also not to be dis valued over some hyped mind that just got a whiff of spirituality. What a spiritual aspirant should know is that 1. thoughts are just thoughts, 2. you cannot be crazy, you can only think or do crazy 3. Life/God is the Self, and it can never be an enemy or even an authority to you, it's you / a friend / teacher.
  4. Dreams are amazing, and crazy, every has them, they are always quite profound, especially the earliest ones, yet we don't tend to be deeply enough of ourselves to be aware of them, like a secret mystical second life that everyone just has but forgets every single day ^^
  5. Keep seeing that thoughts are all unreal, and that Self cannot be touched or grasped. And you die and are reborn every moment, and certainly also when you go to sleep at night. - In my limited experience, glimpses of no self are like death, but also totally the opposite of death, becoming much more greater and mystical and deeper, but silent.. yet absolutely mindblowing, even though the mind is also gone. And it keeps going deeper, as mystical, more mystical, totally different, more conscious, less conscious, more universal, less universal, more personal, more/less emotional. etc.. (in glimpses I have (at night/sleep only), totally different every time!). edit: emotional isn't the right word, there are feelings, but no real emotions like sadness or anger (imo, the 'there is no you' is strangely misleading, you will be there, just without mental talk. I feel more myself, even during those glimpses, than ever before, but maybe I am not that far, and I am still pretty identified in the waking state) -so don't be afraid, practice being still, just be awake, don't let yourself be dragged in thoughts/addictions too much, why be afraid of yourself??
  6. Remaining awake whilst sleeping can help, weed is also a real psychedelic that can surely help btw
  7. I don't think it's very sensical to be afraid per se, because it's the Self, (though fear can arise and that's not something that has to be seen as a bad experience per se even), but I just thought this video is so rad.
  8. I don't think so either, you can certainly get rid of the ego in meditative states, or in my case semi-sleep meditation states, but I have no idea what's possible. But you can be happy if you can live in love in life
  9. Though I must add, I also find he has some quite misguided views in some regards and don't recommend him as a teacher or anything, <direct experience/exploration above all> - this ending though, hella cute
  10. Absolutely, and perfect people don't exist, everyone has different standards, preferences, aversions etc.
  11. I think we all know when we push the boundary of respect, or cross it, to people in general or loved one's close to us, albeit some seem to be in denial about that to various degrees. I think when it comes to more broad choices, like is what we do good for the environment, etc., it becomes much more of a gray area, and imo, quite less important. And sure, ultimately nothing matters, but is that your experience in daily living? And can we respect that it may mean a lot to others? In that sense, it's certainly universal.
  12. I have not really seen any valid points towards JP stances, imo, and indeed mostly even false projection or straw man arguments. - The most content based point seems to be the make-up issue to stop harassment, which he raised as a potential solution, and not even something he thinks should happen. And there's the stage talk, which for me is too speculative/ad hominem/irrelevant. And there was his the Islam preaching quote video, which takes small quotes and doesn't provide a context or source. but I have not read everything too carefully - OT: Ye I don't it's rational to have fear towards the Self, because it's Love-You, but to be honest, take life/respect/love seriously, is great advice.
  13. JP is not really unaware, he has known about synchronicity for a long time and has been openminded and lived a passionate honest life for a long time, God and awareness are pretty deeply lived there.
  14. Why would being in a body, be a mistake necessarily? It doesn't have to be, but if you experience yourself as such, there will be some duality, so what. Love, love your life, or dissolve everything in meditation.
  15. Not choosing thoughts? Hm.. Not choosing to direct thoughts, or to not direct thinking at all? Not choosing to act on thoughts at all? Is that your experience?
  16. Well I had some pretty mind fucky experiences with 5-meo, (one better than the other, but one was similar to a deep mushroom trip I had before), and I was really pushing it with my use of 5 trips in a row..)). -- But if you are already having panic attacks, I don't see why you would want to increase the intensity of your life already, you're already not managing well sober, and panic attacks are obviously related to the resistance of the mind of uncharted territory of no-self. And if you've already had a significant opening on psychedelics before it's already very accessible sober..
  17. Just trust in the process. No, you can't get stuck in anything, everything exists in you, as a mental perception, the Observer is beyond it (and as it) that's the one lesson.
  18. Doing it for the sake of feeling better in the future, and then trying to avoid fear, all sounds crappy to me, the whole point is to face fear and know that the witness remains untouched. And I know how frightening the experiences can be, for me, just time and practice over the years following just has been the way to integrate this, there really is something about the time of living your sober life after, and letting it come naturally again, because it will.
  19. Yeah that's good. Best even to do so during the night. So when you wake up, don't just rush into the next sleep again, give yourself some time to recall what happened, don't just rush into sleep again, and then try to remain as a awake as possible, yet as still as possible bodily wise, so you remain conscious (to a high degree). It's really hard to do though, because it's so tempting to just go to sleep again (might really help to get out of bed and take that piss, or drink some water), and you don't need to do it every cycle as you might be surprised at what can happen when you just really commit once, and that may give you so much, you wouldn't be bothered doing it again that night.
  20. For me, a lot. It's so funny actually, we all experience extremely profound shit every single night, every. single. night. and we barely remember, but we can learn to.
  21. I am still a noob on the path to some degree, but after 7 years of pretty consistent practice, quite a bit of psy use, and the last few years of obsessive practice. I can't help but to think how I feel like the destruction of 'separate self' is a bit of a sham, dishonest. - Yes can have conscious complete dissolution in meditation, in sleep states, etc. And you can experience deep empty-ness/freedom when functioning in a body-mind as well. And I don't know how far that goes.. But afaik, as long as you are functioning through a body-mind, you will experience yourself as separate to some degree. You are only the full substratum in these glimpses. If you were it out of those glimpses, I don't see how you could function or even experience life. Nor what would the point of it be? Wouldn't it make more sense to be able to transcend it, rest, know, and then go into your life again? (I guess from a POV of disliking yourself/life, that that would seem desirable, but hating one's life, albeit popular on earth, isn't some standard or built-in state (it can really seem as if it's all negative, if that's your state of mind, it can distort the whole universe, I've had many times where when I was feeling good again, that I've been: 'oh wow, it's actually really possible to feel good', it totally seemed impossible at times, I know)). - So anyways, as long as you have relative functioning.. You can have relative joys and pains: when someone leaves, when someone comes, when someone likes what you do, when someone dislikes what you do. (And yeah, pain doesn't have to be as painful as we often think, can be beautiful even, and masters aren't beyond this, I've noticed myself, and that's only normal, and some speak about it openly, like David Spero.) And to know that Peace/Self-Opening can never leave you, that you are also inherently untouched, that is of course a world of difference, and sometimes you may be even so high it doesn't matter at all. Though I think to strive to be beyond emotions all together is a trap. Same with striving to be in a state of constant 'bliss', love can hurt as well, it's just part of it, good times, bad times, or good times, challenging times). So I would say, don't go around, thinking you are not enlightened if you get hurt (nor think you are enlightened..) or that you need more 'fixing'. Though we can also use our pain to know more of our nature of freedom and grow, certainly.
  22. I don't know if you can say Hitler had gotten to be Hitler, now we can of course, because it happened, but we are not experiencing making choices in that life POV in real time.