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Everything posted by AlwaysBeNice

  1. Peace is here, it's just that we are so used to constantly thinking and wanting to be a good someone, that minds are often severely addicted to thinking (and I think you can say out of habit but also anxiety because it's nature is not known)
  2. How do you do self-enquiry? Self-enquiry is not really something you can do, it's a mindset of wanting to find out who you are, and stopping thinking, being still, being open. As Ramana said: 'Feeling is the main thing, not reason' 'Really Self-enquiry starts when you are off the mental waves, the thought waves' And ' The degree of the absence of thoughts is the measure of your progress towards Self-realization. But Self-realization itself does not admit of progress, it is ever the same.' - Yeah spiritual knowledge is only there to inspire and point, and must be discarded for direct experience in order to progress. Relative knowledge is another matter, but spiritual experience will begin to work in that area as well as you learn to integrate and learn through experience
  3. I just like to say that after I called psychedelics forced openings you probably shouldn't do again, after an already big opening, here, which I did plenty by the way but which i still agree with largely, I was in an intense ayahuasca / 5-meo ceremony dream ^^
  4. You could say there are forced openings can you not? Therefor, to keep on forcing opening the door, once you've opened the door already, you might just be stumbling around, why not learn to look at the door in your own sober pace. That said, you should know and discern for yourself, and you probably do. If you don't feel like going hard (like almost all psychedelics are imo), weed is quite nice imo.
  5. It integrates wonderfully in time, just keep practice, maybe time for devotion or a sangha, learn to find the love in the stillness and know/discern the I that is awareness You definitely will not get any mental 'answers' out of it in any real or existential sense
  6. Ye, some can take a lot and barely move out of their regular mind mode, some take a little and they rebirth the whole universe, this is all the play and guidance of God, not a materialistic equation, it's therefor not impossible or unlikely, that despite many high doses, a crossing a certain treshhold was not given or integrated, as 'full' enlightenment, as Ramana and some others talk about, is said that it's always being in the perfect stillness of 'wakeful-sleep', wherein deep sleep is also Consciousness, different than the normal waking state, and different than sleep,.. ((but which he may or may not also experience)) -- 18 hours ago 'After two days of extend work with EEG analysis and neurofeedback treatments here in San Diego, the current official diagnosis is thalamocortical dysrhythmia insomnia. I did get three short rounds of sleep last night, hoping for something more substantial tonight, but this is a tricky issue, and a severe one. Basically, it’s something that’s been building since infancy. That’s all for now . . .' Hm, , doesn't seem very definitive, it's also not like we understand the brain very well, and we know it changes with behavior or thinking, idk
  7. The Buddha said, 1st noble truth, 'There is suffering (or unsatisfaction)', not that all of it is suffering, and that there is an end to suffering, 4th noble truth. Coincidentally, in Hindiusm, there is beyond sleep-dream-and waking, the 4th state, turiya. Whether the estimable state of turiya, true jnana [knowledge], is described either as ‘the excellent sleep totally devoid of waking’ or as ‘the unique and unceasing waking that has nothing to do with forgetful sleep’, you should know that both descriptions are entirely appropriate.' 'It is not the same as sleep or waking separately. It is atijagrat [beyond wakefulness] or atisushupti [beyond sleep]. It is the state of perfect awareness and perfect stillness combined.' - Ramana Maharshi
  8. 19 hours ago: Quick update: I managed to surrender into what is happening to me last night, and while I have still not slept, I’ve moved beyond the terror and am now experiencing repeated endogenous releases. A deep part of me has relaxed and accepted this process. Tomorrow I’ll be flying down to San Diego in order to work directly with Dr Villanueva at his neurological institute . . . - Btw I don't think he has done 5-MeO for a while, he stopped working with people for some time now (1 year ?+), to recover. But to just blame it on 5-MeO or to see this as a problem is a materialist false view, he's simply awakening further imo Great Ramana said: "In the glorious state wherein the mind has died, even deep sleep will become God-consciousness"
  9. Dreams deepening correlates with spiritual growth, and will become more intense, deep, free, mystical, and vivid. All those crazy 'astral projection' stories people tell, have truth in them, but these things only really come when one is spiritually mature and balanced, up until then, more so limited fuzzy dreams (therapeutic) dreams, with only some intense every now and then, and often only after deep sleep (and for good reason, these dreams can be wicked and mindblowing like drugs), hard to remember often. But enlightenment, which is suppose to be beyond the 3 states of sleep-dream and wakefulness, is even beyond this process as Ramana and others talk about
  10. Not necessary but like minded people, good atmosphere, little distraction, respect for the Self and the path and a safe space to awaken, and making friends, having a place to fall back on if necessary, ye these places can be very helpful
  11. You could say the purpose of life, of being in a body, is to live as a deeply with God, while being able to maintain a personal identity/expression. And you can the say the archetype of the man, is to be the most stable Mountain/Void, embodying divine qualities as calmness, rational yet with respect to mysticism, humor, equality or fairness. Wherein the woman may enjoy a stable high home, and nurture devotion, beauty, play, dance, children and life. Of course both genders can be of both types, just thought it was a quite accurate description still 'Mother earth & Father sky'
  12. In my experience, when there is painful (energetic) sensation, you can look at it (in stillness) and it will always go away (and you can see whole self is not touched)
  13. beat me to it ^ You can say they are forced openings and therefor you need to be serious with integrating them in order not come out of balance in functioning and applied honesty and yes it comes back if it wants, that's the whole point of integrating the substances, but then through solely your own body, becoming a sober master
  14. Unemployment/automation increase can be great, more time for community gathering, playing games, study, nature, abundant housing, spiritual exploration etc. But it's pretty important we learn to implement and see the sense in a basic income
  15. Well, belief + focus on it + God's(collective) will/karma I'd say
  16. That's what you call not work? You can't rush it, need to integrate it If God bestowed his enlightenment on the Buddha at the beginning of his search, saving him a lot of trouble, he wouldn't have been The Buddha but some insane guy flapping his arms on the ground
  17. there's so many flavors of happiness, romantic, energetic, wildness, fleshly, humor, etc. can't say one is better but goodness is the best
  18. Shiva is ever beautiful in his peace, ever wise, but may also get doozled into himself, may start just thinking himself to be a creator so this silly life is ? .. bori? Then furious shakti comes lurking from the depths, rocking his boat, pulling his pants, in ecstasy and craziness, panic may ensue, but it is not necessary shiva may just be amazed, he needs not to grab and claim this spectacle, no need to be special, he remains responsible yet unjudgmental, calm yet secretly ecstatic, soozing deeper in unison, surrendering his mystical worlds / if you feel stale, hitting a wall, being a bit bored with internet speculation, which you should, you can just wait on her pull, or poke a shakti yourself if you dare, be gentle some can break or explode or of course just be still
  19. Is it? Is a blowjob from an incredible woman the same as me putting my arse on your face?
  20. Knowing that this is about beyond the coming/going of thoughts and that thoughts hold no important reality on it's own, though emotional pain/patterning can be respected as well, allowing healing/crying etc. Exercise, pretty good important for right about everyone And ultimately nothing can touch your true awakening of consciousness, and the clearer you become with it, the easier you can let go of toxic people/circumstances and detoxify I'd say And just respect yourself/your life, no one knows what happens after death and this has appeared for you, but what ever it is, you can be beyond it and enjoy it
  21. Well, there's a whole lot more to consciousness than we can imagine from our waking state POV
  22. God's finger was pressing the whole time, are you doing anything? are you looking ??
  23. I think abuse stems from frustration/trauma, and I don't think adults would be really honest to think it's really good for either party to engage with children in that way, though abuse can range from something relatively timid to something really terrible.