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The bhagavad gita, the most glorified hindu text, and for good reason in my opinion, it truly speaks of deep truths, spiritual and wordly, in a way, that honestly kind of blew me away. Ramana Maharshi referred to it quite regularly. Honestly Hindiusm is so good, it's based on these truly profound texts, no dogma, no church, just self-study and self-application. I really like the translation of Shri Purohit Swami, the book is free online, but it might also be nice to the 5 dollar book from Amazon and make the reading a special occasion. Desire, aversion, pleasure, pain, sympathy, vitality and the persistent clinging to life, these are in brief the constituents of changing Matter. Humility, sincerity, harmlessness, forgiveness, rectitude, service of the Master, purity, steadfastness, self-control; Renunciation of the delights of sense, absence of pride, right understanding of the painful problem of birth and death, of age and sickness; Indifference, non-attachment to sex, progeny or home, equanimity in good fortune and in bad; Unswerving devotion to Me, by concentration on Me and Me alone, a love for solitude, indifference to social life; Constant yearning for the knowledge of Self, and pondering over the lessons of the great Truth – this is Wisdom, all else ignorance. I will speak to thee now of that great Truth which man ought to know, since by its means he will win immortal bliss – that which is without beginning, the Eternal Spirit which dwells in Me, neither with form, nor yet without it. Everywhere are Its hands and Its feet; everywhere It has eyes that see, heads that think and mouths that speak; everywhere It listens; It dwells in all the worlds; It envelops them all. Beyond the senses, It yet shines through every sense perception. Bound to nothing, It yet sustains everything. Unaffected by the Qualities, It still enjoys them all.
AlwaysBeNice replied to AlwaysBeNice's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It can have deep effects, ye. Ramana was also fond of the Ribhu Gita, and was suppose to have said that chapter 26 can induce samadhi (there's a nice narration on youtube to use as a guided meditation as well). -
AlwaysBeNice replied to Monkey-man's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Well one reason could be that developed enlightened people could be quite good at guiding people through a mental breakdown, that they may think is helpful, so they might trigger it on purpose. But that's risky I think for anyone at any time. But enlightenment is beyond the personal realm ultimately I belief, who decides what is wrong and right, it's ultimately not real is it? But enlightened people should be beyond 'hate' or judgement, as real, it may arise for a bit, but it doesn't really make sense, or is really real. But as long as we have our own preferences and relate to others, we should act the best possible, surely applied understanding and compassion is very powerful, helpful and good, it's the highest happiness. -
AlwaysBeNice replied to AstralProjection's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yet completely wrong on overbreeding in the west, the west struggles to for people to have more than 2 children. -
AlwaysBeNice replied to AstralProjection's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Automation has already removed 4 millions jobs in the USA recently, and it's just getting started, of course you need a UBI to balance this technological abundance, the money will circulate back into the economy, makes senses: there's enough resources to take care of the common basic needs easily - and it removes a lot of stress: people also lose like 13 IQ points, which is huge, if they are unsure if they can pay the next bill. I'm donating to this guy as a European https://www.yang2020.com/ -
What worked for me when I was psychotic in my beginning years was just time for rest and actually advaita, mooji, did get me out of it. But yeah, I also really wouldn't advice psy's for already unstable individuals.
AlwaysBeNice replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ye of course you need to something, who can really only sit in meditation, and who would want so? Very few, and only in some cultures that's possible. Though for a few years in a monestary, yeah sure. Working can be great, gives you a time to channel your energy and rest well after (meditation is the art of rest), and you can apply your love and honesty found from God in it. And if you're honest and don't need much, doors can more easily open there as well. Chapter 3 of the Bhagavad Gita: 'In this world people are fettered by action, unless it's preformed as sacrifice. Therefor, O Arjuna, let thy acts be done without attachment, as sacrifice only.' -
AlwaysBeNice replied to Shogun's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I once heard a guy taking 18 gr. saying the that the mushroom said it's not about how much you take, it's about how much you can let go. I had an over the top trip at like 3g, so, honestly I think you're just a fool if you try to do more, not ultimately but still.. -
AlwaysBeNice replied to iamnotahumanbeing's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yeah lying down or seated to something so you can rest on that, is in my experience much nicer than sitting straight, but indeed you must find some way to not fall asleep to easily. Either with prolonged practice ,or maybe with some help of.. music, eyes open, green tea? but mostly it's just intention and willpower. But yeah I think for me this was important to realize because I feel like the length of the meditation time, can be extended this way easily and that's helpful, and lying down we tend to feel pretty safe also because we go into sleep that way -
AlwaysBeNice replied to Tony 845's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
^the last part is just talking shit. -- I don't know, all of this is worth it to me, what is more important than peace and love, I think the question may be answered with, peace and love are so much greater than fear, so who cares. I think fear can right about go away, all the way, yeah... If you can be completely fearless one moment, who says that can't be always. But possibly some concern or what ever may arise, but you can always turn back to pure consciousness, which always dissolves it in truth, or it may seen as a quite superficial, or even kind of cool exciting movement after some level of insight, because it does belong to the realm of temporary passing by thought/sensations. -
There's absolutely no real way of telling what the effects will be, it's very unpredictable.. kind of what makes this whole thing so special, but the good God is real, and thus whether you experience low doses or high doses, good or bad trips, they can all be respected and gained good from... but also don't overdo it and integrate
AlwaysBeNice replied to AlwaysBeNice's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes good that you mention this. Waking Induced Lucid Dreaming (WILD), uses this as well, by far the basic technique of lucid dreaming, it's actually a copy of that, only they will usually only do this after they wake up after the first round of deep sleep in the middle of the night, or during the afternoon, focusing on creating a dream. But this focuses on the Void/light Self, mostly just through intention and not being focused on phenomena but on still being (and perhaps mostly trying the method before deep sleep). But ye, it may actually be quite hard to get results before deep sleep after a full day, and it will definitely be easier to practice this after the first round of deep sleep + 1st dream, only that time may be more focused on dreams, which can be fruitful as well in terms of exploring self/void. Both things are worth trying, dreams are quite amazing too, and it is possible to get results from before deep sleep if you REALLY commit. -
Before sleep you always have a golden opportunity to get really deep if you seriously commit. How do you do it? Lay on your back AND DON'T AROUND, be still, stay awake as you fall asleep (practice makes perfect). You might find yourself turning anyways and saying fk it I want to get my sleep, very tempting, and that's fine, but it is a perfect window of opportunity.
AlwaysBeNice replied to AlwaysBeNice's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Really good, at night I become something different to various degrees, it still shocks me, but it's good. That said I do have 7 years of different of practice behind me. That said, if you really commit to this method, just try to stay awake for like 5-10 more min than you usually do, you will absolutely see results.. Sounds simple, it is, but the pull of the sweet instant relief, yet of unconscious sleep is strong, it's like, very hard to do maybe, but you only need to really commit for like 10-20 min, possibly somewhat longer, we all know how different our sleeping times can be right -
AlwaysBeNice replied to kieranperez's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It may have some truth, predispositions. But God can EASILY, and willingly, completely step up your game. -
AlwaysBeNice replied to Guided's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
1. The Buddha said there is suffering, not that life it self is all suffering [and that there is an end to suffering] 2. One can have sex and create children without agitation [craving for reward] 3. You can feel good and be happy -
AlwaysBeNice replied to lmfao's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ultimately, no one can really say if it's a good idea or not, you should try to guess that for yourself. Even no one really knows what schizophrenia is, and in my view it can be different things. Namely, 1. ego projection/neurotic fears, dysfunctional/dishonest thinking/behavior (from trauma, or just frustration with life) 2. Sensing things that other people might not sense (and using that information confusedly, dishonestly or unskillfully, due to point 1). And actually in my view is most always a combination. - But schizophrenia is a mental habit ultimately, you can recover from it with the right wisdom, practice, help. But you can call psychedelics forced openings, and that isn't always so useful, I think especially in an already pretty hectic western society, for sensitive individuals, and you can easily get good results with committed meditation anyways, but it's no danger ultimately, but still. Also, you really do already have a psychedelic trip every night, especially the first 1 or 2 dreams after deep sleep, and you can become conscious thereof. -
AlwaysBeNice replied to AlphaAbundance's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yeah, how could one know, who would be there to tell you? But it seems though you can get so enlightened, you are always beyond birth and death, which occur in the micro moments of life already, that's in my view what is meant by it, 'Your mind is the cycle of births and deaths.' So it possible you can get so enlightened you are in bliss 24/7, no sense of doer ship, plunging into nothingness at will, non-attachment, unending love, what Ramana talked about his whole life, in the presence of hoards of people being and seeing him 24/7 Waking sleep, also what it's called, having the peace of deep sleep consciousness at all times: Q: For the jnani then, there is no distinction between the three states of mind? (of sleeping, dreaming and waking) Ramana: How can there be, when the mind itself is dissolved and lost in the light of consciousness? For the jnani all the three states are equally unreal. But the ajnani is unable to comprehend this, because for him the standard of reality is the waking state, whereas for the jnani the standard of reality is reality itself. This reality of pure consciousness is eternal by its nature and therefore subsists equally during what you call waking, dreaming and sleep. To him who is one with that reality there is neither the mind nor its three states and, therefore, neither introversion nor extroversion. His is the ever–waking state, because he is awake to the eternal Self; his is the ever–dreaming state, because to him the world is no better than a repeatedly presented dream phenomenon; his is the eversleeping state, because he is at all times without the 'body–am–I' Consciousness. -
AlwaysBeNice replied to noselfnofun's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The mental health problems (attachment to thinking/self) are themselves the obstacle to go deeper -
AlwaysBeNice replied to Tony 845's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes, 'getting the message to wake up', but more importantly, being actually being hugged by peace-love. -
AlwaysBeNice replied to Tony 845's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
100x more than whom? If you seek God earnestly, you get a response from all directions, period, but you will only respond to the degree of earnestness and maturity. edit: in fact, even if one doesn't seek, you are still getting a response from all directions ^^ -
AlwaysBeNice replied to Tony 845's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Not if you are earnest, it can be done quite rapidly, however most people just tend to only spend like 5% of their time on it. If you are dedicated, you will soon find not much is really in the way except for some make belief pettyful thought addiction and fear. -
AlwaysBeNice replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Q Has man any free will or is everything in his life predetermined? Ramana Maharshi: Free will exists together with the individuality. As long as the individuality lasts, so long is there free will. All the scriptures are based on this fact and advise directing the free will in the right channel. Find out who it is who has free will or predestination and abide in that state. Then both are transcended. That is the only purpose in discussing these questions. To whom do such questions present themselves? Discover that and be at peace. -
AlwaysBeNice replied to LoveandPurpose's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Given it's not about 'knowledge' but about direct experience or 'knowing-insight', I would talk about people who've done a very good job at living this, like Ramana Maharshi and do meditation(s) yeah Don't 'own it' , as long as you are not fully enlightened you are as ignorant as everyone else fundamentally, if you try to use this info to one-up your ego, that may ensure a backlash. There are actually a lot of people in this field who try to take this info and walk around with it, understand-able, but I pity their souls, for when they may have to face a layer of their un-enlightenment, they may drag others into their crisis, be more ashamed, or create an even more subtle bs ego mask. AH maybe I'm talking too much trash myself again, peace -
AlwaysBeNice replied to Natasha's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Me surrendering to the Ocean of God in meditation https://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/7623689/4e3dc6cf/even_een_frisse_duik.html